private GRITTED TEETH OPTIMISM [✿] mottledove

✿—— as soon as whatever business was going on with their newest member and mottledove at the camp entrance is sorted out, bobbie makes it her mission to hunt down (perhaps not so ominously) the cinnamon-furred queen. she remembers the birth of mottledove's kittens—only a few moons ago, feeling much longer. she remembers how she'd been in the nursery then herself, how easy and open her thoughts had been, how unfounded all her small anxieties. she remembers how yukio was there with her, greeting the newest arrivals, and her heart does that familiarly painful twist. mostly she remembers how no father had been present—and, while it's far from her to judge anyone for that, mottledove's reaction to the newcomer had been ... telling.

familiar, is what had really been. she remembers aspenpaw's small blue shape nestled at mottledove's belly, now resting in the medicine den, and she thinks of their blue-furred newcomer. she thinks of how mottledove had reacted, shock turning to dull displeasure, and a jolt of unwelcome familiarity runs through her pelt. she wants to talk to mottledove, wants to (stars willing) put this idea she can't get out of her head to rest—she prays her thoughts are incorrect, and well, their newcomer ought to pray for it as well.

"hello, mottledove," she greets the queen with a smile when she finds her outside the nursery, though there's a nervous gleam to her green eyes. setting down a jay she'd brought for the cinnamon-tortie queen, bobbie glances at her for confirmation before seating herself, half-tail curled against her slowly freckling thigh. she waits a moment for her nerves to settle and finally, after some debate, just pushes ahead with it, "the - the new cat, stormy. mottledove, is - is he the father of your kits? what happened?"

stars above, if the queen answers yes, she doesn't know what she'll do to that tom.


  • ooc: @Mottledove. !!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu