Dec 21, 2023
So much progress has been made in the past few weeks. With willpower and a hint of desperation, Badgerstripe had transformed into a completely new cat once again. She was not the same as she once was, a bubbly and brave apprentice with a strong heart; but no longer was she lashing out at her Clanmates, pushing away her friends and those that cared for her, and isolating herself. She was not the rogue within Clan walls that she had been for moons.

The steps that had been taken were monumental, and Badgerstripe can tell it's noticeable by the way some cats had grown more friendly to her. Even Burnstorm and Roeflame regarded her as an equal once again. But.. despite her satisfaction with it, the molly still feels something.. missing. Something that she had neglected since the very moment wolves invaded camp when she had been named a warrior - and had refused to own up to ever since.

Palefire was always a true warrior - with a heart made of gold, she was feisty, brave and strong. She had looked out for Badgerstripe and the others even when they didn't know it, and ultimately it is Badgerstripe's own refusal of her protection that had drawn a rift between the two. She'd yet to forgive herself for pushing Palefire past her limits, begging her to let loose just once - even when her instincts desperately told her otherwise - which ultimately resulted in the easy invasion of wolves into ThunderClan camp.

Badgerstripe had scarcely spoken a word to Palefire and the others since that night. It had plagued her like a terrible illness, worming into her nightmares and tainting her daydreams. She had found it much easier to be angry than to own up to her dire mistakes, until desperation had led her here. With a heavy heart but still managing a small, nervous smile, Badgerstripe finds her old friend with a bluejay in her jaws - she had heard once that this was Palefire's favorite prey.

Her approach is gentle and cautious, as if one wrong move could startle the lilac warrior. Badgerstripe steps the vibrant bird down between their paws and dips her chin to lap an anxious tongue at her blue chest-fur. " I'd like to, um.. to talk, " she mews, lifting her gaze to meet Palefire's. It is the most sincere she had felt in ages.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

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