
Mar 14, 2024

"SKYCLAW! SKYCLAAWWWW!" The loud voice of the flame-pelted kitten can be heard long before she bounds into view, desperate to get the attention of her uncle before he manages to pluck something out of the fresh-kill pile for himself. She picks up the bird she had carefully selected for him and dashes over from her post standing watch just outside of the nursery, waiting patiently for the return of one of her family members from patrol. When she reaches him she sets the prey down in front of him (totally picked out for him and totally not a bribe, she swears it!) and she looks up at him with those same forest green eyes that her grandmother before her bore.

She knows a lot about almost all of her grandparents like how Little Wolf was her ma's ma and Howlingstar was her ma's ma's ma and Gray Wolf was her mate but he was like totally dead. What she doesn't know is who her ma's da is and surely Moonwhisper had to have had another parent because like.. who didn't? None of the other kits in the nursery had just one even if the other was "no longer with us" or somethin'. Her ma's dad must be somewhere worse than no longer with us though, or at least that's what she thinks based off the fact that the tortoiseshell molly never really seemed to speak about him and had brushed off her questions like leaves off the camp floor.

So here she stands, in front of the first relative she could find that could answer her burning questions "So like... you know how Howlingstar is uhm my great grandma" she begins, careful to put extra emphases on the word great because she is certain its an ego thing and not just what she was actually meant to call her (but Howlingstar was leader and she didn't want to get in trouble for not saying it. "uhm well, I was just wondering who my grandpa is" she admits, staring at him with expectant eyes while she waits for him to answer her question.

// please wait for @skyclaw

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    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
Skyclaw does not spend as much time around the nursery as he once did - it was like a switch had flipped. Something about the impressionable young souls made him uneasy. He still loved his nieces and nephews, even the ones his sister-in-law adopted, but he much preferred interacting with them when they inevitably became apprentices. After all, at least then he could have meaningful conversations beyond playing mossball or storytelling.

Thus, when his name is caterwauled across camp, he winces. He looks towards the bundle of ginger fur hurtling towards him, not with disdain or disgust, but meager alarm. She's older now, Meadowkit is - but still, he has very little to say to a child with no experience out in the territory. And, frankly put, less to say to one who's overeager about knowing who her grandfather was. The bird deposited by his paws will not wash the sour taste that spills into his mouth.

"You kits... you're an awful curious lot, aren't you?" Skyclaw says, managing an awkward smile. He half moves to leave, his weight shifted as if he intends to, but in the last second he decides against it. Someone is bound to tell his sister's children of their long standing lineage... it may as well be told truthfully. "He was a king, Meadowkit," he starts, and a piece of him feels like his own mother, leading a story of lions and tigers. His tone, however, drops - "A kittypet king. He reigned over cats that have only known the softness of twoleg dens - he let them feast on the wilds that we Clan-cats work to tame, all the while they return to their homes, safe from predators and troubles. All this work we do as ThunderClanners, Meadowkit? He tried to undo, in his own Clan..."

He trails off, eyes flicking up briefly to see if anyone else was listening. Some cats were born in the very situation he mocks - but surely even them despise the use of daylight warriors? If they didn't... tch. "He's dead now. Up in the stars with Grandma Little Wolf and more of our kin." He purposefully leaves out the tom's name, as if his legacy speaks enough in volumes - as if his moniker will so soon be forgotten and his star will dim.​
He squints at Skyclaw, just softly. Lanky like a ghost and tired-eyed, he tries not to let his face fall too far. At times he could forget that Skyclaw shared the lineage that he did. The cat that had doomed the forest. The cat who had led the group of selfish kittypets past the Great Battle. It wasn't his fault. His doomed lineage was of little impact on who he became. But Meadowkit — she was young and vulnerable, and could not learn of this in a way that honors a cat that brought only harm to the forest. Foxfang sits awkwardly nearby, head hunched down to be closer at eye level with them both. "Skyclaw is right," he affirms in a rasp. "He let cats treat this place like a game. While we hunt for prey for you, they return to their twoleg nests and feast." Here, he bothers little with what the other warrior had. If kittypets heard him, he hopes they feel that frisson of guilt.

Filling their bellies harmed their real warriors. And Blazestar, it seemed, was the root of it all. "The family you have here is all that you need."

  • OOC.
  • 𝐅𝐎𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐆. HE - HIM - HIS. YOUNG WARRIOR OF THUNDERCLAN. —————— the child of marsh colony cats, foxfang has grown into a fine young warrior. . . by some standards. he is bold and brave and very opposed to kittypets within the forest. both impressionable and easily impressed, he seeks closeness with those who seem important and is easily molded to their perspective.    PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a long-limbed black tabby and chocolate chimera with large swathes of white. his fur is overall short, aside from a thicker "mane" around his throat and an odd tuft on his nose. his eyes are an intense amber-orange.
she’d be dumb not to say she hadn’t noticed. their murmurs have grown louder, more bolder- even the apprentices are speaking their mind. leafhusk can handle it, even as she sits there, jaw aching from setting it so hard. do they speak so loudly on purpose? out in the open, for kittypets like her to see? her ears don’t catch every single word, but just enough to understand what meadowkit is being told.

"daylight warriors earn their spot." she strides over, casually, forcing her expression to loosen up. leafhusk looks at the trio with half-lidded eyes, growing irritation hides behind pale sepia eyes. the family affairs that haunt her clanmates isn't her forte, but she will gladly stand up for the kittypets over the border. "they shed blood for their clan, hunt for it, gain suffixes for their hard work. like we all do, they just happen to be warriors with a few extra steps."