camp GREAT REVIVAL | extra effort

The tom usually kept his coat clean, with the meticulous nipping of knots and grazing of dust with a sandy tongue often the transition task between being a Lead Warrior and being asleep. He'd never let others touch his fur, their grooming feeling like fire upon his whiskers whenever they did it for too long, so he had to make do with his own skills. Perfection in such thick fur was a fever dream saved for cats with far more time than he'd ever had, especially now that the sun had chosen to attack him once more. Everything seemed to take longer in Greenleaf, much to his chagrin, but waiting for a patrol to return so he could take his out, the spotted tabby found himself with the worst thing he could ever be faced with - downtime. Idle paws felt like a curse that he had to pluck at until he could see skin, but on that day, something was different. Within the shade of the High Branch, the tom showed no agitation nor desire to find something else to do - other than finally work out the most stubborn of fur clumps from his pelt.

It would be too long of a process to be completed that day, all the same, Silversmoke felt compelled to do it. A perfect appearance seemed to fit a kittypet's moniker more than himself, they didn't traipse about in the wild after all, but he could try. 'Ugh, this is vain," he thought as he took long licks down his chest fur, squinting at the strands of silvery white that stuck to his tongue. He spat them out as best he could, his best looking like someone had massacred a sheep by his paws. 'And mousebrained. I'm just gonna get all tangled next moon anyways.' He felt like a lovestruck apprentice when he considered the reasons why he was doing this to begin with and the longer Silversmoke continued, the more awkward the stance. Was it becoming too obvious what he was doing? Accusatory eyes stared at the horizon, but if anyone was paying attention to him, he didn't see them. The rogueish wilderness that was his fur was miles tamer, not quite show-cat-like, but his mother's inspiration was there, waiting to be unlocked by a skilled Twoleg (and the world would continue waiting until his deathbed). In a huff, he returned to his grooming.

The sight of Silversmoke struggling to deal with the tussle of his coat during grooming was a sight to see. Thankfully, she made sure to always keep herself cleaned up and a proper appearance before her day started and after everything was done for the day. “You missed one.” Emberpaw would state as she notions to a large fur clump that hadn't seen the light of days in ages or probably hadn't been properly tended to in a while. The size and entanglement it seemed to have made her nose scrunch at the thought of that being in her own coat.

Much like the lead warrior, Emberpaw didn't like others touching her coat or sharing tongues for extended periods of time with others. Whenever she shared tongues with others, they often would brush her coat the wrong angle or different directions before doing it properly. The apprentice settled on her haunches a little off from the smoke-toned feline, rasping her tongue across her chest. She was horrible at making small talk or having prolonged conversations unless it was about something she liked, so she just sat to the side and offered her presence as something to ward the awkwardness or loneliness of the situation.

Mallowlark had never been a lazy one with his coat-grooming, though perhaps he was just lucky not to have an unruly pelt. Despite eccentric interests, he found plenty of time to make himself look presentable- the smile was not the only key to a good first impression, after all! No, no- you had to look prim and proper, ready to greet anyone who might drift near. Fate was a powerful thing, but it could only help you as much as you allowed it... would he be in SkyClan, even, if not for well-brushed locks? Fortune had brought Dawnglare and he to Fourtrees that day, but if he had looked a mess, would there have been a broken code- a new life- at all?

In loving sunlight he'd explained, though... curled up against silken white-and-mahogany, that everything happened for a reason, that the tiniest change could throw it all of, so there was no point in dwelling. Maybe it made him look idiotic! Guileless eyes that gazed forward, never back... but regret just made you wallow, and waste what you could change, while thinking of what you couldn't...

Emberpaw said something helpful- Mallowlark's wide, unblinking eyes scanned Silversmoke's body, the way his fur didn't quill out as much as it normally did... oh, and long fur was pretty hard to manage, he knew that! Looking back at the many, many, many moons he'd known him, Mallowlark did not remember Silversmoke as much of a preener. "Trying to make a good impression?" A nosy ask, for sure- it came with the owlish tilt of a head, and curious eyes saucer-wide.

"What?" He eyed Emberpaw, confusion settling in his gaze until he realised what she was talking about. Silversmoke followed her gesture as it lead him to a piece of matt on his hind leg, a snake's bite scar below it giving the Lead Warrior a much-needed tale for its neglect. Something akin to a grumble escaped his throat and into his closed mouth; it would be a difficult area to fix, painful and time-consuming if he tried to worm free the knots, painful and time-consuming if he ripped the fur out and let it grow anew. "Thank you, Emberpaw," his mew was sincere, despite his indecision. Perhaps more grateful than pointing out the flaw, Silversmoke found himself appreciating the silence that followed, a desire to make small talk suffocated and left to die peacefully in the presence of another introvert. It... wasn't a peace that lasted.

He stared at Mallowlark, unblinking and unamused. Moons had passed and Silversmoke did not think the other was SkyClan's warrior more than he was Dawnglare's warrior - should anything happen to the medicine cat, it was difficult for him to imagine the black-footed feline sticking around. The Lead Warrior tried to be infuriated at Mallowlark's existence, but his face pinched into childish protest at the other's question, hot ears flat against his skull. "No," he huffed, tail lashing behind him. "I'm doing this for myself. It's getting warmer, and..." 'I want him to know I can put effort into my appearance.' That was something cats liked, wasn't it? Remembering how close the Daylight Warrior was to Thistleback, the idea he'd gotten it wrong crossed his mind as he staggered for excuses. He couldn't change himself forever for someone either, could he? Would they even want him to change forever? Within the silence, Silversmoke was reminded of how complicated affection was, how much easier it was when he only felt a platonic love for SkyClan instead of a romantic love for an individual. He blinked back to reality and cast a narrow-eyed stare towards Mallowlark. "I dunno. Mind your own business."


Johnnyflame made his way into camp with a proud tilt of his chin, a fat squirrel clamped between his jaws as he slipped through the entrance and into the calm bustle of the clearing. It had been a fairly successful hunting patrol in all, and the golden-eyed tom was always eager to show off to his apprentice, happily showing them all the tips and tricks to being a warrior. And today he was glad to say that Sangripaw had been able to see an excellent run from not just him, but the other warriors and older apprentices as well.

“We’ll have you catching these critters in the trees like your part squirrel yourself in no ti-”

There were a lot of moments in Johnnys life that he wasn’t proud of. Some were shameful, others filled with regret, and a few -a few- were just so damn cringe that it was hard to take.

And this was regrettably one of those moments, because for the entirety of his life he’d always thought the term ‘slack-jawed’ was just a figure of speech.

Turns out it’s not, and stars be damned if the lead didn’t drop his catch right then and there as his jaw dropped upon catching sight of the silvery form sitting in the shade of the highbranch. Emberpaw and Mallowlark were with them -odd company for Silversmoke, but that was hardly the priority right now- but Johnnys attention was very clearly fixated on his fellow lead.

Silversmoke was never *dirty*, but like most feral cats there was only so much grooming there was a point in doing before you were inevitably going to mess it up again, making the effort pointless. Maintenance, with the understanding that nobodys there to look like a model while they're catching mice.

And so- understandably so, in Johnny ever humble opinion- he was caught off guard by the sight of Silversmoke looking so…


If I call him bonny he’s gonna threaten to cut my tongue out. he thought to himself, not unfondly.

But it was true. Silversmoke was always attractive; pretty eyes, a strong body, long fur. Even their scars didn’t subtract from their appearance. But to see the other tom look so… tame was an unusual surprise. Like a wolf wearing a collar, it was a pretty thrill that succeeded in ensnaring his attention. Definitely not the norm for his grouchy friend, but the bobtail certainly wasn’t complaining.

It was nice. Really nice.

Aaaaand, maybe he should stop staring.

And close his mouth.

And pay attention to his apprentice, who he was literally mid-conversation with.

His jaw snapped shut with a soft click of teeth at the same time as his ears blossomed red, and he cleared his throat not-so-subtly in an attempt to pretend he hadn’t just been ogglin his fellow lead warrior in the middle of camp.

”Uh- anyways, you’ll be hunting like a pro in no time, even in the trees!” he said with a grin, hoping nobody had noticed him blue-screening in the middle of camp.

OOC- feel free to tease my idiot, he rolled a 4 out of 20 on 'can Johnny keep his cool', so the answer is no, he absolutely cannot XD Feel free to catch him checking Silver out and then blushing about it like a schoolboy with a crush lol. @SANGRIAPAW im so sorry you have to witness this XD


The girl trots happily alongside her mentor, a bright smile on her face and a bounce in her step. Johnnyflame had caught a big squirrel, and as they make their way into camp he promises that she’ll be a natural tree-hunter in no time! But then, in the middle of his sentence, her mentor freezes up. He’s looking at something—and following his gaze, that something is none other than Silversmoke. He stares at the other lead warrior for way too long, and it casts a frown across Sangriapaw’s face. "What the heck," she whispers, her voice as quiet as she can make it.

What is Johnnyflame doing? Has he lost his mind? Is he sick? Did Silversmoke do something to him? If he did, then Sangriapaw won’t even hesitate to smack him! Even if she’s so much younger than the lead warrior, she’ll protect him from other lead warriors if she has to. But this doesn’t seem that much like her mentor is scared… it seems like Johnnyflame is just flustered, or something. The way her mom and Figfeather used to be—even though she can barely remember what that was like, these days.

"What’re you doing?" She asks her mentor, aiming to bump her shoulder against his to get his attention again. He was in the middle of telling her something, and it’s super weird of him to just stop like that! Even though he continues talking, he had just kind of froze. And now he’s acting like it didn’t happen! "Are you okay? Should I go get Dawnglare?" Her voice dips into seriousness for once as she stands up a bit taller, already looking around for the clan’s medicine cat. The strange cleanliness of Silversmoke’s pelt is entirely lost on her, as are her clanmates’ reactions to it—being well groomed is nothing new to the apprentice who gets brushed near-daily.

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Oh, hand't he hit a nerve- hah! Mind your business, those were always the words of someone who was trying to hide something... yes, yes, after all these moons he'd gotten pretty good at deducing it. And he knew that sort of look, knew it! Felt it himself, thumping at his heart back at Fourtrees... even when it seemed like it shouldn't matter, tou wanted to looke good before a glimmering thing. "Nyahaha, I think- there's some- thing you're not telling ..." And there wan't any point in hiding that he thought that! A delighted grin spread across Mallowlark's face, silver eyes stretching wide, wide, wide. "But I'll give you space!" Oh, but he knew, he knew something... knew there was something being hidden...

And it was hardly hidden anymore as soon as Johnnyflame entered the picture, staring like he'd seen a red moon, like he looked to a blotted-out sun- like there was something so wonderful, so unfathomal before him, instead of just Silversmoke. Hm, well... not his type, but everyone had different tastes, he supposed... and there was that glimmer, so plain! Gawking, and pretending it didn't happen... Stars, it'd just be easier to be out with it, wouldn't it?

You look scary, he remembered those words so well. So fondly... You look terrifying. Oh, and hadn't that all been so easy? Less excruciating than this, definitely...

Attention snapped as quick as a broken bone to Sangriapaw, who asked after Dawnglare. Mallowlark could not suppress yet another maniacal peal of laughter. "Oh, Dawnglare can't help! He's taken..." Another giggle... but he'd leave them to it now.

\ on the way out teehee
  • Haha
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"I told you, it's none of your business," Silversmoke repeated, firmer this time, more of a Lead Warrior than a lovesick fool. It was an authority he did not want to throw around just to protect himself, it didn't feel justified, but for fear of looking foolish before the clan, it was the only thing he could think of to protect himself. He'd been prepared for the show and what looking after himself would've entailed, but not the actors, who knew all too well how to get under his skin. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could've rehearsed him for the moment when the star appeared on stage. He heard his voice before he saw him and Silversmoke froze like a deer in the headlights, blepping from an attempt to fix his tail a moment prior.

He caught a glimpse of Johnnyflame's wide golden eyes and, panicked, cast his own stare towards the ground. 'Ugh you mousebrain, what are you doing? You're not supposed to be back yet!' Silversmoke could hear his heart drumming up to his ears, begging him to excuse himself before he passed out from embarrassment. The slack-jawed stare of his peer would forever be burned in his memory, even as he blinked, he still pictured the look on his face, 'I knew it. StarClan, he thinks you look absolutely ridiculous. I'm not a typical tom, why did I think acting like one'd do me any favours?' He'd never been like a rooster, preening itself religiously at a chance of impressing others - in proving that he could make just as much of an effort, had he, in turn, pushed away what drove them to be friends to begin with? The ground below was a puddle he wished he could melt into, but it was as corporeal as the rest of the world around him. Sangriapaw's voice, little and young, asked if Johnnyflame needed to see Dawnglare, almost instinctively, Silversmoke tussled a piece of flank fur to return it to its unkempt state.

It was Mallowlark that snapped him from his stupor, cackling as he spoke of Dawnglare being 'taken' already. Odd eyes refocused, shooting the retreating form a look that, had they the strength, may have disintegrated the former WindClanner. At that moment, he didn't even care about the lackadaisical nature of the cross-clan relationship, he just wanted to know if Mallowlark had meant what Silversmoke believed he meant. A dry throat could not ask the form as it disappeared into obscurity, as if speaking would give away who Silversmoke wanted to look nice for (as if he hadn't given it away already). His tail began lashing. "I'm going to kill him..." The tom decided under his breath. When his blue and green gaze wandered again, it found its target too quickly and, once more, his ears grew hotter than the surface of the sun. 'You've stopped looking, StarClan, why did you stop looking? Is it that bad? No... ugh, stop being so vain. He has a job to do.'

There, Silversmoke existed in an awkward silence, frozen in place and refusing to acknowledge the sudden tension between the pair. Maybe if he pretended it didn't exist, it would go away.
  • Haha
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