pafp Guarding a Tower of Ancients -`♡´- Headache Day


Rule 1: The Doctor lies.
Feb 23, 2025

Status: Headache, worried

"Screaming, the stars are." The blue molly idly wandered towards Sedgepounce, a sway in her step. Her tail dragged on the ground, feathery wisps gathering dirt that she would have to remove later, unimportant. The screaming in the stars was loud, her ears pinned back, it was making her head hurt. "Why, I wonder." Whispersong knew the lead warrior probably didn't know either, he —much like her— was no medicine cat. Only they could interpret the will of the star song. She may be able to hear the whispers —and the current screams— but she was not able to understand. But it seemed important to alert someone to the matter and she couldn't find Cottonsprig at the moment.

Her tail swept the ground as she settled to sit next to Sedgepounce, humming in an attempt to drown out the screams. "Ideas, have you? Never stops, the screaming does... On and On, it goes..." Her voice trailed off in a whisper as she started swaying, eyes squinted more than their normal half-lidded state at the pain piercing her head. She watched the lead warrior as she waited to see what he would say. What his ideas for the screaming may be, she would have to seek out Cottonsprig or Celadinepaw later if he had none.

  • OOC: wait for @SEDGEPOUNCE . For reference she does not actually hear starclan she is weird, she just thinks it's starclan. Lady just has a headache.
  • Whispersong - Blue Classic Tabby/Blue Chimera w/High White -`♡´- She/Her -`♡´- Windclan Moor Runner -`♡´- Penned by Snowy -`♡´- 54 moons
    -`♡´- Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting
    -`♡´- "Speech"
    -`♡´- Thoughts


He's hunched over the feathery remains of a lark when his fog-pelted clanmate slumps down beside him, hazy-eyed and muttering. Startled, Sedgepounce chokes down a bite of his lunch. "Um. Whispersong..?" he hedges. In response, Whispersong gives him another mumble about the stars screaming, and isn't that freaky?

A cat less familiar with his clan might take her words at face value, but after a lifetime here, Sedgepounce knows better. Whispersong's particular brand of weirdness is nothing new. He scrutinizes her, taking note of her stiff neck and ethereal face scrunched in pain. She's right, for sure—he's not a medicine cat. But thankfully that's never stopped Sedgepounce from wanting to help someone heal in whatever small ways he can.

"Hmm. Maybe...screaming at you to get some medicine, yeah?" He rises to his paws, drifting around to Whispersong's shoulder, his bottle-brush tail tip resting against her flank. "C'mon, I'll walk with ya," Sedgepounce murmurs kindly.
Whispersong had completely scared her for a second! And she thinks that's fair. Like, screaming stars? That sounds so serious and scary! And yeah, the way Whispersong spoke was weird, but it'd probably be totally legit if she were a Medicine Cat. And she's definitely not one, but who's to say StarClan couldn't get bored some day and go, "screw it, omen from a stranger"? If they did that to any Clan, it'd be WindClan for sure.

Pinkshine pricks her ears, wondering what about Sedgepounce meant he should bear the brunt of her news... Or maybe it was less that he was destined for something important, and more that he was one of the only cats that could translate whatever she was saying. This is a real problem! And you couldn't solve a real problem with this approach, not at all! "Why do you gotta talk like thaaat? You're scaring me!" She should totally scold her, she should totally give her the what for...

...But, okay, she looks kinda sick. Maybe being sick was just making her... extra. Pinkshine sure couldn't relate! The calico purses her lips in thought for a moment. "How're the medicine cats gonna figure out what's wrong?" Since Whispersong's just gonna go, screaming, the stars are, instead of just saying, like, "I got a tummy ache..." She thinks she'd hate that kinda patient, for sure... Pinkshine tilts her head, face slightly scrunched, but... smiling. "You gotta talk normal, Whispersong! Celadinepaw's just scream back at the stars, then her throat's gonna be all sore."
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Halfkit had heard Whispersong's quiet claims before she approached Sedgepounce. She had been playing the oh-so fun game of kick-the-pebble-around-camp-until-something-interesting-happens, and although that game usually ended with no excitement, today was finally different. Halfkit had sneakily followed Whispersong and quietly listened to the two warriors brief conversation. Pinkshine made her appearance and Halfkit felt the harmless sting of thrill go through her, and she bounced over right next to Pinkshine with a purr. She attempted to greet her by nudging her body against Pinkshine's. Halfkit had grown very fond of her bright attitude, and also thought she was amusing. If Pinkshine was nearby, the fun begins.

Halfkit dryly giggled but honestly, Whispersong's claims were scaring Halfkit too. She wondered if Whispersong was truly getting some kind of message from StarClan themselves, and if she was, it couldn't be a good sign that it was specifically screaming that she was hearing. Just thinking about it made Halfkit become nervous, which was slowly beginning to show in her stiff body language and short smile. "Is this like a bad omen or something?" she whispered. Her whisper had been so quiet because truthfully Halfkit did not want to hear any bad news, but as they say curiosity killed that cat.
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Featherspine couldn't believe, frankly, that Pinkshine seemed to be the only one remotely annoyed by this. Normally nothing wormed beneath her skin other than an outright insult... and yet, in a collective of Halfkit, Sedgepounce and herself (though Featherspine supposed the competition was not very stiff), she was the sourest. Aside from Whispersong, who wailed like a banshee... not loudly, but mournfully enough that it speared into his brain just as keenly as if she had screamed it. Unimpressed, Featherspine looked on with narrowed eyes of winter sunlight. "Either that, or whatever's wrong will do p-puh-puh-permanent damage before the day is done."

It was ridiculous, to totter around matters of medicine and healing. Why would you do anything but want to be healed immediately, unless you didn't value your life at all? Unless you didn't value your place in the Clan, the warrior name you (somehow) carried. One thought Featherspine paid some mind to... what warrior assessment had Whispersong been given? An easy one, she would imagine...

Halfkit's question, whispered in bewilderment, flattened Featherspine's horned ears against her head. "No," she said, plainly. "Omens don't stumble into the p-puh-puh-paws of whoever would like to c-claim them." A lesson for the molly, he hoped.
✦ penned by pin
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Status: Frustrated, Confused

Medicine? That is what Sedgepounce thought? Perhaps...but normally they did not scream at her. She frowns slightly in confusion but flinches back when a spike of pain stabs through her skull, ears pinned low to her head. The wailing in her head was beginning to frustrate her. They had never screamed this loud before, why now. She hunches in on herself, an unusual appearance for the tall and slender molly. She followed after Sedgepounce, letting the brush of his tail guide her to the healers, where ever they may be. "Perhaps..." Is the whispered word as she stumbles along beside him.

She flinches at Pinkshine's sharp voice, the piercing causing her ears to ring and the stars to scream louder. "Quiet." Is her short response to the other. She is in pain and annoyed at the small tunneler. "Too loud." The normally calm and peaceful molly grumbles at her clanmate. She may feel bad about it later when the stars have stopped but for now the other cat is not helping matters. "Scream, Celadinepaw does not need. In her dreams, the stars whisper—unlike you or I." Surely Pinkshine knows this. Even Whispersong knows this and she is not a medicine cat. She can not interpret the star song but the medicine cats can. She ignores the comment on how she talks. If the other does not understand her then that is not her problem.

She hums at the small kit who has appeared. "No. Stop eventually, they will. The first time, this is not." It had just never been this loud or this painful before. She frowned in thought. Why did any of these cats care, she had went looking for Sedgepounce. She hadn't even been loud because she knows the stars screaming would cause this panic. There wasn't a need to panic. They just...did this sometimes. She frowned, Did they not hear the screaming sometimes? She knew not everyone heard the song, and that was a terrible discovery the day she made it. So sad that not everyone could experience the beauty. But to not hear the screams? How odd. "Panic, no need there is." Her final words on the matter. She turns and follows Sedgepounce, she just needed a quiet and dark place until the screaming stops. That's what she normally did. "A quiet and dark place, only need I do. Subside eventually, it will. Decide to stop screaming, the stars will. Always do." Are her whispered words to the lead warrior. She can seek out Cottonsprig later if she needed to.

  • OOC:
  • Whispersong - Blue Classic Tabby/Blue Chimera w/High White -`♡´- She/Her -`♡´- Windclan Moor Runner -`♡´- Penned by Snowy -`♡´- 54 moons
    -`♡´- Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting
    -`♡´- "Speech"
    -`♡´- Thoughts

  • Angry
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She bobs her head in agreement. Exactly right! Whispersong talks so funny, it's gonna take like, forever to figure out the problem... And it'll just get worse, won't it? When she was little, she was taught about the Medicine Cat's straight away, and that they're here to help and stuff... How old was Whispersong? Maybe old enough that Medicine Cats weren't around when she was a kit... how weird would that be?

Halfkit comes bounding along then, as carefree as ever... Good think she wasn't still in that super-impressionable kit stage, and wouldn't have Halfkit talking all cryptically too... Pinkshine's smile is a little more genuine then. With a friendly trill she lightly bumps the kit's side in return. Warmth flutters in her chest for a moment, at the thought that she'd have kits of her own one day. And she'd get to bump their sides, and tell them about the Medicine Cats, and make sure they're not turned strange by spooky not-omen cats.

And then Whispersong basically just tells her to shut up! Pinkshine's maw gapes open. "Wha—!" Jaw unhinged, she looks Sedgepounce and Featherspine both. She's literally too stunned to speak! There's no way Whispersong could get away with this... except she totally does, because Pinkshine is too busy being gobsmacked to say anything else before she starts to walk away!

Her ears press against her head. Was she too loud? Featherspine would tell her, right? "She just shushed me!" she exclaims to him. "How are the stars gonna scream at her if they can't even whisper to her? Tell them to shush instead!" Not little ol' her, who was only trying to help... And in the end, Whispersong doesn't even go toward the Medicine Cat's den! Pinkshine huffs. And she literally deserves, like, an award for not frowning right now... "She just wanted to take a nap," she grumbles. Why'd she have to be so dramatic about it? Pinkshine would never.
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