private GUIDING LIGHT ❤ Ratpaw

Everything was so tiring. Her eyes were heavy and her movements were slack, her quick and sharp movements were drained. She was thin.. exhausted. All of her energy was drained. However, that didn't mean her duties as lead warrior were exempt. Petalnose would bring her clan first and keep her clanmates in order. Slow and sore pulls of long stride; she exaimined each clanmate as she came and go. It smelt disgusting, the ground below sent a shiver down her spine from its off putting texture. The increased amount of croaking the frogs served irritated her, lashing her tail and flaring her nostrils.

Petalnose had finally settled beside a familiar white pelt, flicking her gaze upon Ratpaw in curiousity. "How are you holding up, kid? Are you alright?" No one was, everyone was in torment.. suffering in trauma. Still, she gave a chance to the youth to have her attention. She took favor in the skittish apprentice. She was also curious; had she built up courage she so preached to her in the midst of this terror? Or was she needing that assitance? It was what she had expected in a way, she wouldn't be chasing frogs away forever for her and Ratpaw would be conquering real nightmares.. real monsters.. This time she couldn't physically drive the threat away.

// @Ratpaw

Stories of leaffall and leafbare from when she was a kitten often swirled through Ratpaw's mind, thinking of how it had been told as something that would be difficult and hard to push through - especially while training at the same time - but not like this. She wasn't stupid, she knew that things like rogues taking over and having to seek out help from ShadowClan while pressed against the other three clans were unheard of, but the more it was thought about the more she wished that if she had to go through this that it could have been later in life, that she could have been fully trained and know how to fend for herself better than she did now before she was shoved into a forest then a swamp, once white fur caked in leaves and mud and with no hope of getting out of it soon she had begun to ignore that gross feeling of being dirty, for there was no use in trying - at least not now - to get clean.

She was lost in these thoughts when Petalnose came forward, settling beside her in the muck before asking how she was holding up, and it took a moment for the apprentice to respond. "I... I don't know." A sigh left her, ears flicking back for a moment as claws dug in the mud. How was she holding up? Well she was alive and she could walk despite the burning that came from her leg when she did so too much, and there was... some food here. "I just want to be home," A plea, a quiet thing that she knew everyone here wanted, "Do you think the rogues will leave soon? Once the river ices over and there's no food do you think they'd stay?" Not like she'd want to wait here that long, but four clans and still the rogues were too much, so what else could they do but wait?

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

It was a answer Petalnose expected, one she would expect from anyone. If she had to answer her own it wouldn't be any more positive. She hummed in agreement, looking in the direction of Riverclan territory. "Me too." A sharp sigh fell from her, her heart aching as the fresh memory of the river king settled within her mind.. his lives being stripped away one by one like an oak's old bark. She swayed uncomfortably, then spinning her head back to look upon the white furred apprentice at the poke of questions. They were questions she didn't know an exact answer to, she had been kicked from camp with her clan once but not like this.. and their shelter and prey were still accompanied to their culture. Their strengths. No one had passed away in result.. no one didn't really get hurt. Not by claws and teeth. Her waning faith in Starclan didn't help her form an answer, she was silent for a moment in thought. Something near unseen, she was quick to answer.. quick to decide. Quick with everything. But exhaustion made her thoughts saunter and she blinked slowly, "Well, I hope that's the case. I hope they try to swim and drown too." It was simple, hope could only guide them in times as such. At least it would with her.

"Riverclan has always found ways to survive and push through. Just like a strong current. As disgusting as it is, we used to eat this kind of prey when we were a mere colony. I only believe we'll find some way around it eventually like we always do. Maybe if that doesn't work- when the journeyed cats come back we can grow strength to fight them all off." Petalnose wasn't one to lie, what good would it do to their youth anyway? She wanted to know the answer to Ratpaw's question as much as she did and the patched Molly wasn't ashamed to show that.

There had been little hope that Petalnose would have the answer that Ratpaw sought out, but she knew what little hope she had was pointless when the question was soon answered. No one knew the answer, they could be optimistic and pray to StarClan, but she didn't know how much that would help when the problems were with living cats that were not followers, so how much could StarClan really interfere with something such as this? Petalnose mentioned eating the food that was in the swamp before, and for a moment Rat's nose scrunched. "No wonder you went with RiverClan when it formed." She tried her best to keep her voice light, give a joking tone, "I think I prefer fish over frogs, so it was a good choice." Not to mention the option at least to be dry if one wanted. As much as Ratpaw enjoyed swimming she didn't think she'd be able to survive in the swamp the rest of her life, always muddy and wet no matter how hard you tried not to be.

"You ever been to a mountain Petalnose?" She'd ask then, looking up towards the other for a moment before eyes drift away as she thought about the journeying cats. "You think they're doing good, the cats on the journey?" Would they even come back soon, or would it be leafgreen by the time they arrived, skinny and dying of starvation from odd territories, unable to find the lungwort StarClan had sent them to find.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

A heavy lift to her lips for a light smile formed at Ratpaw's joke, tipping her head to the side and clicking her tongue. "Yeah, I wouldn't go back to eating those if I had a choice. They're less of a challenge too, I'd honestly much rather have a thrilling struggle than a boring kill." she jested, lifting her chin in a mocking expression of ego. "I'm not sure how one would enjoy living here... Do the toads still terrify you..?" There was a teasing side glance and a light scrunch to her battle-scarred nose. Surely, she expected her to grow from the odd fear. Especially here. What was a little poke of fun?

The mood dropped to a more serious tone and she matched it with the neutral frown relaxing her lips. "I believe when I was just a youngling. Although, I don't remember much of it," she admitted, her gut twisting with the reminder of her lost memories for a mere idiotic decision. Petalnose closed her eyes to process the second, uncertainty within her. The truth she merely spoke but what answer did she have? Her opinion was hard to pick if she hadn't known the answer. "If cats come from high stones unbothered... I believe they are at least managing." It was a dangerous journey; lacking medicine cats, and herbs would have to be picked themselves with basic knowledge.. not to mention the dangerous heights they would have to encounter and who knew what threats made the mountains their home. She was just as curious as Ratpaw. "I'm curious.. what do you think?"

Her own smile on her maw formed as Petalnose answered questions, head nodding along with the information she was now receiving before a paw reached to her chin for a moment in thought before shaking her head. "Not the ones in RiverClan at least, I think the ones here are mutants, probably from eating the stuff in the Carrionplace." How the cats within ShadowClan could survive off that stuff she didn't know, especially with the threat of rats under every piece of discarded twoleg food. After this and after seeing so many eating frogs and toads the most she could be scared of with them would be her stomach aching if she had to eat another. They did not go down easy and it made her miss home all the more - no toads to ruin her stomach with.

Head turned to Petalnose as she spoke once more, saying that she believed she had been to a mountain before but couldn't remember much of it, and another nod came from her. "I think if you've been to mountains and lived in the swamp before coming to RiverClan then you could live anywhere, and that's pretty cool." She meant it too, and she was sure if Petalnose had to live underground even she'd make it work and would come out on top. When she continued to speak of the Highstones and the cats that were on the journey at least managing, Ratpaw couldn't help but let out a soft hum, she'd never been to Highstones though she'd wanted to go see the talked about rock for a while now. A place to speak with the ancestors... she still couldn't believe it could be real. "I think they're going to be fine, if they weren't then StarClan wouldn't have ever sent them on the journey." StarClan wouldn't send the cats to their death, so they'd come home even if it took seasons to do so.
  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki