grief is a river ;; bobbie

Ever since Blazestar had died, Fireflypaw had grieved in the silence of the medicine den- Howlfire's comfort was pleasant, but he knew only he could grieve the death of his father by himself. He knew grief was hard, he'd grieved many of his family already. So if anyone knew the pain of losing Blazestar, it was Fireflypaw himself. He was his eldest son, the one who was supposed to look out for his siblings and take care of the family in his father's absence. One might think that was a grand weight to bare, but to Fireflypaw it was natural. He'd always protected Howlfire, even when they were apprentices and grieving Morningpaw together. He subtly thinks of Burnstorm and Moonwhisper, of Skyclaw. Were they grieving Duskbird properly, had they moved on with their lives? He blinks slowly as he gathers up a wad of marigold, pushing it to the side with his paw into a neat pile.

It occured to him, subtly, that he should really have his talk with Bobbie at this point. She had kits to take care of, a clan to nurture. She couldn't keep doing this, running herself into a corner and sleeping all day- rarely being seen by others in the clan. He needed an excuse to talk to her, though. So he asks a Queen to look after his half-siblings still in the nursery, grabs a mouse from the fresh-kill pile, and makes his way over to the nursery to call out for Bobbie.

"Bobbie? It's Fireflypaw. I just want to talk, if that's okay." He calls out to the woman his father loved after his mother, the one who had saved Blazestar from his grief over Little Wolf. The one who mothered his new siblings. His eyes are soft and gentle as he peers into the nursery. "Don't worry, I asked a Queen to watch the little ones while we took a short walk over to that pine tree over there." He gestures in the direction of a large pine tree, pinecones hanging from the branches. It was a short distance away and secluded from most prying eyes. They'd be safe to talk there.
