guilt — wavepaw

die with memories , not dreams .
Uncertainty welled up bitterly, pooling like cascading water over the cliff’s edge to pool at the bottom, suffocating him in foreign emotions that left his mind buzzing. Bi-colored hues swept throughout camp, feeling lost, unsure of what to do until they landed on Wavepaw, prey feeling heavy on his tongue. Dawnstorm wondered if RiverClan viewed the young apprentice as one of their own, or did they see him as an outsider? Recklessly, he hoped it was the former.

With a steady breath, Dawnstorm gravitated toward the other, setting down the silver-colored fish, nudging it toward the other when he settled down with stilled grace, tail wrapping around his paws. “Hello.” He greeted, proud that he had not spoken as a question, still surprised that cats had willingly sought him to converse. “I brought this.” He added, helm tilting to gesture toward it, letting the other take the first bite.

Since their return, Dawnstorm became a mismatched ghost, settling into his silence and waiting for the other paw to drop when hostility would finally be met with seething teeth. “How are you?” A simple question, loaded with unpacked emotions he dared not shuffle through, couldn’t do without a queasy stomach. He was at fault for this, for not doing more, for letting Smokestar die, and for shattering the last remnant of their mismatched family. It was only fair that he checked on the others, holding their words of fear and disbelief like a well-worn blanket.

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