There are many side effects to his long - standing affinity for diving. One is the constant, ever - present taste of riverwater in his mouth ever since his injury—a lesser, regrettable consequence that dwindles in the face of his rediscovered ugliness. Another is the way his curls sit in constant disarray, forever damp from trips to the depths and rarely set into the dry, handsome ruffles of his father. The third and unwelcomed is that he is often accidentally privvy to things when he pops quietly up from the water—and that had been true recently, for he'd just slunk from the river, dripping and eel - like with fur plastered to his broad frame, when wide - set ears had caught snatches of @SANDPELT arguing with his parents—something about kits? Settling down? An eye? He's not quite sure what they'd been fighting about.

He wonders what it's like, to fight with your parents about such things. Parents, in the plural.

" Hey. " he breaks the silence with a dry rasp of a meow. The two of them are posted for an awkward night as camp guards, him to Sandpelt's left, with his ugliest part facing the other's blind side. How painfully apt. But he wonders—he wishes—he dreams—what is it like, to have someone hovering over you like that? Prodding at you about when they'll get those grandkits they've been wanting, or if you'll ever find that nice cat? He doesn't know. He couldn't know—it had been Lichenstar who gave him a warrior's name, after all.

She hadn't been who he thought he'd be getting it from.

" What's going on with you and your parents? " He means well—really, he does, he feels bad for Sandpelt, he's been having a rough time of it—but it comes out all wrong, rough - mouthed and resentful as a dray horse sullen of the bit. Muscle tightens in his mutilated jaw as his two - toned gaze turns quickly from the other warrior's face, out into the starbug - lit darkness of the territory beyond. His lightly accented voice is gravel - on - gravel as he adds, " Half the Clan probably heard you arguing. "

ꕀꕀ Following his argument with his parents, Sandpelt has been… tense. He knows that. It feels like everything has been spiraling out of control, starting with his family and ending with his greatest enemy. Although… what is Cicadaflight to him, when the other tom is off sparring with another warrior—and making heart-eyes at them, no less? He doesn’t want to think about it too deeply, he decides. As it is, he’s stuck on night guard duty alongside the stork-legged warrior, so he’s got no choice but to engage when Cicadaflight calls out a short hey. He can’t see it, but he can feel a heavy gaze on the blind side of his face. He doesn’t dare turn his head, even as the shadow-struck tom asks him about his parents. "There’s nothin’-" he begins, but is cut off by the other tom’s next words.

Half the clan? He’d thought their argument had been quiet, but in his anger maybe he’d spoken too loudly. Maybe he’d shouted at them, maybe he’d said something he shouldn’t have. But they’d deserved it, he reasons… and none of his clanmates should have eavesdropped. Though asking anything honorable of Cicadaflight seems unfair, as he thinks back to countless spars that ended with him wondering if this one would be his last. "Oh, great," he scoffs, fluffy tail lashing. "Jus’ what I needed, the whole clan hearin’ my business. It’s nothin’ for ya to worry ’bout. Just my parents thinkin’ they know what I wanna do with m’life." He scoffs. This is pointless. They’re supposed to be keeping watch, not… whatever this is. "Just… leave it, yeah?"

  • ooc:
  • 82323997_8rfjaVRxLB38SEE.png
    SANDPELT ❯❯ he/him, warrior of riverclan
    pretty, silky-furred tan tortoiseshell with one yellow eye. calm and hardworking, but can become snappy if angered.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore