Sep 19, 2022

general tw for canon - realistic gore, religious imagery & a loss of identity / derealization. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


to adam he said, because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which i commanded you, ‘ you must not eat from, ' cursed is the ground because of you ; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. it will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken — FOR DUST YOU ARE AND TO DUST YOU WILL RETURN.
genesis 3 : 16 - 17 .

DUST, n.
/ dəst / fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air.
lit. human ashes, as well as such actions as to lie in the dust, to lick the dust, to sprinkle dust on the head, are symbols expressive of deep humiliation, abasement or lamentation.

dustbreath ; dust / cisgender male, he / him pronouns only
⤷ named for his ‘ dusty ‘ longhair smoke appearance upon birth, coincidentally a name he held during his youth. little know about or use it, as it will stay. will be given the suffix -breath for his low, rattling tone.
— twenty seven months, ages realistically on the twenty second each month / bisexual, single ; mono
— npc xx npc ; older brother to mudpelt / uncle to iciclepaw, darkpaw, fernpaw, steeppaw and lilybloom
— skyclan warrior, formerly of the pine group / loyalties lie totally with family, but skyclan is his home
— well - groomed, quiet and aloof ; tall, dark & handsome, speaks with an enchanting, bubbly vocal fry
pinterest / playlist / voiceclaim: andy biersack ————————————— ❝ ASHES TO ASHES ❞

dark chocolate ticked tabby w/ dandelion eyes and curled ears / smells like fern & elderberry dust is named aptly ; dust storm of a pelt drapes his stocky body in shades of mocha. from his head to his shoulderblades are the darkest of this oaken palette, deep soil brown along the thicker fluff that lines the back of his neck and along the contour of his spine. his features are a smokey chestnut. deepening around his muzzle to just a dusting beneath his eyes, disconnected from the over - fluffy, broad curvature of his chest. from roughly midback and falling down just into dark, deepening chocolate as it follows along the lengths of his limbs. over the curve of his sternum is a blaze of alabaster, striking ivory splitting warm, dense tones.
— carrying chocolate & dilute, shorthair. has a white chest blaze.
positive : silver - tongued, hard working, flirty, confident neutral : cunning, tense, calculating, boyish negative : aloof, irritable, bull - headed /
— quirks,,
MOTIFS ❝ rainy days, rot, damp soil, roadkill, dank alleyways, grunge. ❞
SINGLE ; bisexual, biromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in white
⤷ combat difficulty is not very easy, as he is highly trained in combat ; points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. his physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically, and he tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living his day to day life. most injuries are simple wear - and - tear marks along his body, primarily around his arms, in the form of minor lacerations and bruising. usually, his health will not dip beneath sixty without having experienced a major injury or illness. if ill or healing from a large injury, i ask you not to engage him in combat unless plotted out with me first. any unplotted attacks in this case will be ignored!
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts : mudpelt, icesparkle, his family. / distrusts : cicadastar. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots
text text history text

important threads
( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
thread name ──── brief description.
thread name ──── brief description.
playlist stuff
[box=55%][justify][fleft][URL=''][img width=80px][/img][/URL][/fleft] text text text text text text texting text text texting texxxxxt text text uh texting [b][color=#6C6767]" speech speech more speech "[/color][/b]

[tabs][tab= 【   CONVO ][b][color=#6C6767]i.[/color][/b] 
[tab= ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ][color=#6C6767][B]DUSTBREATH⠀⠀[/B][/color][b][s][color=transparent]−−−c−−−[/color][/s][/b]⠀⠀[i]the fool.[/i]
[fleft][img width=80px][/img][/fleft] [b]m.[/b] he / him. [i] [color=#6C6767]d[/color][color=#6A6565]a[/color][color=#696464]r[/color][color=#686363]k[/color] [color=#656060]c[/color][color=#645F5F]h[/color][color=#635E5E]o[/color][color=#615D5D]c[/color][color=#605B5B]o[/color][color=#5F5A5A]l[/color][color=#5E5959]a[/color][color=#5C5858]t[/color][color=#5B5656]e[/color] [color=#595454]t[/color][color=#575353]i[/color][color=#565151]c[/color][color=#555050]k[/color][color=#544F4F]e[/color][color=#524E4E]d[/color] [color=#504B4B]t[/color][color=#4E4A4A]a[/color][color=#4D4949]b[/color][color=#4C4747]b[/color][color=#4B4646]y[/color] [color=#484444]w[/color][color=#474242]/[/color] [color=#444040]d[/color][color=#433F3F]a[/color][color=#423D3D]n[/color][color=#413C3C]d[/color][color=#3F3B3B]e[/color][color=#3E3A3A]l[/color][color=#3D3838]i[/color][color=#3C3737]o[/color][color=#3A3636]n[/color] [color=#383333]e[/color][color=#363232]y[/color][color=#353131]e[/color][color=#343030]s[/color] [color=#312D2D]a[/color][color=#302C2C]n[/color][color=#2F2B2B]d[/color] [color=#2C2828]c[/color][color=#2B2727]u[/color][color=#2A2626]r[/color][color=#292424]l[/color][color=#272323]e[/color][color=#262222]d[/color] [color=#241F1F]e[/color][color=#221E1E]a[/color][color=#211D1D]r[/color][color=#201C1C]s[/color][/i] born of the name dust due to the storm thin, wispy chocolate fur meeting mocha at the ends of ticked tabby fur — imitating the notion of dust upon his felt. tall and slim, with angular, near skeletal features settling hollow into his skull. ever poised and neat, near silent save for the occasional quip or droning, sarcastic comment. despite his dry humor and stony expression, he seems to instill a calm, authoritarian, elegant aura in poise with cool, calm vocals. 

[color=#6C6767][B] ༻ [/b][/color] gay, single. smells like fresh juniper and bark. 
[color=#6C6767][B] ༻ [/b][/color] skyclan warrior, 31 moons, ages with his litter. 
[indent][i]penned by antlers[/i] [/indent]

[/tab][tab=VISUAL]none yet,,,

[tab= 】][b][color=#6C6767]"speech"[/color]