camp HAIL, HAIL, THE BLACK SHEEP [tantrum]

Feb 28, 2024
𓆱 He’s been doing pretty good for the past few days, all things considered. He’s been eating and practicing his hunting crouch and… and pretending that everything is okay. Pretending to smile and flicker his tail to show everyone that he’s still happy. Even though he isn’t. His smiles look too sharp, too forced, and they don’t meet murky blue-brown eyes. His paws twitch and tremble at all times. His tail whips and lashes with too much force to be casual. And his… his laughing is getting worse and worse. It’s more frequent than ever before, happening anytime he thinks too hard about why Snowypaw left.

He’s not putting on a very good façade to begin with, but today it crumbles completely.

Frogs don’t taste the same without his black-and-white sister. This one tastes like dirt. His mouth feels too dry, and the lilac tabby’s perpetually-smiling expression shifts unconsciously into a deep frown as he eats. But still, he eats peacefully, until it happens. He doesn’t know what really triggers it, but the anger that’s been welling up inside him for days finally overflows. Before he knows it he’s hooking the frog’s dangly leg with a needle-sharp claw and flinging it a whisker’s length away from him. It flops limply into the dirt, and Branchkit glares at it as though it’s the problem. A clanmate, probably meaning well, nudges the frog back to him and asks what’s wrong with it, and the kit only continues to scowl at it.

Finally, the other cat asks if he’s okay, and Branchkit stands up fully, turning his glare upon them. "NO!" He shouts, voice rising to a high, squeaky pitch. The fur at his neck bristles out, a mane of spiked-out fur resembling the father he doesn’t know. "Leave me alone!" In the heat of the moment, a laugh tears itself forcibly from his throat, and tears cloud his vision. He wants them to go away. He wants to eat something else. He wants… "I want SNOWY!" Maybe if he screams and cries loud enough, his sister will hear him wherever she is.

  • ooc:
  • 82069047_pv1URDSuSesGemA.png
    BRANCHKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of shadowclan
    𖠰 fluffy lilac tabby with white spotting and amber eyes. quiet but cheerful, very naïve.
    𖠰 son of ferndance and needledrift
    𖠰 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𖠰 penned by foxlore

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw knew the clan was working restlessly to find the missing apprentice, each day went by and the emptiness that seemed so painfully obvious that had been left by Snowypaw was just growing each and every day. He can see the tension on his clanmate's faces everytime they come back to camp with no signs lf the black and white molly who shared the same namesake as him. Yet, her absence has affected more than the clans morale.

Branchkit's outburst had come to a surprise and yet his cries for his sister made a sharp inrake of breath come from the apprentice before slowly making his approach to the other. "I know...I know you do, we're doing our best to find her, okay? For the meantime... stay strong for her sake, if... if she's safe, I'm sure she wouldn't want you to be sad" he said awkwardly, voice soft as he attempted to soothe the kit's temper, but he was not one who understood a nurturing juncture, and all he could try to do was comfort the kit the best way he could.

This was not easy to bare witness to, he could tell her disappearance has affected Needledrift and Ferndance's youngest kits as well as their eldest but Snowpaw wouldn't just standby and do nothing when they were upset, especially when he did care for the family and had been close to Snowypaw at one point.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 10 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

*+:。.。 "Don't" Bonepaw intoned with a chilly voice

Moss falls from his maw the second he hears his brother's screams. He'd been expecting this. It was impossible to miss the changes that had fallen over his baby brother since Snowypaw..." disappeared". The pained expressions he hiked up, the irritable lash of his triangle tail, the wobble in his lips that he worked so hard to hide... the brave attempts to hold his head above the waters of misery. Branchkit was far too small, to be forced to act a part he didn't feel. Not being able to keep his brother safe from the grief that Bonepaw's knew all too well tore at his insides. How could he possibly save his brother when he himself couldn't find any air to breathe?

It was only a matter of time until his baby brother broke...but it didn't make seeing it any easier. Forgetting his duties, Bonepaw rushed over, but he was a heartbeat too slow. Snowpaw had beat him to it.

Maybe it was the already writhing mass in his chest searching for an outlet, or the heart-break of Snowpaw comforting Branchkit over the loss of Snowypaw, or perhaps the simple the fact that this heartbreak was for Bonepaw's family and Bonepaw's family alone to overcome; either way, the outcome was all the same.

Don't talk to my brother.

"Don't speak on my sister's behalf" Bonepaw's quiet growl scratched at the back of his throat, meant only for Snowpaw's ears but he didn't care if anyone else overheard. He should. He should care. Branchkit was hurting, and Bonepaw was choosing anger instead of counseling. He should be ashamed.
But there was no room for anything else when you're too busy drowning in hatred.
"I wish it'd been you" he spits at Snowpaw. There was no logic behind the hurtful words. No one knew Snowypaw was still alive, that she'd chosen to leave - so did he wish Snowpaw had decided to wander off? Or did he wish, in the way those ignorant to Snowypaw's fate slowly began to assume she may be dead, that he hoped for Snowpaw's demise as well? It didn't matter, who cares! Bonepaw just wanted Snowpaw to hurt.

Then maybe Bonepaw could believe him when he said he knew what it was like.

Either way, if it got Snowpaw to leave, then Bonepaw would be satisfied.

In the meantime, the tom swept his gaze away from the silver-freckled boy to focus, finally, on his brother.
And suddenly, he was right back to having nothing worthwhile to say. Because what could he say? How could he tell his brother that everything would be alright when Bonepaw barely felt it himself? How could he ask his brother, as easily as Snowpaw had, to be brave when nothing but fear gripped his own heart? How could he possibly ask Branchkit to be happy when all Bonepaw could feel was that endless, suffocating, drowning grief?

So instead, Bonepaw aims to pull his little brother into a hug. There's nothing he can say, so he says nothing at all. Maybe Bonepaw is better as speaking cruelties than kindness. It feels like Snowypaw took all the goodness in him with her.
If it meant it'd keep her warm and safe in Riverclan, then he was happy to never speak a kind word again.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
  • Sad
Reactions: STONEPAW

It could be said that Gigglekit was on much the same wavelength as her brothers when it came to emotions; she just seemed to know when they were down or joyous, and today was the former, with Branchkit having padded out of the nursery in a cloud this morning. Her mother had said to let him have some time to himself, and Gigglekit had obliged through a few involuntary tears at knowing that her brother was going through something that she wasn't immediately able to assist with.

And then she hears Branchkit's voice peak, and a laugh follow, and Gigglekit tears out of the nursery to find her brother as quickly as she possibly can.

She finds him in Bonepaw's arms, the two of them looking at Snowpaw, and Gigglekit assumes before she can stop to think. Snowpaw made her brother cry, and that wasn't alright at all!

"Hey!" Gigglekit demands, voice also pitching as tears form at the corners of her eyes. "Hey, stop it! Are you being mean?"

  • Sad
Reactions: Bonechill.
જ➶ The commotion causes her to stir from where she has been trying to pick and choose something to eat. The queen knows that the sudden disappearance of Snowypaw has been felt by a lot of clanmates. But none sharper than those of her siblings that have tk endure her missing presence. It hurts and she can understand that much as she allows her one eye to focus on the youths of the clan. Gigglekit asks if they are being mean and the large woman makes her way over, heavily scarred visage focused on the small group. She frowns but as always there is a depth of kindness in her voice as she looks to Bonepaw then. "Snowpaw is only trying to help and despite everything perhaps it is true. Would Snowypaw want you to lash out at your clanmates and act like this? Or would she want you to be brave for her? Succeed where she can not?" She asks with a gentle tone before she allows her thick frame to settle down before the group.

The last thing necessary is to get upset at clanmates who only wish to help and bring some peace. Afterall, they are supposed to be family and rely on each other during hard times just like this. Seeking comfort in the fur of another is not a weakness that she sees. But an understanding that sometimes one might need another to help them gather their strength.