private half man half snail // gift giving; snailpaw

periwinklepaw | 08 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
He doesn't know why he'd doing this. They aren't really all that close, and to be honest, peri still feels guilty for what he'd said to gravelpaw decently. But snailpaw has always been a decent sort of cat, just a bit confusing. And they had been kind to them when dandelionwish had left, been understanding.

When he see's it, he immediately thinks 'maybe snailpaw would like that'. He'd been hunting, the only thing he really enjoys these days, when he finds it there, sitting upon the stone, discarded. A large snail shell, it's smooth surface lightly dimpled with beak-pecked holes, a mesmerizing pattern of pink and black freckled with white. Picking up the grove snail shell in his jaws, he's careful to take it back to camp, keeping it out of sight. When night falls he finally slips back out of the den, trotting over to his friends nest to lay the trinket down carefully, before fleeing and returning to his nest.

// he literally left it there in the middle of the night like a creep; but its probably obvious he left it because of his scent lol

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Snailpaw's lapis eye slowly crept open at a rummaging close to them, feeling their breath catch in their lungs when the first thought that entered their mind was that it was an enemy. It wasn't, they knew it wasn't (WindClan's guards were competent enough), but that fear still caused their tail to twitch downwards subconsciously. They moved when they'd rationalised it was safe to do so, turning in their messy nesting material to assess why someone had disturbed it. It didn't take long to find something out of place, a snail shell - oh. The flutter of fear turned to elation at the sentimental gift, their head raising quickly as their ears lurched forwards. Who had given them such a thing? Who had been thinking of them when they'd been confident that they were alone in WindClan? A choked noise escaped the tabby, cut short by movement a short distance away that reminded Snailpaw that they were in camp. 'I'm not alone... I need to remember that no matter how dark the night gets'.

A gentle paw ran over the gift, feeling the grooves bump against their soft pads and seeing the remnants of colour offering promise that it'd be truly beautiful in the light. Fatigued eyes blinked upwards, catching the scent of Periwinklepaw on the air. Smiling softly, the apprentice tucked themself further into their own nest, quietly shuffling about until their nose settled upon something soft. Snailpaw picked it up. Between their teeth rest a feather: primarily grey, with a white tip and a band of black separating the two colours. The quill was covered with the downy plume of a younger mockingbird, its feather having been found by the tabby after their last trip to the gorge. They prowled closer to Periwinkle's nest and gently placed it before the apprentice's face, hoping their breath would not send the gift flying to another's home. "A present for a present." They beamed quietly, their head tilted sweetly to the side regardless of if Peri was awake to hear them. Then, just as wordlessly as their friend, they moved back to their own nest, their paws playing with their new trinket as they briefly found lost happiness.

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