camp GRIN ✦ SICK?


Dec 7, 2023
The fake coughs that Pricklepaw let out aren't the feeble, fawn-legged things of the inexperienced. They are well practiced and harsh, springing out of him like mushrooms from Newleaf-soft earth. Although he lacks the green-black discharge one might expect from his narrowed eyes or the warm-to-the-touch outward burn of his skin that would prove his illness genuine, surely no one would doubt from sound alone that these coughs are anything but real. Ahead of him, with narrowed eyes, is Wigeontail.

"I mean it this time!" Pricklepaw manages between the coughs. His young voice is rough with it, "I really am—" More coughing, Pricklepaw doubles over—too much?—and reigns it back, "—sick this time!"

It's something of a game between himself and his mentor—Pricklepaw thinks. A competition. Wigeontail will try and get Pricklepaw out of camp before Pricklepaw can do this, and Pricklepaw will try and do the opposite. Wigeontail doesn't like it very much; he probably wouldn't even call it a game.

"You weren't sick last time," Poor Wigeontail tries to reason. He knows how Pricklepaw is by now—he should know better than to plead reason, "Or even the time before."

More coughing: clear and watery spittle spikes the fur of Pricklepaw's chin, nothing like the off-yellow viscosity one may expect of the ill. Pricklepaw shakily wipes it away with a paw as if it was truly that disgusting, regardless. If there is one thing he's learned from his game, it is that there is little to be gained from allowing his audience to look too closely at the details of it.

"But this time!" Pricklepaw has coughing down to an art form. The force of it hurts at the base of his chest, "I can barely keep my lungs down and you're calling me a liar! It isn't fair! It isn't fair!"​

Yet another rouse of arguments she had overheard, the chill of season was souring everyone's mood. Even hers, it had hit a decade of moons since she was born and the season was an awful reminder of the trying times she had to wrestle before she could form words or teeth. How bad could this be? Last it had been over a petty prank, the apprentices barking back and forth Infront of Robinpaw. A grumble was formed in her throat, approaching the pair and shifting her gaze on Pricklepaw. "Sicklings don't run their mouths with as much strength than that. Clearly you are forcing this to get out of work. We need as many paws this season as we can get, you know? I'll get Ravensong to confirm, yes? He'll determine this better." Annoyance was clear in her tone, giving Wigeontail a reassuring nod before striding off to the medicine den to retrieve @RAVENSONG . It was frustrating to see a possible attempt to get out of the assistance of a hunt. Many apprentices begged to get out and begged to train more than they already were. It disappointed her. The youth always seemed to find a complaint for something whether or not there was more or less. She remembered her own complaints as a young spitfire. Wanting to go farther. Wanting to do more. It was never enough. Atleast she found peace with whatever she did have as she had matured. She hoped Pricklepaw would eventually come to that as well. She hoped every youth did.

༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Some of the warriors whispered where they thought Riverkit couldn't hear. That they had been sick when they came in– that Shellkit would not have lasted longer. Thornmask spoke of eternal suffering, but whenever he thought back to those terribly hazy memories the only thing he remembers is a heavy sense of calmness. Being sick was like being cold. When he looks at Pricklepaw, it's...different. But it still makes his chest prickle with quick breaths as he listens to them talk. Petalnose didn't believe him. Petalnose was smart; she must be right.

. . . what if she wasn't?

"You need to stay away from Shellkit." His voice is firmer than even he had expected, the puffball standing defiant and wide-pawed against (or, rather, off to the side) of Pricklepaw and Wigeontail. "If you make her sick again, you'll — I'll!" The kitten's ears are pinned back and his eyes scrunched to tight slits, but the aggression of his pose is offset by the panic of quick breaths. She was so small. So sick for so long since Smokestar brought them back. This apprentice doesn't get to hurt her any more. Not like the snow did.

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  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.
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"Don't listen to Petalnose. She's not a medicine cat." Nettlepaw's vocals are harsh and venomous, as he exits the apprentice den with a dark scowl. Sightless eyes flicker across his brother's form, as muscled legs carry the tabby point closer toward the scene. An ear flicks irritably toward Riverkit, but he can't judge the younger cat. Bristlepaw had been protective like that, too. Determined not to let his siblings die of Yellowcough, like their mother.

Grim memory aside, Nettlepaw's focus falls to Wigeontail.

"You should be ashamed! Pricklepaw is clearly sick! Do you really wanna risk another outbreak because you're too cruel to give your apprentice a break?" He knows it's important to hunt right now, where frost stings at his toes and snow blankets the hard earth. Petalnose had a point. That didn't mean that Nettlepaw wasn't going to support his brother, though. With Reedflower dead and Shadestone too busy patrolling all the time, the siblings could only really count on each other.

"I'll take on extra patrols today, so Pricklepaw can rest." The brazen apprentice determines aloud. Besides, I'm probably a better hunter than him anyways. Nettlepaw's tail snakes through the air as attention dances back toward Riverkit, "And you won't have to worry. Since Pricklepaw is clearly sick, he can rest in the medicine den, away from you and your siblings." He points out.

After all, if Pricklepaw was going to fake being sick, then he'd have to dedicate time to actually playing the part. Nettlepaw wasn't about to point out his brother's fooling, but he wasn't going to miss the chance to prod and tease at his brother either. So, enjoy the medicine cat's den! It stinks in there.
Petalnose makes the first mistake—she runs off to fetch Ravensong. A delay, a blessed delay. There is an entire conversation had between Pricklepaw and Wigeontail, made out of nothing but exaggerated expressions, that fizzles the moment Riverkit appears. There isn't any use to Pricklepaw trying to convince Petalnose, not when she doesn't have a whisker of doubt for Pricklepaw to stretch. Riverkit, though—Riverkit is worried.

Pricklepaw doesn't smile. That would be giving it away.

"I will do my best to not infect poor Shellkit," Pricklepaw leans over Riverkit as he speaks. His shoulders bounce occasionally, giving the impression that he is attempting to speak through a coughing fit, "But I can't control who I do or do not infect. It is the nature of diseases, I'm afraid. I'll only get better if—" Here, the coughs win, "—if I get my much needed treatment, that my cruel mentor refuses me. I could get the whole camp sick, and it won't be my fault because I begged for herbs that I was denied."

Nettlepaw coming for aid shouldn't be a surprise. Pricklepaw's crossed eyes narrow—what could he possibly want?—before he forces himself to relax. Perhaps Nettlepaw was being a helpful brother out of nothing but the goodness of his heart, or perhaps he thought Pricklepaw was getting himself in too deep on something and was trying to push him further in. Whatever the motivation, it doesn't matter. Not in the moment.

"Nettlepaw agrees. He's got a good nose on him too, and ears better that a bat. He can hear my wheezing from where he sits without any effort." Has it been too long since Pricklepaw has coughed? He coughs again, an impressively large and surprisingly wet sounding one, just to be careful.​
"Nettlepaw if you don't watch your tongue when speaking to your superiors I'm going to snatch it out of you." Blind and then unable to talk, lets see the mischief he got into then. The imposing dark frame of the leader approached with his usual slow and lumbering gait, pausing at the gathering collective of cats not doing anything and Petalnose's own wrinkled nose of disdain. It was a little funny how the most serious and short-tempered of his lead's was the one so often picked at and bullied by the apprentices. Its as if they smelled a challenge and accepted the fate that might befall them in a desperate bid for some kind of thrill. One too many cuffed ears would have your head swelling like a bubble if they weren't careful. Then you would truly need to see the medicine cats.
Smokestar sweeps alongside Riverkit, his tail folding in a light curl around the tiny blue tabby yelping about not wanting his sister ill. Shellkit had been a paw in StarClan when they finally got her to Hazecloud, it was a wonder she'd survived so he could resonate with the concerns. He too didn't wish for more illness but in such a time it was highly likely some kind of plague would sweep through them. He only hoped the kits were stronger than.
"Don't worry Riverkit, apprentices aren't allowed in the nursery, she will be fine."

A single amber eye narrows as he scrutinizes Pricklepaw, that cough sounded fake - the entire thing was some ridiculous kitten ploy it seemed and he wanted to shake his head and order them to get back to their duties without a second thought but he had a brief moment of pause. Of inspiration really. Smokestar nods in an almost solemn manner, "...that sounds terrible, Pricklepaw. I'm sorry you're unwell, it sounds like it may be that new sickness spreading through the camp, but don't worry..." A knowing smile curls his dark lips up, the faintest shine of white teeth visible, "...Ravensong already made a cure for it. Tell me, which of your toes do you like the least?"

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  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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Coughing - some obviously fake-sounding and others causing the apprentice concern for but a moment - caused the girl to peak out of the medicine den as Petalnose made her way over, offering the older warrior her usual smile before it was quickly replaced with a frown. If Pricklepaw wasn't pretending then the idea of a new illness flickering through camp so soon after yellowcough didn't sit well with her, so quickly she came over just in time for her to hear Pricklepaw's comment about Nettlepaw agreeing with him being sick.

As much as she enjoyed Nettlepaw's company when they were alone, she knew that he couldn't fully be trusted around others, brash and quick to side with his littermate whether or not he was right. Not to mention she couldn't smell any sickness on the other either so ears flicked back for a second before she listened to Smokestar ask about... toes? "It's a quick cure too, gets you back into the territory in just a few breaths." She'd joke, light voice coming back to her as smile returned once more. If Pricklepaw really was sick there'd be no harm in a small joke before his trip to the den, right? Especially if he was well enough to banter with the warriors before going.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
He trods after his apprentice, tail dragging in the mud behind him. Petalnose had come to them with news of another coughing fit from one of the apprentices. He judged that there might be some hint of disbelief in this apprentice's illness, but Ravensong made the trek anyway.

He caught only the tail-end of Smokestar's comments, a large floppy ear twitching with half-interest. He regarded the apprentice, recognizing him to be Pricklepaw immediately. The other cats are offered a weak greeting, but his focus clearly is on the cat of the hour, the blue pointed apprentice.

"I am... displeased that so many are quick to resort to accusing the ill of feigning." He rasps, seafoam eyes half-lidded. "There are many things we do not understand yet." Yellowcough had been one of them. His words were sharp, edged with some hint of uneasiness that had been following him for the past few days, but the more he observed Pricklepaw, the less convinced he was of the apprentice's condition. But the principle, yes the principle remained! Of course, he would not say anything.

  • IMG_0250.png
    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them" openly suffers from chronic migraines single, but "it's complicated"
The implications of what Smokestar says sink in slowly. Pricklepaw's nose wrinkles—considering. Smokestar couldn't be serious. Medicine cats tended to treat the sick with acrid-smelling herbs. This was normally the part where Pricklepaw would be threatened with every sort of terrible taste imaginable, and with the horror of being confined to the medicine den. He's never been threatened with the removal of a toe.

"No one else is missing any toes," Pricklepaw murmurs, his face furrowed as if deep in thought. It's a bluff—it needs to be a bluff, right?—and the correct answer to a bluff is to always bluff back, bigger than the last, "As severe as my, ah, condition is, I'm afraid it'll need to be at least two—three!—toes. Maybe a whole paw."

He presents the less favored paw to Smokestar with his crossed eyes shut dramatically against the world, head tilted as if already flinching from the would-be removal. Then, remembering himself, offers up his most impressive coughing fit yet.

It's Moonpaw's words that have Pricklepaw snatching his paw back, held to the long fur of his chest. "Now I know you're mocking me—while I'm down so low, too!" Pricklepaw gasps, "And on the moon phase I was born under, no less!" He straightens himself, flicks imaginary dirt from his chest, "I'm not a kit anymore—and I'm so ill. And I'm nearly a warrior anyway, I'll probably be one way before you are a medicine cat, Moonpaw."

And then it is Ravensong. Pricklepaw lights up and then tempers his excitement under another coughing fit. See? Pricklepaw's expression says, Ravensong believes me, and he's the medicine cat! "It was terrible!" Pricklepaw nods, "Everyone was calling me a liar and Smokestar was going to take my whole paw off! And I was so desperate to stop coughing that I was going to let him!" His crossed eyes narrow as he recounts it to Ravensong—he very pointedly does not look at Smokestar, "Everyone saw it happen. I'm not making it up this time."​