camp grown-up things | ambitions + play-fighting



"Yeah! Take that, you nasty ol' fox!" Tiny kitten-claws tore through the bright orange maple leaf until it had been ripped into shreds, and even then, Spicekit pounced on every torn-up piece of the leaf that moved in the wind, with a triumphant laugh each time; even when she played by herself, she was violent. When the wind finally picked the shredded leaves up and away, Spicekit yowled in delight: "That'll teach you to steal ThunderClan mice! That's right, get on outta here, and tell your friends to stay away, too!"

And then, a brief silence fell. She had just lost her toy to the wind, and it had left her without anything to do. She wasn't quiet for very long, however, as another brown and crinkly leaf entered her field of vision, and she immediately made a pounce for it. In only seconds, the little tortoiseshell went right back to tumbling around the campsite chasing leaves and driving away pretend intruders, filled with bubbly laughter and fake hisses.
thunderclan · she/her · penned by cuzn · tags
( ) Not far away, Flamewhisker had been watching Spicekit playing with leaves. Her whiskers twitched in amusement as the young kit 'defeated' the fox who was apparently stealing mice. The tortoiseshell was chasing leaves, hissing, and laughing. She seemed to be having a great time.

The orange tabby rose to her paws. She was still tired from her hunting patrol that afternoon, but she still had enough energy to play some. The warrior would drop into a hunting stance, and creep quietly towards Spicekit. Her tail flicked mischievously behind her, and she would attempt to sneak up behind the bubbly kit. If she managed to sneak up behind her, she would let out a fake evil laugh. "I'm a fox, I'm going to attack the nursery, and you can't stop me!"


Watching her sister crush dead leaves underneath her paws, Patchkit couldn’t help the slight tingle of spite and annoyance. How dare Spicekit cheer for Dewkit’s triumph over her! Her own sister, her blood and kin! Her fur fluffed itself up. Spicekit was always boasting about how she’d ‘catch more mice than Patchkit’ even back at the barn, and despite being the oldest, she even bullied her away from their mother’s belly. It’s time I taught her a lesson!

While Spicekit busied away with Flamewhisker, Patchkit crouched low with her pinkish-white belly fur hardly dusting the dirt below. Her ears pressed flat to her head as to not attract attention. She had to be quiet for this—the last thing she wanted was to alert them of her presence, and it would not be today that she would be caught!
One light pawstep after another, she prowled forwards, using her striped pelt as “camouflage” against the ground. With a zealous kitten-sized war cry, Patchkit wiggles her haunches and leaps forwards to pounce on her sister’s back.
Still unsure of the clan despite being born from it, it was odd for Fireflykit to be awake during the daytime. His eyes are shut tightly as he walks out of the nursery, hearing the sound of other kits playing. There's an ache inside of him, wanting to join them. Alas, he walks over just in time to smack at another leaf, surprising himself at his own competence.

"Look! I got it! I got the fox, too! Aren't I cool?" He brags with a smirk, shut-eyed face turning to the three cats present. Unaware of Patchkit's own ambitions to leap on her sister.

The clan certainly had a lot more kittens now didn't it? His, Spotflare's children and now Little Wolf. It was honestly warming to see all the little bundles roaming about and getting into mischief, experiencing the world in the safety of the camp. He hoped they weren't troublemakers like one of his own were, his stomach still tightened into a knot when he recalled Flickerkit disappearing and wandering over to the Thunderpath like the little fool she was.
When he saw Flamewhisker move to go play with them his teeth flashed in a smile, she was very good with kits and he was more than happy knowing most the clan were fairly understanding and patient with their youth. Getting more comfortable in his spot in the mouth of the nursery den he join in on the silliness.
Raising a paw to the side of his face, expression distraught and tone an exaggerated meow of despair, "Oh noooooooo, there's a fox attacking! Who will save us?" Patchkit seemed more concerned with getting the jump on Spicekit rather than the 'fox' that was preparing to eat them all but Fireflykit quickly swooped to the rescue and he gave a little cheer in reply.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Morningkit is Fireflykit's pale, fluffy shadow, staring wide-eyed at the game while he shielded his from the sun's glare. Spicekit and Patchkit, two of their denmates, are wrapped up in a game with Flamewhisker. She laughs and sits beside Sunfreckle. "The fox is Flamewhisker, silly," she whispers to her littermate.

She gives a mrrow of delight, wriggling her mottled rump and charging at Flamewhisker. "I'll save ThunderClan!"

- ,,
Spicekit's usual volume was pretty loud, so it wouldn't come to a surprise to most when she was screaming in delight and mock-fear at the 'fox' currently stalking closer to her. Before the little tortoiseshell could attack though, a sudden pounce from Patchkit bowled her over, and Spicekit burst into laughter. "Hey -- no, off! I'm try'na protect ThunderClan here!"

Although Patchkit was a small bit bigger than Spice, she was still quickly able to wriggle her way free and bounce back upright. She had all the energy in the world, trapped in this camp, and she was clearly antsy to become an apprentice and let all of that pent-up energy out in a more productive manner. "Take this, you traitor!" Spicekit laughed, and lifted a paw to bonk her sister on the head.
thunderclan · she/her · penned by cuzn · tags