pafp GREEK TRAGEDY ☽; playing pretend

Marigoldkit's situation was an unfortunate one.

Wolfwind wasn't exactly the happiest camper either. She had plenty of things to grow about right now– In fact, everyone in ThunderClan did. Tragedy after tragedy; one of those threats– still ongoing, and it'd continue to for who knows long. Wolfwind finds herself antsier than she'd like to be lately. Spotting Marigoldkit alone by the nursery, in a split second decision, she'd decided to lighten his spirits. His wasn't the only one in need of lightning right now, after all.

Wolfwind would walk by, and then suddenly, abruptly, fall over in front of the kit, as if bowled over by the winds that were no longer there. Wolfwind would let out a dramatic, pitiful wail, forming her character in an instant. " Oh! Oh, Marigoldstar! " she cries, pretending to scramble to her paws as if she were so frantic she could hardly stand, her eyes are blown wide in a mixture of panic, relief, and anger (At least, she'd like to pretend she's good enough of an actor to convey all those things at once and on purpose) " Those... mongrels! Those dung - eating dogs! They will rue the day they... " she pausesa moment to clutch at her side as if in excruciating pain. " D-do you not recognize me Marigoldstar? I am Wolfstar, leader of ShadowClan. At least... I was... " she'd shed a tear right now, if she could.

" They betrayed me! Cast me out! " Almost furiously, she would surge forward, baring her teeth. " And they will come for ThunderClan next! You must help me become leader again! So I may claim– I mean protect the forest! " Oopsie, did she say that?

[ ooc: please wait for @Marigoldkit :3c ]
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The mink creme kit was once again bored out of his mind. He knows he can't do much since he's so young, but he hates staying still! Marigoldkit can't wait to become an apprentice in a couple of moons, so he can hunt, or fight! Thinking about it gets him pumped up for a brief moment, but then his thoughts drift back to the boars and he grumbles. What does he gotta do to get some fun around here?

Luckily, his prayers are immediately answered as Wolfwind comes into the den. He's about to say something when she topples over, though it doesn't look that serious as she's still aware. He tilts his head to the side in curiousity, but a smile slowly creeps on his face as he catches on. He hasn't played pretend in awhile! Marigoldkit- no, Marigoldstar lets out an exaggerated huff. "Wolfstar! Why should I lend you my help? Maybe you're tricking me! Give me a good reason to side with you." He smirks, as he's having genuine fun already.
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Lily smiled at the sight of her daughter playing with the young kit. Wolfie was always so silly, and interacting with kits allowed her to really show that side of her. Well, Lily wasn't so old that she couldn't join in on the fun.

"Oh Marigoldstar, I promise Wolfstar is telling the truth!" Lily dramatically held a paw to her chest, throwing her head to the side in fake sorrow. "Our horrible, horrible old clan has cast Wolfstar aside! As her mother, I followed her, of course." She bowed to Marigoldkit, showing him as much respect as possible. "We're here to humbly ask for your aide."
[ earth girl ]
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As a child Berryheart had not been prone to playing, and- unsurprisingly- into adulthood he had not amended this fact. Still, he could not help the illumination of his interest when he overheard his niece's voice having taken on a thespian quality, and his attention swivelled to find her begging for fictional mercy at the hands of a kitten. He paused his grooming, slowly ambling over in an attempt to observe Clamours' apparently enthralling technique; but as he found himself in the fray, it appeared odd that he was not participating.

Approaching at the side of Fire-paws, he regarded Smiles and Clamours evenly. It would be easy to assume the role of a medicine cat; he'd plenty of practice in the matter. "I advise caution." he murmured to the kitten, though his acting abilities were markedly less convincing than anyone else's. Wooden neutrality struck his tone, and an unnatural projection slightly bolstered the volume of his voice, an unconvincing note in Berryheart's often level vocals.
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Theres voices near the nursery and they're loud enough to make out. Marigoldkit is playing with Wolfwind, she sends a quick glance to the blue-spotted kitten snuggled in to her side before she gently rises. She hears another voice join the act, Lily Pad, a low rumble begins in her chest, a quiet purr as she ambles out to the scene. Berryheart quickly joins as well, and its an unusual sight to see so many members of the clan together playing, but she's not complaining.

Tansy sweeps a plumed tail behind her as she brings up Marigoldstar's other side, her chest puffed out with pride as she glances at the two opposing Shadowclan cats. She can't help the tiny grin that pulls at her lips, a warmth in her heart as Lily Pad bows to her leader. "Just say the word, Marigoldstar... Your dutiful warriors will chase them right out if they misstep!" she meows indignantly, sending a quick look at their medicine cat as if looking for confirmation. She likes this game, and she's sure Crystalkit would if he woke up.
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Marigoldkit's chest leaps with joy as the two of them bow for him, feeling not as alone and important even if it was play. He puts his paw to his chin, saying 'hmm' very clearly as he pretends to think about the proposition carefully. "Okay! I will lend you my help. Just know that if you step out of line...these two will claw your throat out!" He puffs up his fur to try and seem more intimidating, but giggles at his fake threat.

"Now...what should we do first? Going straight to them doesn't seem smart." He closes his eyes and walks in a circle around his clanmates, like he imagine a real leader would when coming up with a plan. "Any ideas, Wolfstar? The rest of you?" He doesn't know if the others want to be called by fake names or not.
Wolfstar! Why should I lend you my help? It takes effort to smother her smile. The kit plays the part of a paranoid leader well, or perhaps one old and grey, well into their nine lives, and sporting some tragic history wherein their heart has been broken and they learned to never trust again. Her not - smile would turn to shock, as if she couldn't possibly fathom a reason for her not to be trusted.

Thankfully, she had an ally in her mother! A pleasant surprise– a smile would burst forth freely, but she tries her best to frame it into something triumphant, or perhaps hopeful... though the former would describe her intended character far more aptly, for while Wolfwind may have heart of gold, Wolfstar was a being far more dastardly... and stuff. " Please, hear her out Marigoldstar! For the whole forest knows much of my dear mother's credibility. I would uh– hardly ever lie, much less her! "

Berryheart looks much more dignified and mysterious than usual as he utters his cautionary tale. Or maybe that was just her gettin' into character. Could be either or, really. Tansyshine takes on the roll of a noble warrior– she's like herself, really, if herself wasn't current a disgruntled ex - leader. Wolfwind could totally beat her in a fight, but like, anyways. " Oh, thank you Marigoldstar! I owe you my life! " The inner villain in her smirks, for she certainly would have his lives later. All nine of 'em! " I wouldn't dream of such a thing! " she exclaims, gaping.

" Without me as their leader, ShadowClan is lost and weak... A head - on attack may well be enough... We could even intercept who I'd thought was my loyal deputy on his way to the moonstone. " Wolfwind would begin drawing in the dirt, as if formulating battle plans, but she was totally just scribbling. " If we allow... uhh.. Raccoonstar to come to be, the forest will swiftly be plunged into darkness! " She growls lowly with the passion of her invigorated speech... He would rue the day he messed with her... (Sorry Raccoontripe, not really).
The kit holds back a snort at Raccoonstripe being the designated evil deputy, seeing as he wasn't even here. It would be kinda funny if he just showed up magically, not that it would stop the two from picking on him. He nods his head in agreement. "Raccoonstar will never exist, not while I'm alive! I can promise you that!" Marigoldkit hopes that his declaration was dramatic enough to show that he was completely serious. The darkness would never overtake the forest, and even with the alliance, ThunderClan will prevail over all others!

He hums loudly as he pretends to understand the silly scribbles in the dirt. He can't really think of how to even start planning out a large scale battle, but it's not like he's supposed to. He ultimately decides to agree with the proposition so he doesn't have to think about it much longer. "Yes, head-on sounds best to me, Wolfstar. My loyal warriors are the strongest in the forest, after all!" At least that's something he knows very well. ShadowClan will be no match for their mighty power!
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