hammering steel // hunting & fighting class

The early morning sun leaks through the nettle canopies, atop a log the black and white lead stands with a lashing tail as he waits for the NPC to rally his shelter cats and newest members together. " good morning. " he starts gruffly, tail hooking like a shepherd’s staff and tattered ears flicking forth. " I do hope, you all paid attention during Orangeblossom’s lesson. Now is the time for mine. " he starts, ears swiveling back now as he leaps from the log and lands heavily against the sandy ground.

" hunting and fighting. The foundation of Skyclan beyond culture and borders. That which keeps you alive, and strong. What keeps us in tune with what and who we are. " he marches to and fro, along the line-up of shelter cats and clanmates alike. Grey eyes peering at each of them, in menacing slits . There was nothing more important to him than the military mindset that was owed to this profession.

" today, you are not cats, your ears don’t hear gossip. Your mouth is not for chatter. Your claws are not for fleas. " he barks each out and stops only to gauge his audience. " Your ears will hear the heartbeat of prey, your teeth control your victim, and your claws are meant for skin. " he clarifies with a sweep of a razor edged white tipped tail.

" alright. Any questions before we begin? " he invites.

  • — here yee shelter cats <3 all others aside from kits welcome as well ofc!

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Wobbledog had been woefully absent for the last class, having been off in a corner somewhere coping with the anxiety and uncertainty of his new home. He had been trapped in that damnable place for so long that he almost missed the closed in space he had been kept in.

He was here this time though. A lesson on combat, something he didn't think he needed a lesson on but he would attend nonetheless. Perpetually tired eyes looked to Thistleback. He wondered if he would be pairing the shelter cats together, or with other warriors.

It didn't quite matter to him, so he shook his head to answer Thistleback. He had no questions. For now.


Radio Silence ♥

Bumble's long ears twitched while green gazes followed the marching tom calmly, his fluffy tail curling around his paws while he listened to the lead warrior bark out his words and explanation to the lesson of today. Hunting and fighting...both essential in the life of amy cat who didn't live the soft life of a kitty-pet. Pausing a bit, Thistleback would invite the cats to ask questions and looking at his paws a bit, he quickly waved one into the air in an attemp to gain the lead warrior's attention.

'What is the difference between anyone who were loners or rogues fighting skills and that of Skyclan's? Aren't they the same?' he slowly would mouth the words and make slight gestures in an attempt to get Thistleback to understand what Bumble had been trying to say. From what he heard, including himself (albiet still being young) and Blue, majority of the newer cats that Skyclan have taken in would already know how to fight.

While Johnny wasn't a shelter cat, he still considered himself among the newer members of the clan. While his climbing had improved greatly and his fighting was fine, his hunting left a lot to be desired. Besides, he'd be a fool to pass up on any kind of lesson from the more experienced warriors- especially if that warrior was Thistleback. So, the bobtail took a seat among the gathering felines, his short figure sitting at attention and turning their pointed ears toward the front where the lead began speaking.

It had stopped surprising Johnny by now just how well-spoken the other was, an elegance woven into their natural gruffness that never failed to enrapture. As he'd made abundantly clear after Thistle had forced him to relax the day after the shelter raid, the tabby could happily sit and listen to the other speak for any period of time if given the chance. And if at the end of it all Johnny turned out to be half the cat that his lead warrior was, then he'd consider himself a lucky tom indeed.

He remained silent as the invitation for questions was given, head turning to scan the crowd around himf or anyone who might have something to say before they began. If not, he'd return his attention to the speaker at the front of the group.

☁ ✧ ° .. ° ✧ ☁

Bunny doesn’t know what it is about Thistleback, either his savage appearance, sharp eyes or no-nonsense demeanor, but when the warrior says Now is the time for mine he feels a chill crawling up his back like a dog just breathed against his neck. He is… very intense.

He only gets more tense as the tom goes on, marching on like a warlord surveying his troops. Bunny’s back visibly straightens when Thistleback passes him by, eyes shifting to stare somewhere past his tattered ears as he speaks of victims and clawing skin. A silence follows his words: not even Bumble’s question, expressed in motions only, can break the heavy air. Bunny certainly doesn’t try. He thinks if Thistleback’s full focus fell on him he’d actually run away instinctively.
. ° ✧ ☼

To be honest, Snapple had assumed that Orangeblossom's lesson would be the only one. At least, for a while, but then Thistleback appears. Spiky-furred and kind of intimidating looking, Thistleback is a lead warrior - this he had learned from the last lesson. See? Snapple was listening!

The honey-furred child is gathered for this next lesson and motioned forward among the rest of the newcomers. A twinge of dread settles within him at the thought of having to sit through another one of these - another speech, these SkyClanners sure loved to talk! - but this lesson is of something different.

Hunting and fighting.

His form straightening, the child listens with piqued interest, seafoam eyes looking up at the lead warrior. This sounded far more exciting than learning about ranks! That is, until Thistleback starts talking about claws and teeth, using them to pierce skin. They're going to do that today?

"Are we... Fighting for real?" Snapple asks, eyes growing wide.
chiara | 14 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
Skittish and quite frankly overwhelmed, the queen hovers on the sidelines - ears and pelt twitching at every harsh syllable. The idea of hunting - no, of fighting, well, it sends shivers down her spine and leaves her feeling queasy. But does she have a choice? She's been thrown out - discarded. All she has left is skyclan. She needs to learn - needs to take what they teach to heart. Blue eyes flicker about wildly as each person speaks, and yet she cannot bring herself to open her mouth - to ask any questions. She's only here to watch, she reminds herself, and it comes with a sense of relief. Tail curls tighter against the swell of her bely, growing rounder by the day, and for the first time she truly feels grateful for it - if only because it means she will not be thrown off the deep end like the rest, but be given more time to adjust.

Toffee Mocha once again listens intently, wanting to learn as much as he can. Though, it was clear as day that a lot of the other cats in the crowd weren't sure what to make of Thistleback. He did have an intimidating presence to him, sure, but he doesn't let it bother him. He wasn't any worse than the kit he brought back, anyways. Appearances don't matter much to him.

Hunting was something he knew, sure, but not in this type of terrain. He's eager to see what skills he can gain in this expanse of trees. Maybe birds will be a common prey, if the name of the clan is anything to go by? He hasn't really tried many birds, but they do sound delicious... he tries to not let hunger be too much on his mind, lest it be clouded, making hunting less effective. Otherwise, he stays silent this time, no pressing questions coming to mind.