pafp guilty aren't I? // being annoying


swallowkit 03 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

With each day that passes, Swallowkit finds herself growing more and more bored. Counting down the days until she gets to have her ceremony, to join the others in the apprentice den. Every sunrise seems like one to many, and it leaves her antsy. She's not always been the most social of kits - leaving the friend making to Sin', who seemed much better at it - but still... Maybe she should try? Eyes narrow, and two-toned figure is quick to bounce over to the first cat who caches her eye - unfortunately for lividpaw, that's him. " Hey! Lividpaw! Have you learned anything cool yet? Like - how to hunt or fight? " that's all there really is to learn, right? But maybe there's a move or something he can do already - it feels like her former denmate has been an apprentice for eternity already, while she's stuck behind. " You should show us-, " or just her, actually, but maybe this way she might be more convincing? Or something like that.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



Boredom was something the two had in common. Lividpaw had hated his time in the nursery and he had done nothing but look forward to leaving and become an apprentice instead. That however didn't meant he was gonna feel sympathy for the three month old kit who had decided to disturb his peace. Maybe he could pity her at best. " Yes, i'm making progress." he would answer as he had no other choice in doing so although he suppose he could just ignore them and walk the other way. That was usually how he dealed with his own brother when he grew tired of listening to their voice.

Swallowkit reminded him of his own brother in that very moment. Both of them wanted him to show off his 'cool' moves like they prefered to phrase it. Lividpaw failed to come up with one single reason to why he should entertain this one for.. Seemed to him it would benefit Swallowkit more then it would him. " And why should i do that?." What would he get out of it?. Swallowkit should just wait until they become an apprentice and get their own mentor to teach them all they needed to know.


Oh, he couldn't believe the terrible bores they had bolstering their ranks, sometimes... seemed ShadowClan was often sull to the brim with cats who hated fun. Who did nothing but train and think of training- and in Leafbare it probably wasn't so bad to be that way. But what sort of life was that? Miserable because of the cold, grumpy because you were hungry, and then dragging yourself back to camp and refusing to have any fun... Nettlepaw's nose crinkled in humour.

He flicked Lividpaw with a twiggy cinnamon tail. "Because it's nice, Lividpaw," he snorted, speaking to them slowly, voice full of humour and nothing else. Nettlepaw stuck his tongue out, casting a jay-blue gaze to Swallowkit and making a funny face. "Ever heard of it? Kits have nothing to do, y'know. Give Swallowkit a show," he encouraged. Theatrics shone from his voice. He didn't imagine Lividpaw would give in, but he watched intently forhis reaction anyways.
penned by pin ♡

swallowpaw 04 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

In all honesty, Swallowkit had hardly expected lividpaw to answer - the tom had always been prickly at best. But he does, and so she listens - pausing where she stands to stare with wide blue eyes. Tail swishes when instead of a demonstration she's meet with a question of his own. Nettlepaw helpfully chimes in that Lividpaw should do it to be nice, that she's a kit and life in the nursery is boring and she has nothing better to do. But while that's not untrue, Swallowpaw takes it to mean something else. What's the point of being nice? Swallowkit is certainly not.

And why should i do that?' - to her, it sounds a request of exchange, to barter. What would she give in return for knowledge he'd worked hard to learn. Eyes narrow as she thinks - jaws parting at last and voice pitched high in question. " I'll... do one of your chores for you... Or you can boss me around, or something... " it seems fair enough to her - surely, if it'd been someone asking her she'd have wanted a little minion to boss around. Hell - sometimes she already bosses sin around just for fun, when he lets her get away with it anyways.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )


And then came Nettlepaw accusing him of not being nice if he chose to not entertain this kit. Lividpaw didn't exactly felt threatend by that not thinking he necessery cared if he was being viewed as nice or not. From what he had seen being nice did nothing to benefit only the opposite. He had seen cats being taken advantage of simply for being nice. " Why don't you do it then?." he returned it back, thinking it was more logicial to begin with. Nettlepaw was older with more experience. Surely he had more to show of when he had, and this tom really had a fondness to be nice to all and everyone around him, right?. They where just like Basilpaw.

Swallowkit then offered something on the table that actually caught Lividpaw's attention. If he did this he would get something in return. A favor, like some sort of a deal. Now this was something he could benefit himself from, something that would make this worth his time. " I do this and you owe me a favor in the future." he would say, looking straight at the kit. He didn't exactly need her to do his chores for them. Lividpaw was capable to them himself and neither was he one to care enough to boss someone around without a reason for it. But a favor. That was something he could have use for in the future. To have someone in debt to them. That didn't sound all that bad for him.

Lividpaw would wait for their reply, and if they agreed he would keep to his part of it and give Swallowkit what he wanted.