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tw for small gore/wounds

He remembers emerging from the thick sludge of mud and stone all alone. Barely caught up in it but enough to cause his body to twist and turn, scoring against the dirt to escape for breath. When he finally was able to catch his breath, struggle from the muk on shaking legs there was no one. Just the silence of the mountains, the coldness of the air. He doesn't remember anything after that, perhaps he passed out. It figures as much with what happened to him and his colony. No one it seems survived and yet he could not weep for them, could not force emotions of grief to pass across his muzzle. The teachings were clear and emotions, visible emotions were a sign of weakness. So he kept it in, all of his misery, all of his pain and loneliness as he forced himself to move. To survive. But the crushing weight of guilt for living always came crashing down on him. Nightmares unfolding. The ghost marked black tom doesn't even know how long he has left. Without sleep, without food, he is a walking corpse with listless and dead eyes. Roaming and walking through dangerous parts uncaring of his fate. Perhaps that is why his tail is little more than half a stump against his rear, scabbed and bleeding, dripping.

The encounter that lost him his tail he hardly remembers. But he hasn't been in the right mind to take care of it. To take care of himself either. Taking a deep breath in, the rattled skeleton shape of an oriental stands on the side of the road, eyes blank and gaze shifting. His body sways from the sudden passage of a monster, and sways once more from the rush of wind. Slowly, tentatively he steps a paw on the asphalt and doesn't even bother looking to see if another one is coming. He does not fear death when he walks already upon its doorstep. And then he starts to cross, head low and shoulders hobbled. He is all bones and nothing else. Fur withered and skin showing through patches. How has he lasted this long.

-- someone can save him from getting run over!

𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ ⠀ she is hunting, sent aside to sniff for prey along the shadowclan border. told not to go too near the thunderpath! that’s dangerous! as if she would anyway — the flat rock stinks, and the monsters that rattle on by scare her, their large, rumbling growls seem to trail her no matter where she was at the paths side. she lifts her face from a patch of undergrowth, huffing loudly at the lack of scent. maybe shadowclan had stolen it all when they trapezed over, maybe the monsters scared them all away. why were they hunting this far over, again? she lifts her gaze, aiming to roll emerald eyes before — she spots something. a dark figure, only a couple tail - lengths away as he stumbles from the other side, hobbling towards her.

the girl shrieks, the sight of an emaciated, limping feline trodding along the flat reek of the thunderpath blanking her mind with fear. was that a shadowclanner? did they always look so nasty and beat up? did he get into a fight ‘n kill the other guy, retaining only the injuries he had? the chimera shuffles backwards on ginger - kissed paws, tail low and ears flat, “ w - wolfwind! there’s a guy! “ she calls, loudly, frantically. her head pivots, eyes wild, not spotting her mentor immediately her head flails back towards the thunderpath, taking yet another step back as multicolored fur bristles. her tail is a bottlebrush, thick coat lifting her already large stature to double, “ this is thunderclan territory! go — go away!

/obligatory mentor tag hehe @WOLFWIND

  • FRECKLEPAW —————— cherry waves.
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant ginger patches across her form, interwoven in mottled patches of red and black. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected to rival her parents, with large, round paws and long, tabby - splotched limbs. as she grows, kittish fuzz has lengthened, leaving her bulk thick and fluffy, concealing the toned muscle beneath in swathes of red - orange.

    — lesbian, single. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    − six months, voiced by madeline peters as scootaloo.
    penned by antlers​

  • IMG_1436.png

She is in the middle of a lesson, having instructed Sloepaw to help Ragwortpaw with her hunting crouch. However, her attention is yanked away at the sound of a shriek not too far off. Ears erect in alarm, she casts a wide-eyed glance at the two apprentices and mews, "Let's go!" She's off, kicking up dust in her wake as she rushes towards the screaming clanmate. It's coming from the thunderpath and her mind goes to the worst. Has a clanmate found themselves upon it dark surface? Has a ShadowClan hunting patrol been discovered?

When she arrives, she finds Frecklepaw, meaning Wolfwind must be nearby. "What is it? What's wrong?" She asks urgently, slowing to a stop at her side. She follows her gaze and spots the limber form in the middle of the thunderpath. They look...stars, they look scary. Fur bristling to make herself appear larger, the plump tabby takes a step forward to place herself in front of the three apprentices, her teeth bared in warning. "Stay back! You best get back to the other side of the thunderpath!" Her claws unsheathe as she continues to watch the creepy form wander closer.

// @Sloepaw @RAGWORTPAW
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"Goodness, has the woodpecker returned to the forest?" Sunnyday angled his ears forward as he tried to catch the sound of the elusive bird above his head, but during that moment of silence other noises drifted into his ears and gained his attention. Admittedly he hadn't been intending on getting too close to the others who had been out in the forest that day, but the calls and shouts had him on immediate edge. "Surely ShadowClan aren't at it again?" The thought was firmly there given that the source seemed to come from the thunderpath direction.

The tom came bounding through the undergrowth with his golden pelt gleaming in the light, and what he came across seemed to be Howlingstar, her apprentices, and Frecklepaw getting riled over something on the thunderpath. Confusion gripped him at first, but as he shifted himself to take up the front he finally got his first good look at the source of the turmoil. The sight was somewhat haunting, as if watching a corpse moving about like a ghost. His own hackles began to lower and he found himself wandering closer to the thunderpath's edge so he could fully address the stranger.

"Sir, I wouldn't walk on there. You should go back." Was the stranger even listening to them? It was hard to tell, but something far more pressing presented itself as it came charging down the road. A monster! Fear welled up within him and his paws began to knead the verge with a sense of urgency. "Get off the thunderpath!" Time was slipping away and he came to realise that inaction would result in a death. Stranger or not, even with Howlingstar bearing witness nearby, he could not bring himself to allow a cat to die at the hand of a monster. The leggy tom lunged forward and he aimed to hurry to the stranger with the intention of seizing them by the scruff and hauling them back to ThunderClan's side of the road by force before death could get them.

There is a moment, a solitary blink as he hears someone yell. Yet his reaction is too slow and mind too fogged to understand what they are yelling about. Not really thinking it is him they are referring to. As he steps another shaking paw forward he can finally pinpoint the voice. Another cat. He then just stares at them, the way in which her fur bristles up and yet his mind is not keeping up and he is still trying to cross. Just to get to somewhere. Maybe the end. His breath ossues forth from toxic lungs and he allows his gaze to waver as another cat becomes present. She too yells. Says something about thunder and he looks up. The world rotates and it makes him dizzy so he looks away just as quickly. Dark amber, soulless eyes blink and suddenly two become four? No, no, three. Just three.

Words flex and shift against his ears as he takes another step. They say don't walk here. Don't aalk on this thing? He looks down then and observes the hard and black surface. And then it shakes and quivers. Someone yells to get off. And his head slowly lifts up. Yet he is sluggish to move, weakened and he is about to open his jaws as if to ask why before suddenly he is grabbed, pulled forward and he goes limp like a kit. The pain of old wounds surge from harsh movement but he lets out not a peep. Dragged off the thunderpath he lays on the other side dazed and confused. Unsure. Wondering where he is now. Is he finally dead? No, he can smell the earth beneath him. The blood crusted on himself. With a wheeze he breathes and he lifts his head, shaking. ".......Black..." He begins, a name that has not left his tongue in ages before he closes his eyes. Tired.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning's head lifts a degree higher, grey eyes trailing in the direction of hurried shouts lined with intimidation. Long spindly limbs move swiftly, bringing him near the rest of the small group with Mousepaw in tow. The ticked tabby focuses upon an equally tall tom teetering his way dangerously across the dreaded thunderpath. Howlingstar hisses a warning just as an air of familiarity washes over him. Why did they look vaguely familiar? The gunmetal coated warrior parts his jaws, preparing to speak when the urgency of the situation heightens. The earth is rumbling now, trembling as a monster makes its way down the tar covered path. Sunnyday is quick on his paws, grasping the ebony stranger in his jaws whilst pulling them to safety. A foolish yet brave endeavor, Silver had to give credit where credit was due. After the vehicle passes just as quickly as it came, leaving Silverlightning to trail in behind Sunnyday.

Thankfully the older golden warrior seemed to be alright, but his attention is once again drawn towards the obsidian feline beside him. There is a soft whisper, a name uttered that causes his eyes to widen a fraction larger. "Black, you lived..." The comment is spoken aloud as if to confirm the fact with himself, watching Black close their eyes slowly. Vague trails of old mountain scent drum up ghostly memories as he stares his brother in the face. Someone he was all but sure fell victim to the calamity of their old home. "...I can hardly believe it." He whispers softer this time. His heart hammers within his chest, stone faced facade threatening to crack and rupture under the weight of seeing a living family member.

One faltering breath later causes him to look in the direction of his leader. "Howlingstar, normally I would never ask anything of you. However," He begins as sense of desperation dares to creep into his voice. He briefly wrestles with the inflection of his tone, looking back over Black's battered body before continuing. "to my own surprise, this tom is my brother." Sucking in a steady breath to keep his voice from wavering Silver keeps going. "May he find sanctuary within your camp like I have?" He asks, turning his attention back to the brown tabby. (apprentice tag @MOUSEPAW !)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
The lanky creature doesn't respond to her warning, continuing to saunter closer and closer. She reveals more of her fangs, about to snarl a second warning before she would drive him off herself. It's then that the familiar rumbling is felt beneath her paws, the roaring swiftly approaching. A monster! While Sunnyday is focused on the strange, the leader's attention immediately lands on the three apprentices behind her. "Stay back!" She warns, fear edging her voice as she turns to ensure none of them get too close. The danger of a monster is not something to be trifled with; the trainees must learn that.

The beast whooshes past, and though Howlingstar is facing the other way she can feel the gust it pulls with it as it passes. The thundering of the monster's paws fades into the distance once more, and slowly she turns back towards the acrid path. The stranger is now on their territory, wheezing like a diseased animal, and Howlingstar instinctively takes a step back. He utters the word black and her face scrunches further in confusion. What in StarClan? Before she can say anything, however, Silverlightning is at the scene, and suddenly declares the tom his brother.

She looks to him in shock. "What?" She trills lightly, gaze now shifting between the two siblings. Grant him sanctuary? "I need to know more, Silverlightning. Why was he coming from ShadowClan territory? How did he end up here?" She is utterly confused and she's not about to let a strange, creepy cat into her camp without knowing all of the details.

Success. They were both alive and safely back on the thunderpath's verge away from the powerfully dangerous black round paws that the monsters ran on. Sunnyday exhaled a much needed sigh of relief and he let his heart rate simmer back down to more manageable level that didn't make his chest ache. With his nerves steadied he could at last focus on the pressing matter pertaining to the stranger that he was stood next to. It was a sorry sight and already a pang of sympathy tugged at his heart. What horrors had the tom lived through in order to make him look so much like a lost ghost?


Was that his name? Sunnyday found himself wrinkling his nose for the briefest of moments as thoughts of Blackmoon slithered into his mind, of how the tom had fallen into such a meek and frail state at the end of his life. Maybe there was a curse that clung to those who carried 'Black' in their names. "Sunnyday." He introduces simply as he sat himself down with his head bowed towards Black's form. Already he was seizing the chance to sniff the stranger's fur as a way of figuring out where he had come from and whether ShadowClan held any connection.

However, a revelation was shared that even had the old tom stunned. This was Silverlightning's brother? The surprise was clearly written across his face, though so too was his sense of relief for acting to save the stranger. A request to take Black in is made by the other and naturally Sunnyday finds himself backing it up, even though he didn't make that verbally clear quite yet. On this occasion it would be up to Silverlightning to fight the case, so whilst the discussion was being undertaken he decided to keep his focus on Black himself. He aimed to set a paw on the other's shoulder in a comforting manner, keeping the touch light as to avoid agitating any injuries the other held. "Take a moment to rest."

His mind swims, exhaustion evident in the way his limbs shake and he vaguely can sense someone is looking at him. And then a voice that he has not heard in a long time rumbles against his eardrums. Those deep amber eyes open and he looks like he might cry despite everything and yet his face does not change emotionally. Just his eyes. He stares at his brother and almost feels like he is seeing a ghost. That this can not possibly be real and yet he is still alive. The both of them are. "–how did yo–," His voice is strained and he is interrupted by coughs that rattle his skeletal frame. Taking in a wheeze of a breath he turns his eyes on the one that he thinks helped him. Sunnydale. Sunny. It sounds nice and he dips his head before closing his eyes once more. Rest. That would be good for him to do.

Just to take some time but he fears rest as well. He can't stop moving or else, right? He shifts, pulling his back legs underneath him, deadened eyes shifting to look at the woman that has asked questions and something he finds odd. What is Shadowclan? Who is that? He sighs before just laying his head against his savior's paws. Twice he has cheated death. It's made him drained.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
She wished to know more, that was understandable. He'd never been very open about his past and many things were still kept secret simply for his own piece of mind. She demands to know why Black has stumbled from shadowclan territory and Silver truly has no definitive answer. "The mountains we hail from are located beyond the realm of both shadow and wind." The ticked tabby murmurs softly. There was no other way to reach thunderclan without treading straight through another clan's turf. His former single part name is uttered by his brother's weakened voice, causing him to look down upon the ebony tom. Grey eyes soften, as his ears strain to hear Black's broken inquiry. How did he survive? "I went hunting," He begins, remembering the tense conversation held between their father and mother. After learning of an arranged marriage with some molly of a differing group. An arrangement that would bring peace between the two nomadic groups. A partnership born not of love but politics.

He remembers storming off that day. Going hunting to cool his frazzled nerves only to feel the very earth beneath his paws rumble and rattle ferociously. "When I came back...everything was destroyed in the mudslide. Everything..." He murmurs again, shaking his head as the vivid recollection flashes back to him. "Yet here you are." Turning back to Howlingstar again Silverlightning takes a step towards her. "I can assure you that my former group had no knowledge of the clans." It was a miracle Silver managed to stumble upon thunderclan all those moons ago. There would be no way Black held a connection with shadowclan, not even their swampy scent linger on him. Just the familiar smell of rocky earth underneath dried blood.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Howlingstar isn't a cat who likes treading the line of safety. She's cautious, wishing only to defend her home and her clan. A stranger upon her border is never a welcomed sight, but it's Silverlightning's brother, and she trusts him. He has her attention as he speaks, her eyes searching his own for any bit of doubt, anxiety. She finds none, only the concern that one would have for kin.

She hesitates, glancing once more at the weakened heap of fur she now knows as Black. Finally, she gives a small nod, brows knitted together as she turns to look at Sunnyday and Silverlightning. "Alright. Let's get him back to the warrior's den. But I want him watched at all times until he's proven himself." She won't take chances. The only reason she's even allowing him to gain sanctuary here is for Silverlightning's sake. Glancing back at the apprentices behind her, she waves her tail for them to begin heading back to camp before turning once more towards Black. If needed, she'll offer her shoulder.

Hope. Sunnyday released the breath that he hadn't known he had been holding in. Howlingstar had given an opportunity to Black, one he hoped that the tom would take given the alternative options. Offering a gentle smile, he leaned in towards the thin tom. "Would you like help reaching the camp? You can lean on me if you wish." If he had been younger and stronger then he might have even offered to carry the other, but he doubted he could manage such a feat all the way to the camp itself.