// @Patchpaw

Flycatcher and Flamewhisker. Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose. Their love was practically splattered everywhere for all to see and it made Wildpaw feel absolutely nauseous! He had made his views on the cuddliness quite public, and he intended to keep it up in the hopes that the couples of the clan would keep their sweetness private and far away from him! "Tch! Next time I see any of them getting all friendly-like I'm gonna hurl a wet clump of moss at 'em! That'll teach 'em!" He announced loudly during the winding conversation that was happening in the apprentice den. There were a few murmurs in agreement but it seemed as though most weren't keen to encourage him or his plots for the future.

Wildpaw gave a roll of his eyes before he reclined back on an elbow from where he was laying in his nest. The conversation seemed to spill over into other matters, none of which were of any interest to Wildpaw. Sighing, he then looked around himself before spying Patchpaw, one of the apprentices he actually tolerated... to a degree. "Hey, I think if we get any more couples we should rename ourselves LoveClan or something stupid like that, ha!" Now that would be a nightmare! But then again... who would the next big couple be? "I don't get why everyone is being so cuddly and shit!"


Patchpaw listened in to the conversation with high interest as she lays on her back and kicks her feet in the air, giggling to herself. The apprentices were going back and forth on mates and what 'love' was and how many kits might be born in leaf-bare, but she couldn't take any of it seriously. It was quite silly to her as a matter of fact, as the entire conversation was outright laughable--they were apprentices! Who knows what was going to happen in the next few moons, or in the next few years!
"Bleh. It all sounds so gooey." She wasn't necessarily wrong; love was a complicated matter, but she could barely bring herself to believe in it, like a tale adults would tell them as kits as to warn them against eating mouse bile, or whatever.

Her ears perk up when Wildpaw talks to her, and she playfully rolls her eyes at his ridiculous suggestion for a new name. "LoveClan--I've got you one better, why not Kissy-Kissy-Clan? I think that'll fit much better, with how many kits are going to be born!" Her joke achieved a few groans at the implications, and Patchpaw rolls back onto her paws, sitting up with a hearty laugh. "Maybe we should try it ourselves, just to see what everybody's talking about! Wouldn't that be funny? The entire apprentice's den would be in gushy, cuddling cats!" She winks at Wildpaw, pretending to flirt with him, before she couldn't hold it together and she begins to crack up from the ridiculousness.

Of course, she was only playing. None of it was ever serious, and she never meant any harm by it. In fact, she quite liked the idea of romance and being so in love with your partner, but she doubted she'd ever fall as hard as her own mentor.


"Kissy-Kissy-Clan? Haha! I hate it so much I love it!" Wildpaw bellowed with laughter as he rolled in his nest. Though with the number of pregnancies in the clan he certainly wasn't looking forward to the additional tripping hazards yet to be unleashed on the camp. Gross! Tiny vermin, the lot of 'em! He was only half-tuned in when Patchpaw continued talking so he looked suddenly quite concerned when the next words were 'maybe we should try it ourselves', especially when the last topic sitting on his brain was related to kits. His brain was immediately scrambling for excuses to avoid such a case, too young, not ready, etc. Though fortunately he had completely misunderstood! Cuddling, she was talking about cuddling!

What a relief!

He gave a light huff of amusement as he rolled back onto his paws, a cheeky glint in his eye as he slowly rose up. "Oh? Are we about to set up the beginning of the cuddly apprentice clan? A secret clan lurking inside a bigger clan. Better get ready for a leadership challenge!" He taunted as he sprang forward, intending to land on Patchpaw so they could have a brief wrestle that involved a whole lot more hugging than usual.