Green eyes, green light | reflecting


The frigid water flows easily today, undisturbed by wind or rain. Its smooth surface reflects the grey sky in an imperfect mirror, ripples from the current twisting the clouds and offering glimpses of sand and pebbles at the whim of the river. Snakeblink’s reflection, when he bends over the river, is as imperfect, as easily hidden and revealed in turns. It’s clear enough to make out his features though: the long, thin face, the traits that settle more easily into a sneer than a smile, the faintly superior turn of an eye with its thin pupil, the dismissive curve of his ears. He can more easily see what others read in his face then, staring at himself from an outsider’s perspective.

His eyes drag up the unfamiliar-familiar expression of his own muzzle to his eyes, holding contact for a moment before drifting to the scar that runs across the right side of his face.

His habit of accidentally insulting others and getting hit for his trouble is hardly new, and this is the most blatant proof of it to date; cats in the past were not as forgiving as Cindershade, and this one did not bother to sheathe their claw before slapping him in the face for unfortunate words he could not possibly hope to remember today. The only damage was aesthetic, for what little there was to damage there, and to his ego he supposes; clearly he learned nothing from the incident, seeing as he went and repeated this mistake many times past the point the wound had healed into the scar which got him his name.

It’s strange; eyes are fragile things, as the many one-eyed cats in the clan can attest. Smokethroat, Lilybloom, Ferngill… One bad blow can be the difference between perfect vision and the loss of a significant part of one’s field of view. Beyond eyes, injuries are commonplace in their lives, and it’s a lucky or cowardly cat who reaches his age with all his features intact. Lichentail has their torn ear; Crashingtide his shorn tail-strip.

Snakeblink has… nothing. One thin scar across the eye and a more painful patch of scar tissue on his shoulder, courtesy of Flycatcher and Flamewhisker. Not so cowardly that he is entirely unmarked — yet not brave enough to have sacrificed any of himself to the enemy for the sake of his clanmates. Not anything physical, at least. He must be lucky then, though he doesn’t really feel like it. Is it strange, to others, that so many great warriors have lost an eye and he has managed to make it out with only marks so far?

A yellowing leave drifts down to the water, briefly disturbing his reflection before it's swept downstream. Slowly, Snakeblink lifts a paw to his face and covers his scarred eye with it. Though he’s hardly a vain one, he gazes down at his reflection with a slight frown etched on his features and wonders under his breath: ”Would I look better like this? It would not seem so out of place, I suppose…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

"I t-think you look fine the way you are already," he mews as he takes his place beside Snakeblink. Snakeblink is a tom he considers a friend. He doesn't know what exactly the lead warrior is thinking, but he can assume it has to do something with how he looks. Riverclanners are known for how their pelts shine and also how bad they smell aparently. However, a bulk of riverclanners, especially warriors bore scars. A number of them had one eye or torn ears. At one point he himself didn't bear any scars. It took him some time to get used to it. His new look. It was strange. It was as if what was reflected wasn't himself. A stranger. He had always seen himself as weak and useless, so to have proof that he did contribute something was odd. Snakeblink had called him brave and to this day he still couldn't accept that fact. Not entirely anyway.

Truthfully Pikesplash didn't understand why some cats gloated over their scars. Yes he understood it proved their strength, but he didn't get how the more scars a cat bore, the stronger? He isn't quite sure if that is the quite word for it. Anyhow, if he was thinking of himself he wouldn't see his scars as strength. They were failures he would have to live with. A reminder that he still had a long way to go before making good on his promise. You've always been there for me. I want to be there for you too. "What's on your mind Snakeblink?" He would wait. Wait forever if he needed for Snakeblink to tell him his thoughts.
  • ooc :
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Feathergaze bore no scars, rarely was there a scratch to find upon her face or pelt that hadn't been self-inflicted through an unfortunate stumble into thorns or brambles. The large molly had always preferred words over claws, and some made it no secret they thought her a coward for it, or youthfully naive. And would they really be wrong? She was 14 moons, not even a season had passed since her assessment. She hated fighting, it was vicious, and violent, and her heart pattered so quickly during simple training exercises that some days she feared she would vomit. Maybe I am just afraid. The thought of that reality bounced around her head and bore a hole in her belly.

The silver molly cared little about her own face. Her glossy pelt, always catching on twigs and growing tangled with forest debris, was far more important for her to look after. If she went even a day without some time dedicated to grooming, her fur became a mess of dirt and knots.
"I think... Well, you'd still look like you. Just, different," she mused softly. Feathergaze sat down next to Snakeblink, curling her tail around her paws. She ducked her head in greeting to Pikesplash, a cat who shared in her nervous tendencies. Do the others talk about you, even now? He was nearly twice her age, which gaze Feathergaze some comfort that she wouldn't be thrown out of the clan merely for stammering at times. But does it ever feel less lonely? A puff of air fled her nostrils, and she turned her pale olive gaze on Snakeblink, awaiting his thoughts to be said aloud.​

Snakeblink darts a quick smile at Pikesplash when the tom approaches, glad to see his gentle friend even as his presence pulls Snakeblink from his musings. He’s offered the opportunity to plunge back into his wandering thoughts as the tabby asks him what’s on his mind — and though he doesn’t know how to put it into words, exactly, he makes an attempt for his new audience.

”I have had this scar for a very long time now,” he says, taking his paw off his face to gesture at his most conspicuous trait. Frankly, he can hardly remember a time without it marking his face. ”But it has not occurred to me how lucky I was to keep my eye until I saw how many of our clanmates lost theirs to similar blows.”

Feathergaze’s comment makes him duck his head, a little bashful. ”A good different, I hope,” he says, though his words are entirely teasing: he is hardly the vain type. He affects an airy air to add, ”It does seem fashionable, does it not? With so many one-eyed cats among us. Maybe it would make me look more tough and intimidating — it worked for Smokestar, after all. I daresay it even worked for you, Pikesplash.” Though their leader hardly needed the help in that department.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Love
Reactions: Feathergaze

Strides passing along skidded to a halt as she heard Snakeblink's odd words flow through his tongue. Scars were fashionable? He thought losing an eye would be fashionable? Petalnose scoffed in both concern and amusement, brows furrowed in curiousity. "So you think a near death experience is fashionable? Snakeblink, I hope you're not thinking of doing something..." She hummed in near scold but a light and brief chuckle coursed from her throat behind her glare. "You don't think our type of scars are 'fashionable' enough?" Really, it was more of a reminder of their loss and her failure. Stubborn and at times reckless, it had forced more control upon herself. Petalnose was sure Ferngill felt near the same as her seeing how he felt about it and how she tried to lift his spirits. It was a reminder of faults.

Atleast, it made them look tough and a force not to be reckoned with. Snakeblink's words made her feel as if she should keep an eye on him. Who knows if he would actually find something to cause that type of misfortune. "I'm sure most don’t feel that way.."

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It is true that Snakeblink has had that scar for as long as he can remember. Funny enough it's been so long that it's a bit weird to look at his friend and try to imagine him without his scar. It feels wrong. Nevertheless he nods in confirmation, that yes many moons have passed with that scar. His friends next set of words and bringing up luck not only confuses him, but it rubs him the wrong way. The urge to cuff Snakeblink is present, but it is only slightly. Remember, he has a way with words. "I-i guess? I don't think anyone thinks about l-losing an eye though," he answers. It is a lame response and he knows it, but he's not really sure what to say. For one, Pikesplash himself doesn't look at Smokestar or any of their clanmates whom have lost an eye and thinks I'm so lucky. To be honest he doesn't think much of it unless he is obviously being stared at which causes him to promptly turn away or avert his eyes.

Thankfully, his friend gives his attention toe Feathergaze. It gives him some time to think of a better response and try to understand what angle Snakeblink is coming from. I can't argue with that. Looking at Petalnose or Smokestar makes me think strong with how many scars they have. Although... You have one and you don't come off scary to me Snakeblink. Maybe it's just the air you give off? When his name is mentioned he opens his maw in surprise and a paw is brought to the scar on his face. He is flustered that Snakeblink thinks that his scar made him look intimidating (even though we all know he's just a wet mop of a cat). "O-oh! U-uhmmm... Thanks Snakeblink?!" I don't think I'm tough at all though...

Petalnose then butts and it is clear to him that she isn't leaping for joy. Her opinion is clearly different from Snakeblink, yet he hopes she doesn't come off too strongly or say that Snakeblink is wrong. Whoa let's just. "U-uhm... Petal I don't think Snake means it that way? I think h-he's trying to say that, uhm... He wants to look tougher and scars mean that for him? O-on himself I think." While he isn't entirely sure if he's able to translate Snakeblink's words too well, he thinks it's safe to say that his friend doesn't mean to say the more scars someone has the more beautiful or handsome they are. Or in the way Petalnose is taking it... I d-don't think he's saying you don't have enough.

As for how Pikesplash felt about his scar... Well, it's confusing for one. He can't say he's looked at it and thought it made him look tougher or less fashionable. If anything looking too hard at his reflection made him uncomfortable because it felt like he was looking at someone else. "Well for me, I uhh... Dunno? I never thought wow I look tougher that's so cool or anything, but I don't think mine are a bad thing? I g-guess because my mind says I don't have them. Does that make sense? Hhhng, maybe not. But I dunno if I look to hard at myself I see someone else not me. So I guess scars? Mine, at least or okay?"
  • ooc :
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

When Petalnose arrived the conversation escalated. A more accurate explanation might’ve been that it took a nosedive into the gorge. She didn’t seem pleased at all by Snakeblink’s interpretation of his scars. Shes not that mad, Feathergaze reminded herself, focusing on the more gentle tones rather than the scorch of her eyes. Her stumbling heart which has leaped like a fish at first was not taking the hint, though. Pike splash too seemed uncomfortable, but more understanding of what the scarred Tom had been getting at.
In a way he is rather lucky. H-he kept his eye, and, w-well he’s not dead, either.” The words felt clumsy in her mouth, like they were coated in tree sap and catching her skin on the way up. She’d wanted to stand up for Snakeblink, but she felt more like she’d repeated Pikesplash, only worse. She tried to pivot, unsure of how to save herself from further rambling.
You don’t look worse, certainly. N-not that you looked worse before, just- different is different, th-there’s no better or worse about it, for you or Pikesplash o-or anyone else who bears scars now. I’m sure if, er w-when, um… I’d look different with scars, but I’d still be me, like you guys.” Mission “cease-rambling” had been an utter failure, that was for sure.​