private GREEK TRAGEDY | thundergleam

Sep 4, 2023
Another day, another hunting patrol, and another piece of prey caught. Today was a particularly lonely day, though like always, he does not seek siblings out to fill the void. He returns to camp with a slightly sullen gait, his eyes squinted as he feels the familiar tug to go run off to the warriors den. He had done his job today and now he just wants to curl up again, his paws idly making their way over there without thinking.

He spots Thundergleam out of the corner of his eye, blinking pale blue eyes before he flattens his ears and makes his way over to her. She's a little odd one, a recent joiner, saved his mom or something, right? He isn't sure of the whole story, but surely she can be good company if his mother liked her so much to allow her to stay within Thunderclan.

"Hello," the tom greets with a flick of his ear, chin tipping down as he deposits the mouse before her. "You're Thundergleam, right? I'm Cobwebtail, awfully rude of previous me not to properly introduce myself!" he offers her a cheeky smile, head tilting just slightly. She was there when he had first made baby steps to finally open back up again, sharing a squirrel with Bigfang; she had offered a fortune of some sort, and it had truly gotten him curious. "Well, m' here to barter. I'll trade you a mouse if you have a few more prophecies, eh? Eh? And maybe a story; you're new, right? Surely you have a few good stories, you have to be exceedingly well-versed in outside knowledge for Howlingstar to have let you in." he purrs out, the outgoing personality he puts on grating him down. It's all apart of feeling better, he reassures himself. He'll be back to his old self soon enough.

  • 70465135_T7AXRhwAl3U4ZQt.png
    cobweb ,, cobwebtail
    cis male ,, he/him ,, 44 moons
    thunderclan warrior ,, former marsh-grouper
    spindly blue & white tabby tom with blue eyes
    "speech, 827aab" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    art by inkcap ,, penned by chuff

It was typical for Thundergleam to find herself the seeker, rather than the one sought- so to hear the noise of another approaching her had pinkened ears angled, had rosy eyes aglimmer with immediate interest. He who strode toward her was Cobwebtail; pale-pelted and tall. He was one of Howlingstar's children- on the journey back to ThunderClan, she had learned the names of each of them- but one she had not yet made extensive acquaintance with. Thus, pearlescent in her eyes was a glow of invitation, of pleasant surprise. "Your name suits you... a tail draped with webs," she hummed, red pupils flickering to his tail, dressed with silk.

To barter? With vague confusion, Thundergleam looked at him rather blankly for the length of his explanation. He spoke a lot... quite a contrast to the assumptions she'd made about him. "I would say a mouse is not quite worth a prophecy..." she hummed, her voice slightly teasing. "And I have not received any, recently... I cannot conjure them out of nothing." In truth, she was unsuer if perhaps StarClan was havign difficulty reaching her since her move... she had been unable to remember any of her dreams. stowing away her concern, her face re-brightened.

"But a story... one of past prophecies, or one of my training, I would be happy to provide." Her voice was light, sparkling with amusement. "Though, I do not know what a Thunderclanner would find interesting about my past. For me, your life was of ultimate fascination."
penned by pin ☾