guppies and goulash & Darkpaw

Jan 5, 2023

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Curiosity would always be the one downfall of the young apprentice. Everything was just so interesting! There was so much to look at and explore, and what most intrigued her was that of the other clans. Did they live the same way they did? What was different? Did they have daylight warriors too? A flurry of questions filled her head as she neared the edge of the forest and the rushing waters of the river came into view; Riverclan. Their new- friend? Ally? Whatever it was she knew they stood on the same ground since the fight with Windclan many moons ago. She neared the waters edge with a twitch of her whiskers, watching the liquid sway and flow with movement.

Water was endless. It moved like nothing could ever constrict it, and it held memory like a sponge almost. She lifted a paw to dip her foot into the cold water and shook it quickly to dislodge the droplets from her fur. Cold! She looked out across the river towards Riverclan and tilted her head slightly- did they have webbed paws? Surely they must if they could swim! Bananapaw wasn't the biggest fan of water, baths sucked! But she was curious about that of the way they swam like otters, so freely and easily. Was it really that easy?

She paused at the shore for a moment and furrowed her brow before taking a few tentative steps into the cold water below. She shivered visibly and her fur bristled slightly, and she quickly got out of it. That was so cold! Did they have fur made of wool or something to withstand this chill? Bananapaw flicked an ear quietly before then sitting down at the edge, at least it was peaceful here.


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