HALCYON AGE 𖤓 moving dens

not long after the meeting had wrapped up, sandthorn could be witnessed getting her nest together. the thought of making a new one seemed incredibly too daunting for the moment, besides her old one was perfectly molded to fit her body. the pinnacle of comfort. weaving new moss into fresh twigs would only dampen her bright mood.

with the den mostly empty, she had much time to pick a spot. it would take some time to get used to sleeping on the outside again, but she would get used to it eventually. hopefully by the time leaf-bare came there would be newer warriors to pad the outer layer so she could stay a little bit warmer. wedged up next to the wall is where she picked, tucking her nest comfortably into the corner. hopefully whoever was closest to her was a quiet sleeper, if her first night here was spent listening to constant snoring she just might lose it.
✦ 𖤓 ✦

the apprentice- well, warrior now, was not a fan of change. this was a good change though, this was improvement. this was everything they had been working on for 8 moons.

but at the same time, it was a big change. it was one thing for their name to be changed, dropping from -paw, to -sight.

barleysight. it had an amazing catch to it, and they couldn't have been any prouder of it. that was the name that has made them feel fully accepted into the clan.

but now, they had to move to the warrior den. it's maw overhang, and though it wasn't that big, it seemed it. like being high in the sky, and the ground spinning and making one dizzy. they would relate to that feeling, stomach churning as they witnessed sandthorn drag her nest into the den. "Do you need help, Sandthorn?" they offered gently, the chocolate tabby pushing that feeling back of the impending fear.

Barleysight had not many relations with others, focused on training, focused on making sure they were a good apprentice. But no longer did they have to worry about that so much. Warrior duties would now be their focus, but, Barleysight felt as if they could have time for those friendships to finally blossom.
Wolfwind thinks, with her age rapidly increasing and position on her Grandmother's council, that she, perhaps, is getting dangerously close to not being able to say stuff like " I remember when I did such and such " without sounding like an old hag, or like she was trying too hard to be with the youths, y'know, her inner monologue says to absolutely fucking no one. She's Wolfwind! The cool, sophisticated, wizened ( but not too wisened ) older warrior ( but like, only slightly ) who you could still have a spar or a race with.

Though... to an extent, seasoned, older ladies were super cool, right? And if she was reaching seasoned, Raccoonstripe was absolutely reaching lame and out of touch. She can resolve this internal crisis of hers by annoyingly reminding him of his fleeting age later. Perfect.

Wolfwind pokes her head into the warriors den, glimpsing the two new warriors that seemed to be making conversation within. " Hey, you two! " she exclaims, a grin on her face – if a little strange. Someone ought to keep morale up during these times, right? " Welcome to the big leagues! " she gestures widely to the physical manifestation of the big leagues, AKA, the warriors den. There was a hole in the wall that needed patching. She wasn't supposed to do that, was she? " F' ya got any questions, i'm your gal. Killer names, by the way. " Not like there would be anything but. Howlingstar knew what she was doing.

She'd leave the weaving to Barleysight. Despite her... extracurricular lessons, she still would not deem herself a good choice. Perhaps, she'd even be a bad one. And – damn, she no longer had apprentices to help hide that with. Problem for future Wolfwind. " So, firstly, when ya wake up in the middle of the night because you hear the most sleep - shattering, jaw - dropping snore, it's a 50 / 50 chance that the culprit is either Batwing or Nightbird, so you should give 'em both a kick in the ribs for good measure. " Usually Wolfwind would be quick to pin such a thing on Wildheart, but... well, she needn't claw a cat while they're already down.

  • 63473366_2lFaqbnCOLBwtc0.png

  • Haha
Reactions: barleysight.
A rumbling laugh followed as the taller warrior stepped into the den. Amusement was sprinkled in his eyes as he made for his own next- solidly in the inner circles of the den. After all, being accused of snoring was reaaaal funny to him. "Kick me in my sleep, and you won't have a fun following morning, day, or evening." He announced, though there wasn't a true threat in his words, just warm laughter following. Batwing padded to his den, settling down neatly in it.

A grin spread on his face afterwards- less amusement and more of a smirk, now. "Especially since I don't snore. Wolfwind must be hearing herself." Batwing teased, his tail swaying behind him. So, finally, Batwing turned his vision towards those who had just joined them in the warrior den. "But- yes, welcome, you two. Any kicking should be left to the outer circles of the den, mkay?" Batwing, after all, was still known to flee from the den with nightmares. Getting kicked or whacked in his sleep was not going to prove fruitful for any of them.​
Honestly, after the meeting, Cobweb thinks he deserved a nap. So much to take in! His brain needs a break after all, and hes sauntering towards the warriors den before he realizes theres commotion and clambering going on. What does he do? Walk right over of course, as nosy as he is. He listens, tries to stifle a giggle before he sleeps.

"If we're kicking people for snoring," Cobwebs voice is laced with amusement. Perhaps hes the culprit (self-consciousness rises and dissipates like a wave), but he's never been told he snored and he quite likes to think he sleeps all pretty. If he was never told otherwise, then he didn't snore. Simple as that. "Then we might as well kick everyone. I call kicking Lily Pad when she's better!" he's quick to lay claim to his sister, an evil (albeit playful) grin on his maw. What brother would he be if he didn't take the chance to torment his sister, oh, woe would be him! He does agree with Batwings sentiments, though, because he'd probably bite someone if his beauty sleep was interrupted. Old as he was compared to some of the younger warriors, he was near the inner circle, and he wanted absolutely no part in getting kicked.

"Just be careful around those edges. Some of the brambles come undone and let drafts in." his eyes follow after Wolfwinds, his nose scrunching up in amusement. Barleysight and Sandthorn would be wonderful warriors, he thinks as he picks through the crowd and towards his nest, sitting down all tucked in. He's proud of Sandthorn, for graduating, even if it were late. Now she didn't have to worry about he-who-shall-not-be-named being in the warriors den. He offers both her and Barleysight a kind smile.

  • 9678AAC9-0303-455E-9B2B-F62ED4E60E7A.png
    -> cobweb, cobwebtail
    -> cis male ,, he/him ,, 39 months
    -> warrior of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> spindly, dainty blue and white tabby tom with half-lidded blue eyes
    -> “speech, 827aab
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    -> image by gravecrypt
It had been many moons since she had slept on the outer circle of the warrior's den. With leaf-fall on its way. it has been four seasons since she joined the clan. The more warriors that were named, the closer to the inner circle she got. It meant more warmth in leaf-bare, but with her troubled dreams, that simply meant her waking up more of her denmates if she slipped from the den. "Sleeping on the outer skirts isn't all that bad. My side still hurts where Badgerstrike got me last night." Normally she was startled awake by nightmares, but sometime early this morning, a swift jab to her ribs from Rabbitnose's sister scared her. "I'm not sure what she was fighting in her dreams, but I'd prefer if it stayed in her dreams."
  • ooc text, delete if not used​
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​


He had only been made a warrior a short time ago but already he yearned to be welcomed into the inner circle, the place reserved for only the most respected members of their clan. His mother slept in the inner circle, seeing as how she was much older and more experienced then he was. One day.... He gazes at it wistfully before laying his head on his paws at night. For now though, he is content that, at least, he is surrounded by friends. Lightstrike Moonwhispr and Roeflame all had nests near to him and oftentimes they would whisper to each other at night, telling one another about their days before going to sleep. It was quite nice to be surrounded by friends.

Sandthorn was another cat he considered to be a friend. When she walks into the den, new name in tow he offers her and Barleysight a smile. "Kick me and I bite your leg off" he says with a snort, sharing Batwing's sentiment. His cousin was always quick to throw someone else under the bus huh? He does not doubt for a second that she is the real snorer here.

"C'mon Sandthorn, I think there's a spot over here" he says, gesturing with his tail to an empty space nearby.