pafp GUPPY UP! TIME TO HUNT! // teaching to hunt


I Just Wanna Fly
Sep 21, 2022
SKY HIGH //please wait for @RAVENPAW.

"So, are ya excited to be joining me for a lil' hunting lesson at the edge of the river?" Crawlingroach queried as he led the way down to a river beach where the water was much calmer, and safer for the likes of an apprentice. Safety first and all that, yeah? It really didn't take long to arrive at one of the warrior's more favoured spots where reeds extended down from the sandy bank and into the water. It was the ideal hunting spot for fish, ranging from the small to the medium. "Pretty sure ya must know the basics like ensuring to avoid letting your shadow fall over the fish and all that, so I won't bore your ear off with repeating it all. Unless you want me to, just say."

Approaching the reeds, the black tom began to stare at the fronds with an intense focus. To the untrained eye he might have looked more than a little batty, but it was all part of his process. So when a few of the reeds twitched in a way that couldn't have been caused by the wind he began to grin. "The water's rich today. Look where the reeds move most, hunt there. Don't worry, the water's nice and shallow. Just don't go further than the edge of the reeds."
Ravenpaw followed Crawlingroach with a dejected slump of his shoulders. The apprentice was almost identical to the warrior in terms of pelt color apart from the white marking on Crawlingroach's chest. After recovering from his severe migraine, discovering his father for the first time in moons and forced his claws upon him, Ravenpaw became more withdrawn than ever. "I know that." He grumbled.

He was nearly old enough to become a warrior, but his fishing was not on par with the other cats who did not fear the water. Those skills could always use fine tuning. The reeds brushed against his coat and Ravenpaw shuddered. "The reeds?" He echoed, raising his eyes to see how the tall stems rustled in the breeze. That was new. He had never heard of such a tactic.

Blinking, the younger cat hesitantly lowered himself into a crouch, nostrils flaring out to scent movement. His eyesight was poor and lacked definition in both color and depth, so he had to try to trust his nose. No wonder he was a poor fisher.

Crappiepaw does not particularly enjoy fishing, does not like the feeling of wet fur between their toes. But they do it because their clan must feed, and practice makes them better at it. They will be a warrior soon, and no matter how difficult fishing may be when they erupt into sneezes every so often, they will soon be one of the cats whose job is to provide prey for the entire clan. So when they spot Crawlingroach and Ravenpaw, two cats who they do not particularly like but also do not necessarily loathe, at the river’s edge, they step closer as quietly as they can manage.

They do not wish to interrupt the apparent lesson, and they also do not wish to scare away any fish. But they are curious, so they settle onto their haunches beside the two. Softly, they mumble, "Learning to fish?" They turn vivid green eyes upon the other apprentice—closely observing Ravenpaw’s actions. The black-furred tom is not good at fishing, does not stray toward the water as far as Crappiepaw knows. It is a rare thing for the calico not to judge the shortcomings of another, but they are only glad that Ravenpaw is attempting to learn. Knowledge is power, and having the skills to survive is a good thing.
[ dancing in the panic room ]
SKY HIGH"Hrm? Oh, hi Crappiepaw! Wanna join us?" The more the merrier right? Besides, it offered the gateway to a spot of friendly competition between clanmates, and increased the chances of bringing a decent haul of prey back to the others who needed it most. Well, no point on remaining on the side-lines! It was time for him to get stuck in so he could teach by example.

Studying the reeds carefully he began to notice a couple wiggling a little more strongly than the rest. Smirking, he made his way over slowly and carefully, being careful to avoid producing any ripples on the water's surface. Upon reaching the section he then peered at the water until he saw a glint beneath the surface. He struck in a matter of seconds and produced a small catfish. Needless to say but he was grinning gleefully as he brought the catch back to the shore so he could dispatch it and stow it for later. "One fish to me. Come on, lets see who can catch the most! Size doesn't matter!"