GROWING GARDEN // herb patrol

Thunderpath...He wasn't sure if he ever would feel comfortable visiting this pitch black path of death. Every single time he swore he could see his mother standing out there staring at him with her white pupiless eyes. Her death was not something he regretted though. Vulturemask had got ride of the vermin she was. was not all bad coming here these days. There was something to look forward to or should he say someone. Today he might not see them though. Maybe it would be for the better. He was not alone after all and their meetings he wished to stay a secret. " Look for yellow flowers...they should be growing around here. But beware of the black path." he cast a side glance at Harrierpaw and Cottonpaw his eyes slightly getting narrowed. " It's called Thunderpath but i prefere to call it for deathpath." That was his only warning to them. Their mentors would do a better job of explaining it he was sure. Would be a tragedy if Sootstars kits died here today. Without any further to say the medicine cat dismissed himself as he started to get closer to the road in search of his prectious tansy flower. He would love to have more of those in his possession. They for sure would serve him well in the future, whenever he would need them.

// at least wait for one of thus tagged before SC posts thanks! (:
@SUNSTRIDE @Firefang @icebreath @HARRIERPAW @cottonpaw

also since i was so late at putting this thread up i rolled again and got 2 tansys! so anyone in the patrol can found those!


Harrierpaw thought this was stupid. He’d much rather be out training with Firefang and not on a patrol looking for plants. He’s aware of the importance of a medicine cat’s job, and he respects it, but it was not his path… He’s been trying to read his mentor’s expression, curious if she was pleased to be here or as bored as he was, but so far it was to no avail.

As they draw near the ShadowClan border Harrierpaw refrains from gagging, his black nose wrinkles in complete repulse. Vulturemask quickly informs Cottonpaw and himself that it’s the thunder path, noting another good name for it would’ve been the death path. ”Oh. This is where Briarstar died.” He meows, glancing at his sister to see if she recalled overhearing the tales of the ShadowClan leader’s death. Older apprentices had brought it up a few times.

When Vulturemask moves closer to the thunder path Harrierpaw stays put several fox-lengths away. He’s not getting close to that.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· HARRIERKIT, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 3 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Bluepaw & Cottonpaw
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to Firefang
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Twin blue-violet eyes shone through the low hanging branches and the tall reeds bordering the path, the black and white apprentice watched the WindClan patrol with silent scrutiny; he could not remember if they liked them or not. He had heard, briefly, that they were enemies now for some reason-strange how things shift so suddenly, he pondered over why but didn't care enough to ask. To Magpiepaw things were just the same so he regarded them the same.
"It's only dangerous if you're foolish." He sings out, warbling bird cry of a voice and perpetually wide eyes glancing at the cats present. His tail flicked upward in a crooked question mark upon recognizing Cottonpaw and he offered her a wave specifically as the only cat he knew across the treacherous black stream of tar and turpentine. Harrierpaw makes a remark on Briarstar and he is once more baffled why that seems to be the only thing anyone ever remembers her for. According to Starlingheart, she was much more, and though he never met her he felt offended on their medicine cat's behalf.
Magpiepaw danced forward to the edge of the thunderpath, the tips of his black paws just barely touching it as he peered across unblinking.
"The threat is not the path but the beasts that tread upon it. You can feel them coming, their guttural howls shake the earth."
"I'm su-re they knew that, Magpiepaw." Dogfur chuffs as he draw himself out of the marshy pines that line their border, his apprentice hopefully behind. "The Thunderpath is their border, too. Just a couple of little kittens being shown it for the first time." His voice raises and crinkles into an ugly little chuckle. Wide yellow eyes track the strange patrol. WindClan's only medicine cat here—surrounded by a crew of cats, yes, likely not measly, so they could not pick off WindClan's healer if they wanted to.

"You should be more afraid of the Star-Killer." Dogfur asserts, his flea-bitten coat ruffling and rising in excitement. "They haunt these woods—not caught yet, no-o-o, but when they are, well—" Dogfur cackled again, his tail whipping back and forth behind him in excitement as he watched the WindClan cats. Would they get their precious flowers?


WindClan was... not great. She recalled how quick they had been to show their teeth upon the severed alliance and casually decided it was worth watching their wobbly apprentice in case those on the other side of the Thunderpath grew combative once more. Black mud coated the Lead Warrior up to her hocks as she approached the borders, a pleasant smile gracing her muzzle. She recognised Sunstride and Cottonpaw from previous patrols, her interactions with the both of them practically non-existent with her attention taken up by threatening apprentices. Things were peaceful for now, but it didn't stop her tail from lashing as if she was prepared to leap at any moment - gosh she wanted to say something to get under their skins. Before she opened her mouth, Dogfur interjected with words that gave her pause. Star-Killer. Her ears twitched simultaneously at the name assigned to Pitchstar's murderer by her best friend. She hadn't heard such a phrase before but it was incredibly fitting, and a fun reminder that, with her one life, she perhaps should not have been so chilled out about exploring the marshlands like life was normal again. "I will eat them." She assured, nodding in affirmation of her duplicitous statement.

There were more words to come from the ticked tabby, her impulses having a stranglehold on her politeness. "You are an awfully bold cat to leave your leader defenseless with such a Star-Killer on the loose." She pointed out if it were an odd thing to host a herb patrol. Starling was quite independent from what Ferndance had witnessed, perhaps it was a little odd to devote so many animals to picking flowers when WindClan had made an enemy of everyone. Her blinks were slow flutters in Vulturemask's direction, not quite innocent, not quite malicious. A perfect balance. "Should they strike, who will heal the wounds they deal? StarClan? After the gathering, I doubt you can rely on them. I know I wouldn't if they tried to turn me into a burnt little kitty cat." She didn't particularly rely on StarClan even without the attempted murder, their guidelines were recommendations for the cinnamon feline, not things that held any proper merit. She bunched her mud-caked paws closer together, dipping her head towards WindClan's medicine cat. Just as soon as she'd poked a metaphorical bear, her attention settled back onto the tortoiseshell on her side of teh borders. "Dogfur, would you still be my friend if I was a burnt little kitty cat?"
જ➶ "I'd still be your friend, Ferndance. Even if you started peeling." The tom spoke with a light guffaw leaving his muzzle as he came along the edges of the thunderpath. The mention of his mother's death upon this very side of the thunderpath makes him tense, makes his eyes widen just a little too much. He hates when her name is brought up only when it comes to her death. Her work to help them survive forgotten. Still he guesses that is what it is all about these days with the many clans that bloossomed afterwards. Tilting his head he looks at Windclan, eyeing them for a moment but finding nothing in himself to be an asshole. Afterall, Wind has nothing for them or against them. He is neutral when it comes to their appearance.

So he merely waves his tail in greeting before the lanky time shifts his paws. "It's not so dangerous. You just gotta know when to jump. Unfortunately there are circumstances that can get you tossed by a monster." He smirks then as he settles on marking the border, eyes sparkling but little amusement lies there.
Cottonpaw's seen this border once already, yet the stench of packed gravel and stone are forgotten until they arrive once more. Or, perhaps, the stench of ShadowClan... she can't exactly decipher one from the other, and the apprentice doesn't necessarily have the time to ask her mentor, either. Upon arrival, Vulturemask reminds them of their goal, and even offers them his take of the name given to the thunderpath. Deathpath. Harrierpaw murmurs about Briarstar and checks with her, briefly, to see if she knows the tale too.

"Mmm," she hums, taking a few steps ahead of her brother, however remaining in sight of their mentors, "A ShadowClan apprentice told me that she was made into pulp by the monsters." And speaking of the devil, too! Recognition lights in her blue eyes as she spots the wobbly black-and-white tom cat. He waves, too, and she offers a smile back in return. They're not friends, but it's still nice to have someone she knew show up, even if only barely. Ferndance is recognizable, too, though she knows not the she-cat's name. She does know, however, that the pale tabby must know nothing about Sootstar!

"Mom - Sootstar - is more capable than your leaders, clearly," she screws up her nose, furrowing her brow as well. She's not normally tempered, however with her father in-clinic and her mother's life vaguely threatened by a Star-Killer... she guesses she can have her moments, too. She glances to Magpiepaw, wondering if the nice apprentice will bid her something fairly, tell her she's right and that the Star-Killer doesn't exist. Cottonpaw doesn't wait too long, however, pulling her lips into a thin line and bumping her shoulder into her brothers', "C'mon. I think I see somethin' yellow just up ahead," she lies just to keep everything moving.​

Smouldering within the boggy thicket is a pair of auburn pools. Their regard emphasises those who stand on the swamp's side of the thunderpath, attaching snippets of conversation to the outlines of his clanmates, while the vague figures of enemies linger in his peripheral.

Enemies. Viewing the moor cats as such causes a repulsive sensation to surge through his form. In the span of a single, albeit eventful moon, ShadowClan's doctrine of forced pleasantries has devolved to one of enforced hatred at Chilledstar's whim. The tension strikes him as unnatural, and frankly, the tom laments his leader had failed to devise a means of neutral coexistence with them. It isn't something he loses any sleep over, however—if anything, the knowledge that WindClan is now surrounded by enemies provides him with more security.

Smogmaw emerges from the underbrush, his face a manifesto of his underlying reservations. Marsh muck falls in thick clumps from his forelegs as he draws near the scent line, and a dutiful nod is given in Ferndance's direction as he takes his place to her flank. "You speaking from experience, Chittertongue?" the deputy poses, though his gaze drifts toward the foreign cats nearby. "You should demonstrate sometime. I'm sure a lesson on thunderpath safety would be appreciated by everyone."

His focus is seized by a remark about leaders, flowing from the mouth of a teensy she-apprentice. Hell, she looked better suited to be in the nursery than out on a patrol. "What'd you say?" he asks, dry laughter echoing his words. The tyke was indeed correct, Briarstar wasn't capable of much beyond naming the clan and crushing herself into martyrdom; but he wasn't about to be lectured by an infant. "Get over here so I can eat you," Smogmaw then demands, the corners of his maw becoming infected with a wicked smile.

જ➶ His dual eyes gleam as he looks at the Windclanners and really he holds no animosity for them. They haven't done anything to force is ire, nor has their alliance, former alliance been fruiteful. Neglectful more like it. Windclan just used Shadowclan in name alone and never lifted a claw not even when they were starving. But still forcing hate is not something easy for him and he is about to turn away when he heads Smogmaw and he giggles softly, jaws parting on a whistle of an exhale. "Maybe." He begins that is until the words about their leaders is spoken. His mother and his brother, both in the grave and he whips around to the child. His hackles do not raise but the grin that splits his maw seems to widen as he stares at the apprentice who thinks they know anything at all. His claws unsheathe for a moment before suddenly he lets out a cackle before shaking his head.

"The only thing Sootstar is capable of is spreading that lunacy in her head to her underlings. It's clear Starclan detests her. She's just a mad dog after all." Speaking ill of his family deserves it in kind. He can not be brittle and let it pass. No. He stands tall begging them to cross that path.
TAGS — Silkbreath hates the thunderpath, but not for its obvious danger. Rather, it invades his senses in a way that is difficult to handle. With his smell working overtime thanks to his lacking vision, the bitter asphalt seems to root deep into his sinuses; into his very eye sockets. It's not a pleasant feeling. But the danger? Oh, who cares for the danger? If cats wanted to be foolish enough to play on that tar river, then let them- fools get what's coming to them. Silkbreath is no fool, no sir! He sticks close to Ferndance, milk-blue gaze vaguely sweeping the vaguer shapes on the opposite bank. One of them says something interesting.

"The mad dog's taught her puppies well. Loyal little sprites," he giggles, ears twitching towards Chittertongue's remark. He's still half-thinking about Ferndance being reduced to a small spot of ash by StarClan's divine smite, though. Star-Killers, lightning strikes, turning into pulp... well, if that's what StarClan wanted, he supposes it's alright with him. Maybe even he would fall to something of that ilk. It's not impossible. He touches his tail tip to his aunt's flank. "Mmm, it'd be like a makeover. Maybe burning up would fix your face," he teases. Or, at least, he hopes she knows it's a joke- it's not like he can see her well enough to pass judgement on her appearance in the first place.​

their ears seemed to swivel curiously at the words coming from the patrol. they weren't even going to be around for this one, but they needed to. they trusted those cats about as far as a kit could throw them, and seeing as a kit could not throw anything of their size, it was safe to say that chilledstar didn't trust them at all. even in a time before their alliance was severed, they had no desire to try and care for the delusional cats that tried so hard to please the stars– only to upset them. flicking their tail, they slowed their pace beside their deputy, brow lifting in faux curiosity before they nod.

"i wouldn't if i were you. eating one of the insane's spawn might make you just as looney as she is."

chilledstar tilted their head, narrowing their gaze with a snort. boring, once again. as they always were and as they always would be.

"don't care what you're doing just keep your pristine and uncalloused paws off my territory. wouldn't want to have to cut them off, hm?"