private GREAT DEPARTURE [ bananapaw ]


hope & perseverance
Feb 28, 2023
The spring sky had grown acerbic with the promise of rain, the clouds above near-black as they rolled through the peaceful Twolegplace. Humans had already begun to hurry their pacing for fear of getting drenched, but for the cats of the alleys, it was not always easy to find such a warm shelter. A cardboard box or overhang could work wonders, but the chill of a sudden storm would still remain. Zorro was no stranger to taking temporary shelter within a human nest, but after the last one had tried to force him within a cage, he would rather take his chances on the streets. He spotted a pale shape moving through the emptying roads, equal parts belonging to the streets and equal parts looking to be an intruder to them. It confused him. Balanced on the rickety fences, he followed her for a short while. Blue-gray eyes hovered over Bananapaw, scrutinising the stranger. She was younger than him, her expression untouched by the hardships that a loner life could provide yet... there was still something wild about the other. Was it her scent? It was muddled even to his acute nose, with a mystery on his paws, the bobtail wished to uncover it.

Zorro was privy to the neighbours and their weird ways of life but after hearing the rumours of clan cats being exiled to his home as punishment, he decided that they had to be bad news. Initial observations found no such dangers with this one, but still keeping them in the back of his head, the black-and-white tom broke out into a sprint across the fences until he was level with the apprentice. "Up here, friend." He noticed more features now, splashes of cream and white marked with tabby stripes on the former. Green eyes, too. The tom's head tilted. So much about her screamed 'kittypet' and yet... she bore no noticeable markings of one. "You're heading out to the forest, are you not? Do be mindful about spending too long there, I've heard of younger cats than you falling prey to some unjust colonies out there." He offered the smile of a concerned individual, wanton in his words to garner the most information he could out of the other. Despite his methods, his motivations remained pure - to uncover the truth about the clans once and for all.


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.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Above the sky was dark grey with the promise of rain to come and the heavy stench of humidity laid thick on the air. Humans scurried around for shelter from the downpour, but one cat had other plans for the day. Rain was something that wouldn't stop her! Even if her own humans had tried to keep her locked inside for the day, enough crying and making messes was what finally freed her for the day. The young she-cat padded through the familiar alley that lead out into the forest, a different way than what she normally took but it was what worked for the moment.

Though seemed that she wasn't alone in the travel to the forest as paws where quick and then a voice spoke, making her stop and looked up. Her little pink nose twitched slightly as the new scent hit her face and she tilted her head to the side; a rogue? Or loner? What was the difference again? Though semantics aside, she gave a furrowed brow as this cat that seemed to want her attention.

Black as night with patches of white across his body, he wasn't someone she knew. Bananapaw knew most of her neighbors but this wasn't one of the other kittypets in the twolegplace- no he was different. This cat went on to speak about being careful in the forest and she puffed out her chest rather defiantly, "Thank you for your concern, sir, but I think I will be okay! I walk this way everyday," She assured him with a flick of her tail, trying to appear more mature than she actually was.

"I'm Banana! Or well Bananapaw, I'm an apprentice of the colonies!" She informed him rather matter-o-factly and she gave a grin, "I think being in the forest is the least of my worries," She shrugged her lithe shoulders slightly and looked to this tomcat with a curious expression, "Who might you be? I usually know everyone around here, but you're a new face!"


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

His expression shifted slightly, grave, before returning to its usual taciturn politeness. It didn't surprise him that the colonies taught children how to fight. For self-defence it wouldn't be a problem, but he'd seen the wounds that clan cats could cause - they were vicious things, their ideas of justice skewed by a moral code that wasn't even of their own making. A pit of worry formed in his stomach for the stranger, he had to assure himself that she would be fine. He had faith that the youngs' ideas would eventually overshadow the olds', he just had to pray that the latter would not be so adverse to change as the faraway colonies seemed to be. "I suppose you are not entirely wrong, friend. He smiled, gesturing with his head to a house a few paces behind him. It was unassuming, as friendly on the outside as the SkyClan apprentice before him, but Zorro knew better. "They have a dog in there. A cat jumps in their garden at the wrong time and it wouldn't come back out. Though..." His eyes slightly narrowed, recalling Banana's demeanour. "I suppose that's not new information to you, is it?" Confident and assured, she clearly knew the streets without even telling him such.

But she still did inform him, calling him an unfamiliar figure and proceeding to ask who he was. Zorro bowed his head, the stripe of white across his midsection appearing between his ears as he did so. "A kittypet and then... not a kittypet. Then a kittypet again and now... just a wanderer." His ebony form shifted, and a black paw was placed by his own chest. "My name is Zorro. I've been here some time but I tend to keep to myself. No sense getting in danger by talking to the wrong crowds." His original name had been long since abandoned - Twolegs were many things, at least some of the time, they could be good enough to give him an identity where he otherwise had none. Pride caused his head to tilt upwards, the scarlet ribbon secured around his neck shifting slightly. "And you? You are allowed to walk around the Twolegplace to your own desire?" His brows creased, equal parts surprised and intrigued. "That seems... odd, from what I know. Don't you have duties to do? Borders to patrol? What on earth is out here that's got your clan's interest?"