private GROTESQUE IN MY OWN EVILS ♱ sunstride


eternally ♱ 6.10.2024
May 20, 2023

♱ | cygnetstare has been gathering, lately. not prey, which has been a fruitless effort as of late anyways, but a more valuable trade—information. skulking around the edges of clan gossip circles, barely noticed, she has been plucking secrets and stories and whispers like a bird from a berry-bush. or perhaps a vulture would be more accurate, vultures drifting belatedly to a corpse and pulling strands of decaying meat from bone with an earned satisfaction. regardless, today the waves of gossip pull her towards their new deputy, a figure of spiced fur and newness, scrubbed shiny by his fresh role.

it was only a scrap of a phrase she'd caught, a "sunstride did something," but it is enough for her. they should like to test him, to make useful their harvest; perhaps only to poke at him and see if he squirms, but only time will tell. she need not be specific; surely he knows what he had done to earn his voice passed low on the currents of clan gossip. and if it were false, would harm be done to her? certainly not, and curved canines jut over her pale lips in a corpse's smile as she lurches over, stinking of the grave.

"would you like to take a walk with me?" their fangs jut ever more, and though it's not a question, it is neither a threat; they do not aim to intimidate this new deputy. they only want to guide and twist and pull the conversation into a fitting form, and once she's gotten him out of the public scene of camp and they begin to settle into the moors, her grin widens. they can tolerate the pain-freckles of burning sun that rake claws over their back for this, and once they've drawn far into fields of heather and prairie grass, they turn to him whip-fast as the tail of an adder.

leaning in, teeth pulling ever taut at their bleached jaws, cygnetstare murmurs, "i know what you did."


  • 69140261_xIW1zTUoqdBU1di.png
    x she / they ; 35 moons.
    x sister and daughter to cats long-lost, left unremembered.
    x a skeletal black smoke / albino chimera with pink eyes and a prominent throat scar ; regarded by her clanmates as strange, her motivations are shadowy and vague.
    x currently in an era of gathering many things, namely information, and taking inventory of her clan's higher ranks and their usefulness to windclan.