gunshots feel like a blade [ branchfall ] swerve the car, make me race


branchfall (shoelace) & 21 moons & female & she/her & starclan warrior

Text goes here and then "Speech," here, and don't forget to emphasize a few words like this.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • starry furred seal sepia she-cat with white markings and burning amber eyes
    previously a rogue and a warrior of windclan
    murdered by kuiper at 21 moons old [20 posts]

[box=60%; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; color: white; font-size: 12px;][center][size=16px] [glow=yellow][color=orange][b] GOT GUMMYWORMS STUCK IN MY TEETH [/b][/color][/glow] [/size]
[hr][/hr][size=14px]branchfall (shoelace) [color=color]&[/color] 21 moons [color=color]&[/color] female [color=color]&[/color] she/her [color=color]&[/color] starclan warrior [/size][/center][hr][/hr] 
Text goes here and then  [b][color=red]"Speech,"[/color][/b] here, and don't forget to [i]emphasize[/i] a few words like [i]this[/i].  

[slide=—][size=12px] Actions && [b][color=red]"Speech,"[/color][/b] && [i]' Thoughts/Quotes '[/i]

[b]ooc[/b]: —
[b]tw/cw[/b]: —
[slide=I seen her face, I'm that OG ♥][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft][size=12px]      [color=red]—[/color]   starry furred seal sepia she-cat with white markings and burning amber eyes
   [color=orange]—[/color]   previously a rogue and a warrior of windclan
   [color=yellow]—[/color]   murdered by kuiper at 21 moons old [20 posts]