Jul 16, 2023
❃ G R I Z Z L Y J A W x H O N E Y D A P P L E ❃

Hello! Thank you for taking an interest in this litter!
Timeline is a bit weird since the due date has passed. This is because of personal circumstances and the original code poofing into the shadow realm. So I had to re-make this from scratch! If you're looking for a quick litter - this is for you! To make things easier I've also created a premade (uncolored) design for the kit (with all possible genetic outcomes drawn up) and an avatar that way when the kitten is selected I'll have a design ready to roll out for their profile!

    These two lovebirds stories began behind a random two-legs' rubbish bin, where a young Honey (Honeydapple) was failing to find a scrap to eat. With a thinning frame, she was a sorry sight, as her former life had been far cushier. A charming tom named Grizzly (Grizzlyjaw) seemed to come along at the perfect time and gifted her a pitiful mouse. Together they shared the tiny scrap as a storm brewed and raged above, bonding within the confines of a silver den for a day and night. Shortly after, they decided it was best to stick together as a hunting pair, traveling side by side and relying on one another for survival. Their partnership blossomed amidst trials and victories, culminating in heartfelt declarations beneath the moon's gentle glow.

    Much like any enamored couple, the duo were expecting. Grizz could've sworn Honey hung the stars when he learned of his impending fatherhood. Honey felt no different for the handsome loner, smitten by the idea of having a second chance at motherhood. Preparing for their litter, they sought a safer abode, hearing tales of colonies known as "clans."

    Both parties agreed this would be a perfect place to start a family. Given the strength of numbers and connections. Within no time, the couple moved into Thunderclan, newly named Grizzlyjaw and Honeydapple, cozily squared away. One settled into the nursery and the other set off on the tasks of a warrior.

    Unfortunately, not everything can be a joyful beginning. The night of their kittens' arrival ended in tragedy. All four were born frail, and one by one, they faded by the next night, much like Honeydapple's first litter. From then on, the pairing has had a long and difficult journey with child loss and infertility, leaving them immeasurable heartache.

    Recovering slowly from the grief, Honeydapple found a light within the dark, getting the chance to kitsit and be present in the nursery, sating old wounds. Even if it can be inconvenient at times, she rarely turns down requests to keep an eye on a rambunctious litter in camp.

    However, these activities have caused her to prioritize daytime patrols and hunts, a stark difference from her night owl of a mate who enjoys late evening patrols. To reconcile, the pair would often gallivant the territory at night. Though their midnight dates came to an abrupt halt after the rise of rogue, wolf, and hawk activities within the territory. In a state of concern, Grizzlyjaw asked her to stay within camp unless accompanied by a patrol. This led to them only sparing each other a nuzzle when settling in for the night. Afraid of being hurt, Honeydapple agreed, and their time together dwindled even more.

    Days leading up to the strange hole in the sun, Honeydapple had 'a bad feeling' from what she assumed was spoiled prey. On the day the land was enveloped by said eerie darkness, her mate seemed to have vanished with it. Despite tireless searches and endless prayers, her tear-filled questions were left unanswered. Leaving Honeydapple sick with worry and boundless time to plan the next move. Determined to find him the pointed feline knew what she had to do. Leave the home they'd made and search for him beyond their borders.

    Except, the molly's difficult circumstances did not end here, as her nausea grew fiercer. With much needed guidance from Gentlestorm, it's revealed that her afflictions were not only mourning but signs of pregnancy. Crushing what little hope she had on finding her lost mate. Knowing that Grizzlyjaw would prioritize the safety of their children she made the tough decision to stay put.

    Pregnant and alone, Honeydapple now grapples with fear and uncertainty, clinging to hope for his return. She faces the daunting prospect of raising kits without a father, haunted by the absence of her missing light and the mysteries shrouding his disappearance. The whereabouts of her beloved now resting squarely on fate.
  • This kitten is to stay in Thunderclan and be loyal to Thunderclan only.
    Expected activity level for this kit is casual and very relaxed.
    Form is FFA so long as their basic information is included.
    Please inform me or BossTaurus if you plan to be inactive 2+ months.
    Angsty or evil characters are permitted within ic realism.
    Kitten will be chosen in one week from now on the 27th.
    Feel free to go by worm standards. Birthdate being the 28th of June.
    Kit will start off small and sickly. Roleplayer's choice to carry into adulthood.
    Disabilities are welcome if played accurately, respectfully, and appropriately.
    They will be loved and cherished to a smothering degree by Honeydapple.
    This kitten will not have any future siblings unless adopted.

    Feel free to do what you please with this knowledge. ;)
  • xKMYOr1.jpg

  • sdPJGh6.png
  • 3PrQyiD.jpg

    (After his love)
    Nectar, Pollen, Fuzzy, Warm, Kindle, Love, Blossom/ing, Sweet.
    (Memories before Thunderclan)
    Silver (the trashcan lid), Warbler, Quail, Woodpecker (a few birds he can faintly remember), Rumbling, Snarl/ing, Grumble/ing, Smoke (after the cars/monsters), Rain, Dewdrop.
    (For Thunderclan)
    Bramble, Wood, Pheasant, Finch, Thrush, Rock.
    (For appearance)
    Fuzzy, Small, Spot/ted, Tiny, Dark.

    (After her love)
    Growl/ing, Shade, Gruff, Dazzle/ing, Whisper/ing, Spike.
    (Memories before Thunderclan)
    Hornet, Buzz/ing (sound of the insects at night), Purple, Beam, Rainbow, Ray (the first morning they cuddled), Heart, Chirp/ing.
    (For Thunderclan)
    Tree, Conifer, Fern, Strike, Kind (after Gentlestorm), Shout/ing (after Howlingstar), Glimmer/ing (after Thundergleam), Oak.
    (For appearance)
    Dot/ted, Speckle, and Wooly.

    We encourage roleplayers to try and avoid already in use names within the same clan.
  • !! Given that this kit will be pretty pampered in terms of attention. There is a strong chance to develop said kit with a more spoiled personality. Honeydapple will frequently remind them of how 'special' and 'perfect' the kit is. Said kitten might then believe they're 'above it all' and when their bad behavior is rewarded or ignored - it'll fuel worse mannerisms.

    !! Honeydapple and Grizzlyjaw have always led a very reserved lifestyle even within the clan. Never sticking out amongst the crowd and hardly one's to make a fuss. She will surely be a worry-wart (afraid to lose them like Grizzly) and struggle with taking time away to function as a warrior. Once the kit is apprenticed she'll try her best to take a back seat. The other choice being she steps more in on friendships. Creating the feeling that Honeydapple is stunting parts of their social growth. This has potential of leading to a emotional conflict later into adulthood.

    !! The above plots may also be reversed and craft an inexplicably tight bond between mother and child. With Grizzlyjaw's absence the kitten could feel compelled to stay by their mother's side and Honeydapple would be more than happy to allow. Possibly into early adulthood. Coddling and cooing over their one and only child.

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  • 1284443_fQJrcipm.png

    ㅤ↪ PREFIX- Prefix meaning here -SUFFIX Suffix meaning here
    afab, she/her
    0 moons, ages every 28th
    kit of thunderclan
    ㅤ↪ Mentoring N/A
    ㅤ↪ Previously mentored by N/A
    Best known for…
  • 936942_ohyKNiRN.png

    LH tortie smoke point
    ㅤ↪ Detailed Description

    Smells of
  • 4.png

    ㅤ↪ List traits
    ㅤ↪ List traits
    ㅤ↪ List traits

    Detailed personality
  • 6.png

    Gen #
    Other relations?
    Relationship status, taken by

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Close friends with...
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Friends with…
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Dislikes…
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Hates…
  • 10.png

    Hunting skill?
    ㅤ↪ Extra hunting notes?
    Fighting skill?
    ㅤ↪ Extra fighting notes?
    Mental difficulty?
    ㅤ↪ Extra mental notes?
    Will NOT start physical fights / MAY start verbal fights / WILL flee / WILL NOT kill.

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Finished application


" The difference between you and me is I would do 'most anything
'Cause I don't want to feel relief, no I just want the remedy

BLIND SH BLACK SMOKE WITH LOW WHITE carrying longhair & point
Blank-kit is, from birth, a scraggly looking cat. With somewhat patchy fur and uneven white markings he doesn't win any beauty contests, unless a cat is particularly fond of ugly ducklings. His eyes are a dull green and only offer him dark blurred surroundings. His tail is often puffed up as cats approaching him is never anticipated. As a kitten he is frail and sickly, this will persist even into adulthood, barely is the tom ever able to keep enough fat on his ribs to hide them. After a few moons he develops a raw patch of skin under his dripping nose, constant pawing at it leaves the fur thin and the skin irritated, typically it is much more pink than his otherwise grey skin. While he tends to grow into most of his gaunt features he doesn't win the fight against his ears, they stay large and abrasive at the top of his end and don't help his face look any fuller. He is often found sitting or lying down, he doesn't indulge in typical kit games like moss ball, it could be remarked that he is rather lethargic. By about three moons old the kitten already has grey fur spotting his muzzle from the stress his body is constantly in.

Personality. Blank-kit is a special kitten, his mother told him so. Although for most cats in the clan this is because of his frequently needed medical attention and odd personality. To most he is off-putting, especially for a kitten, he is rather gloomy. He spends a lot of time either curled with his mother, or staring off into space. And it's rare to hear a word leave the kitten's lips, unless of course he is being fed more herbs, that is a never ending battle of wills. Never particularly excited for anything other than stories. He has a wild imagination, in some ways his mind is the only thing he has full control over, which makes it very important. He is at whim of whatever cold or fever keeps him limited to a nest, so the fact he can create stories and think, he can think of so many things, it's his freedom.

His mother from a young age fosters a sense of importance in the boy, filling him up with grandeur. As a kitten it seems harmless and almost a endearing quality, because at least he isn't whining about taking more herbs, however as an apprentice and warrior it does turn into a less appalling trait. It's in his endless daydreaming that he becomes the main character of his dreams, fostering an overinflated ego and self-pride. He craves the indulgence that is ego and power, which fosters a rather wicked tongue. Sweet like honey when he wants something and sour as rotten prey when he doesn't get what he desires. He grasps at control wherever he may find it.
  • Blank-kit will have low vision, not completely blind but is impairing in everyday life and warrior duties. He also has a horribly low immune system, leaving him often nest-ridden for multiple days in a single moon.
  • Blank-kit would eventually become a rather bitter nasty character. Most likely growing a distaste for authorities and having somewhat of an identity crisis come his warrior ceremony, possibly resulting in demanding to be made an elder on his own accord (I have no idea what the end result of that would be).
  • A interesting plot could be him sneaking out to try and find his father, maybe early on in kithood, might be a good opportunity for Honeydapple to really start babying him and smothering.
  • Here are three songs that I think fit the concept I'm trying to achieve with him: Everything Moves - Bronze Radio Returns
    High (Keep Up) - Bo Baskoro
    Eustace Scrubb -Sarah Sparks
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