grow as we go ;; hunting patrol


;; forgiveness.
Mar 4, 2023

With her apprentice at her side, Bluejay leads her patrol to the mentioned Rockpile to go hunting. Her nose sniffs along the stones, the rain having dampened them- making them slick and slippery. "Alright, everyone! We're gonna sniff around a little bit. Heatherpaw, can you smell any prey?" With the rain that had pelted down onto the stones, it made scenting out properly a bit harder. A perfect challenge for her apprentice, she'd say! Turning back to Blazestar, Coyotepaw, and Bearheart, the Daylight Warrior smiled broadly. "And let's hope this goes easy for us, yeah?"

// Stay tuned for awesome mini-challenge during this patrol!
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) Bearheart honestly wasn't even sure how they were expected to find anything around the Rockpile. Couldn't they have tried somewhere else? Unfortunately they were here now so he supposed he would just have to lump it for the time being. At least he could solely focus on himself and how he was hunting due to his lack of an apprentice. "Yeah, here's hoping." He mainly just hoped that none of them had an accident on the rocks.

Moving away from the others he then proceeded to sniff around the place, following any tracks in the mud that he came across. Eventually he locked onto something and he hurried along towards an opening within the rocks. The scent of mouse was strong and he found himself crouching down so he could plunge his paw inside, chasing his quarry with a growl.
A fine mist still hangs in the air, the after-effects of the storm. Water clings to the fringes of Blazestar's pelt, making his movements uncomfortable at best. He isn't in the best mood, still not having forgiven Bluejay for embarrassing him in front of another Clan, and he is still thoroughly questioning his deputy's decision-making skills after putting her at the head of a hunting patrol.

Oh well. He's here now. He glances at Coyotepaw beside him. "Careful on the rocks," he says, voice low. "But do you scent anything?" Vole isn't common prey on the moors, but SkyClan begins to see an abundance of them in newleaf. Blazestar's mouth waters at the prospect.

Angry at all the things I can't change
The heaviness clinging to his fur due to prior rains and now its mist causes him to take a moment to shake his pelt. The motion does next to nothing despite his efforts, fae grimacing as he lifts a flaxen paw to continue following along behind the patrol until they reach wet slick rocks. Mint green eyes skim over the landmark, a single ear flicking in response to Blazestar's inquiry. "Hopefully I will." He nearly whispers, not wanting to spook any prey should they indeed be around. Quietly he meanders forward, maw dropping open with an expression akin to tense concentration. Scenting prey with moisture hanging so heavily within the atmosphere proved to be just as bothersome as hunting in snow. Eventually, after rounding the opposite side he hears the faintest of claws scrabbling upon stone. With a flash of his paw, the appendage snakes forth to dig hooked claws into the little vole's tiny frame and drag it towards expecting jaws where he could make quick work of it.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Blazestar acknowledges Coyotepaw's response with a slow blink of his blue eyes. The pale apprentice goes to check the air, though the scents are muffled by the thick mist and moisture in the air. The SkyClan leader watches with satisfaction as Coyotepaw scents what he had -- a vole lurking within the stone pile. With a quickness that puts Blazestar's own hunting abilities to shame, Coyotepaw hooks a plump little vole and kills it before it can alert the rest of the forest prey.

The Ragdoll flicks his tail tip against his apprentice's shoulder. "Well done, he murmurs in a low voice. There is satisfaction in his chest at having such a capable young apprentice. He thinks that after all he's been through, he'll be a fierce and brave addition to SkyClan's ranks.

Blazestar is distracted, then, by a second set of scrabbling claws. He's silent, dropping into a crouch. His poise is not as refined as his apprentice's, his stalk lumbering because of the tamed Ragdoll genes, but his pounce is swift and self-assured. He kills the vole and drops it neatly beside Coyotepaw's. "You made quicker work of yours," he praised the younger tom. "Let's see what else we can find."