private GREEN WITH SOMETHING ☽; nightbird

"So... Nightbird." Wolfwind was not an unjust, nor unreasonable soul. She puts her heart into things, and nothing more. She could acknowledge that the worming in her heart at the meeting was silly, it was unjustified, for what has she been but a sad sack for these past few moons? Howlingstar's choice was nothing but reasonable, wasn't it? Proactive, hardworking, busy-bee...

(What made her so great?)

She thinks and she knows, but she's annoyed still. Waiting for it to go away has done her no good so far. She needed to do something.

She's her to put her to the test, to find out if it really was justified– which of them. She assumes yes by default. Howlingstar was no fool. but what if, what if something had slipped through the cracks? A fault in the verification process? lack of.... opposing competition since Wolfwind was out of commission! Probably not, but... what if, y'know?

And so, she drags the dark she-cat out with her. A walk... or something. She forgets what she'd said, already looking to the future. A tongue swipes across her teeth. She's nervous, forrrrr some reason. "I thought we could have a little competition!" And with all the time she'd given herself to think, she still hadn't come up with what the hell the competition should actually be. A spar? But damn, she was just getting over her Sunningrocks battle wounds. Plus she still felt... rusty somehow. That wasn't a fair comparison. Not at all. She turns as they near upon Snakerocks.

Wolfwind had done her assessment there... The molly clears her throat. "Sun's out, n' all now... How about, most dangerous lookin thing you can find at Snakerocks!"

[ @nightbird rehehehe >:) ]
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following wolfwind out of camp felt like a recipe for disaster. she barely knew the other molly, the few times they had interacted were enough for her to get the hint that a friendship was very far out of reach. the blue warrior did not seem to like her, not even in the slightest. while that fact did not keep nightbird up at night, it was still something she kept tucked away. so, why was she now invited out with her? she lacked enough knowledge to confidently say that the other had some suspicious intent, but it was not yet out of the question.

curiosity had her quick at wolfwind's heels, it wasn't long until the blue warrior finally explained what was happening. a little competition she says, they near snakerocks and what exactly they were competing in came to light. the one who found the most dangerous thing would win. while nightbird never shied from competition, this was just ridiculous. they had only just gotten out of the battle with riverclan alive, and now she was just supposed to throw herself right into danger again? an incredulous glare was sent flying in the other's direction.

"you're kidding," she huffed, the idea was near insanity. dealing with danger that you found yourself in was one thing, but actively seeking it out? recklessness was never rewarding. nightbird searched the others eyes for confirmation that she was in fact joking. but there was no humor in wolfwind's bright yellow gaze. "are you crazy? someone's bound to get hurt."
[ ☾✩ ]

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You're kidding. The assertion only has Wolfwind puffing her chest further, lifting her chin as if the winner was decided already (and it practically was, wasn't it?). She was far from joking. What cooler competition? Less basic than any ol spar, more exciting than any ol hunt. Wolfwind flicks her tail dismissively, teeth showing through her lopsided smile. "Yeah! A poor, lone apprentice could easily get hurt around here. Which is why us competant warriors should flush out any danger before that can happen!" She'd narrow her sunburst gaze, fixing Nightbird with a challenging stare. 'Course... if she'd back down early, that'd save Wolfwind the trouble of goin' any further. A part of her would be relieved. A part of her wouldn't want that at all. "Don't tell me a lead warrior is scared 'f a couple of snakes!"

'Course, Wolfwind has never actually seen the apparently so-prevalent snakes here. A part of thinks their whole existence must be some sorta myth told so apprentices wouldn't make a mad scramble over the rocks and get themselves hurt. Wolfwind knew better by now, though. Without waiting for an answer, Wolfwind would begin her clamor over the rocks. She'd make an intimidating picture at the peek, wouldn't she? Nevermind some imaginary snakes. She'd spare a glance to Nightbird, grin on her face. "Ya comin' or what, ThunderClan's finest?" A rock shifts underfoot, to which she would swiftly move to another rock. She's got this.

a lone apprentice would surely get hurt here, probably why it was so heavily discouraged as a hunting spot. especially during the birth of newleaf. her ears flicked behind her in a sharp motion, she had half a mind to just leave now. let wolfwind deal with keeping these theoretical lone apprentices safe. but the smart decisions quickly flew out upon the flash of a challenging gaze. nightbird's jaw ticked ever so slightly at the warrior's taunt. she sure wasn't scared, and was about to let wolfwind know it too, but the other molly was already scaling the steep pile.

muscles twitch in anticipation as she glances up and down the formation, searching for a way up that wouldn't disturb her injuries too much. a shaded ear flicks dismissively at the call from above before she embarked on a suitable route. "whatever i find, i'm feeding you to it," she said with a huff, joining the other at the top. nightbird had never hunted snakes, but how hard could it be? they couldn't be as flighty as mice or birds, possibly easier to catch without such a strong instinct to flee. her time atop the rocks was fleeting, with sure steps she crawled to a lower area, ears pricked for even the slightest shuffle. save for the light brush of a breeze it was unfortunately quiet, but she could wait. after all, she didn't need to find anything in record speed, just as long as she was quicker than her newfound opponent.
[ ☾✩ ]

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She expects Nightbird to turn tail then and there; lifting her dainty head... Muttering something about how real bravery and courage is nowing the rules, and not putting yourself in needless danger and blah blah blah, but to her surprise, the molly does not back down. She could've given Wolfwind an easy out; a way to declare a coward was no better than her at all, and walk away without having to bother launching herself at anything potentially dangerous.

Would that have even really counted, though? Wolfwind doesn't think so.

Her brows quirk in surprise, before her expression shifts into a grin. Maybe she even startles a bit, at the way silvery fur is suddenly with her at the top alongside that declaration. Its seemingly all she came for, since she wordlessly slinks down into the lower belly of the pile straight after. Cocky. "Yeah, your little lizard's gonna swallow me whole, I'm sure. "

It's the challenge she needs to treat this little competition as more than something she pulled out of her ass for the sake of somethin' (She wasn't quite sure what yet). Wolfwind picks her way between the stones, effectively deeming the high ground hers since Nightbird has elected to slink down below.

So what was she lookin' for, anyways? Lack 'f legs... pointy teeth. A legless lizard with teeth sounded pretty fuckin' ridiculous, if you asked her. A particularly bold leap onto a rock infront of her makes her lose balance for a moment– breath suddenly not comin' out any more as a paw wobbles in the air. She catches it within a crevice, though; glances past it to see a loose stone tumble down. Worry crosses her mind for a second. ...As if lead warrior's should be worried about, or whatever. Wolfwind clears her throat. " Heh, uh... Didn't scare ya, did I? " And there's a hissing... a nudge of somethin' strange against that caught paw. Wolfwind blinks. " Uh – ? "

her search in the underbelly of the rocks was proving rather useless. she thought that this place was supposed to be booming with reptilian life once it warmed up, but so far that was staying a theory. wolfwind had taken the upper area. the rocks were warmed by the sun up there. as much as she would hate to admit it, perhaps the blue molly had the right idea. perhaps she'd have better luck up there.

nightbird begins to backtrack to where she came down, a freefalling rock halting her. it landed with a thud, skittering across the ground and rolling to a stop. a voice calls from above and she glares upwards to make out the outline of her opponent with the sun as the background. if she didn't know any better, she could believe it was an attempt on her life. "no," she answered, disgruntled after her kiss with a pebble induced death.

she starts her climb back up, paws placed carefully as she rose from below. scanning over the top, the warrior was surprised to find wolfwind in the same spot. "what? give up already?" her taunt would be paired with a confident grin as she approached. however, getting closer she noticed the odd way a white paw stuck out, disappeared into the stone. silver gaze narrowed slightly as the soft hissing meets her ears, forcing them to stand alert. alarms rang as the orange eyed warrior did not move, only blinked strangely. "the hell are you doin'? move!" it was spoken with more urgency as her tail twitched behind her impatiently. but wolfwind didn't. she had a feeling that whatever was hissing was going to bare it's teeth sooner or later. they would be smart to high-tail it before it had the chance, but no they were stuck. her eyes widened in realization.

"don't tell me you got yourself stuck."