private great vacation ꕥ badgermoon

What a treat, today is...

Leaf-bare is particularly bearable. Now, more than ever, is he aware of newleaf's encroaching. There is distant, distant birdcall. Stray, still. Feathered things, they never had much a reason to stay around the moors, lest it is to pick seeds and worms from the ground. Still, they crow, and it was not a call so deadly. Soon, the lands would not be so barren, anymore.

From atop outlook rock, he can see the whole moor, it feels like. He can see the revitalizing of the grass. Stray buds, here and there, flowers waiting to bloom. Ever-miraculous, the changing of the seasons. To and from leaf-bare was certainly the strangest. Water rushing from new to greenleaf was something, but it was so much more, to see the land die and come back to life again. Nearly, it was against what he stood for. The greenery did not abide by the same laws cats did. Life was not so finite, they grow with a certain tact none of them could hope to understand.

He can try to. Can busy his mind up here, pondering. And oh, today he is not alone. Company was always sweet. Always, he smiles; and he finds that this particular presence, he could enjoy more than others. Sundrop eyes and piebald complexion; the deputy. What a wonder.

His whiskers twitch, content. The paleness of his paws is stark against the solid stone. The shift of the seasons before had been little more than the comings and goings of mice. All his expectations... well, they're from stories... "Do you know...? I mean... " He sprawls himself atop the rock's surface without a care. Perhaps, worryingly careless in this way. His paws could dangle off the cliff's edge, if he'd like them to. A paw drags across his face, instead. It stops just past his eye, held there, then. "How is it? Newleaf? We would celebrate. Yes, we would..." Vague, maybe. Sun-sensitive, tears prick at his eyes. Of course he's smiling still, voice a whisper on the wind.

[ @Badgermoon :) ]