GRAVEYARD SMASH — halloween lights

Night hunting. Yuck.

Greenpaw wasn't even good at day hunting yet! Why couldn't he just, perfect that first, before he had to wander around in the dark in hopes of catching a squirrel?

He trudges along behind a hunting patrol that he... can't quite see in the darkness - but, they must be there, right? Ears twitch at the sound of monsters rushing past nearby. The thunderpath? Was he supposed to be here? In the midst of his attempt to adjust to the darkness that surrounds him, it seems Greenpaw has strayed away from the hunting group. Oops.

He looks up, squints at the path as he gains his bearings. It's then that he sees it.

Across the path, a glow. Many glowings, really. Orange and purple woven within the trees, as if twolegs had taken the stars from the sky and painted their borders with them. He remembers the pumpkins, how they glowed too because of the twolegs. Greenpaw wonders for a moment if these are just, really tiny pumpkins, but... that would be silly, right? How would they be able to cut shapes in such tiny pumpkins? So, stars. They must be. Pretty ones, too.

A rustling behind him tells him that his hunting patrol realized he was gone, that someone had come to look for him. What a shame, that he'll have to return back to hunting - to a patrol probably upset with him for straying away, for nearing the thunderpath - instead of watching the sight before him.

"Hey..!" he calls out, looking over at the feline who'd come for him. Greenpaw awaits their arrival, before looking back at the glowing trees, "Do you see those over there? What... What is that?" Maybe the lights would distract them from being upset with him?