It started with a casual conversation about running. A clanmate asking about her morning runs and then it escalated into a challenge, words spoken about how one was faster. She cannot remember who started it but she certainly escalated it. Bluepool was a competitive cat after all. "Oh yeah?" she remembers herself saying to Cherrypatch "Well I challenge you and any other poor sap who thinks they can beat ME of all cats to a race around rabbits run just before the sun begins its descent in the sky!" and that's how she has ended up here, shadows lengthening around her as the sun sinks lower and lower towards the horizon.

She kneads the ground beneath her, waiting to see who would show up. She wants to win, wants to prove that she is the best moor runner there is! Certainly, all her runs would pay off in this moment, certainly, she would win. She has to.

After a couple of cats filter in, she looks them all over with pale yellow eyes, assessing her competition. After a brief moment she nods her head at all of them "The rules are simple" she says, tone casual as if she doesn't care at all (she does) "We loop around once following the path, the first cat to return here wins." Easy peasy right? "Ready, set, go!" she calls out, voice even. At go she takes off, a blue blur, like a comet racing through the sky.

// @Cherrypatch - no need to wait for them to post!
After a few people join the thread I can roll to see who wins the race out of the participants <3





Like Bluepool, he, too, was a rather competitive cat, though Tigerfrost's focus seems to lean more-so into combat. He honed his fighting abilities as best he could, practiced and trained daily, insured that he could defend just as well as he could attack. When it came to racing, that was almost entirely new territory. He has done a few exercises around Rabbit's Run, but has never actually tossed himself into any competitions. Until now, anyways. Tigerfrost supposes it would make for excellent exercise, and like his fellow moor-runners, he was quick enough to catch rabbits and hares just as well as they could. Was he the fastest cat in WindClan, though? He doubts it. But with recent tensions, the Lead Warrior supposes he could let everyone see him relaxing alongside his clan-mates.

Tigerfrost finds himself at the so-called starting line, listening to the rules Bluepool laid out. It was all simple enough. The moment she says go, the other warrior takes off like an arrow from a taut bow-string. Tigerfrost snorts, swiftly kicking after her, little more than a cloud of dust left remaining where he had stood moments before. Perhaps they'd all soon find out who the fastest cats in WindClan really were.

venomthroat | 26 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
It is plain and simple boredom that leads to Venomthroats unexpected presence within the group of would-be racers. Where usually the feline would be content to laze about and bask within camp, they feel oddly restless even with eyes closed - an excess of energy perhaps, or just a wandering mind. Whatever the cause, they'd simply overheard bluepools challenge and decided it worth the attempt. A creature of patience and stealth more than anything, they know that despite their speed their stamina is lacking - something that no amount of bothersome training seems to have changed. They sincerely doubt they'll be the winner of this little get together, but middle of the pack would suit them just fine.

Giving their older brother a courteous and respectful bow of their head in greeting, they listen idly - only half-paying attention. The rules are simple and straightforward enough - just a simple race, and on a course that's well known and well traveled. Nothing special about that really. A yawn even splits their face as they wait, that's how disinterest they are. They do however wonder for a moment if a referee is not necessary to make certain of things should there be a close tie or some such - but they don't get the chance to voice this thought before bluepool is eagerly shouting the start of the match. As if on instinct inky toned limbs are moving - stretching and pulling - as he darts after Tigerfrost, as close on the paws of the other warriors as a living shadow yet always one step behind. Tch.