private GROW UP ☆ Crashingtide


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
*+:。.。 Asphodelpaw's claws itched with the memory of blood warming their frosted tips. Anger still boiled in the back of his eyes as he followed wordlessly behind his mentor, expecting and already defensive at whatever lecture the older man as about to throw at him. He'd already heard enough from everyone else in the clan, he wasn't excited to hear even more. Especially when none of it felt reasonable - Asphodelapw was trying to protect his clan! Trying to protect his own life in the case of attacking Valepaw. He didn't need more groundings, more ways preventing him from proving his loyalty! He was determined to be Riverclan's greatest - why was he being faulted for trying to keep it safe internally?! Did everyone just forget about the war that was waged against them all during the rogue invasion? Did everyone forget the taste of blood soaking their river's waters?

And if they had, why couldn't Asphodelpaw?

"If you're gonna yell at me just do it already" Asphodelpaw hissed, breaking the cold silence with a desperate bid for some sort of control.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
Disappointment lingered in his hardened gaze as he looked at his apprentice. Had he been the root of this anger, this hatred? Crashingtide had never been a warrior that seemed to care and perhaps young Asphodelpaw yearned to do the same. The large brown tabby's mind searched for the words to express his hatred for the apprentice's actions. River Colony or Marsh Colony, it didn't matter. They had sworn an Oath just the same. Sure, was it an unspoken Oath? Yes. Crashingtide believed that those who broke that Oath were never loyal to begin with and were just making excuses for their behavior.

Crashingtide did not believe that everyone should be punished for their origins or their past if it did not pose a threat to them. However, those that lashed out at their clanmates were to be punished. That was an action against their clan, something that deserved more than cleaning ticks off of elders. He felt Asphodelpaw may have different intentions behind his words towards the other apprentices, but that wasn't the problem in the older feline's mind right now. "If yellin' is what ya desire, yer in fer a rude awakenin'. I ain't happy with ya, that's fer sure." The tom's voice remained monotonous like it always was.

He stopped and motioned to the apprentice to sit next to him with his paw. "Do I believe that takin' the ticks of them elders is enough of a punishment for yer actions? Not at all. I believe yer actions were a risk to us all. Fightin' yer fellow apprentices? That ain't right. 'Bout as useful as a badger in a rabbit hole. Yer gonna destroy yer chances as bein' a respected warrior. Ya look up to Lichentail, Smokestar, and all 'em right? Well, then don't be like me. Ya gotta be kind, not grumpy. It's too late fer me. But ya got yer whole life ahead. Don't be fish-brained."