camp handed a full house; introduction


➥ daylight warrior
Aug 23, 2022
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In the blink of an eye Alice emerged from the nursery. It was hard to believe that all the moons she’d lived through brought her here. Going between her two-legs den and Skyclan. Her kits are all grown up and becoming fine cats. Spending time in the nursery reminded her of her own days as a queen. She liked watching after kits, even the ones that weren’t hers. Taking pride in keeping them warm and entertained. But everyone grew up eventually.

Recent events were making her rethink her current position. Alice was a fussy kitty-pet but she was also a daylight warrior. She was loyal to her two-legs as much as she was to Skyclan. After seeing Orangeblossom and Bananapaw hurt in a border skirmish, her heart nearly gave out. The she-cat had sobbed over them and pestered them days after that. Finding herself worrying and pacing within Skyclan camp anytime one of her kits were out. Her soul begged her to do more than what she currently does.

Alice knew how to hunt but wasn’t very good at it. She liked helping around camp. Keeping kits busy and cleaning dens with other apprentices. The daylight warrior didn’t know much about fighting. But if she wanted to protect her kits from further harm maybe she should give it more of a go. The she-cat had brought this up with Heavy Stone who laughed, since he thought she was joking. It was hard to picture Alice becoming a fierce fighter.

“Excuse me.” the dilute calico called out to another warrior. Doing her best to not feel weird about the request she has in mind. “Would you like to spar? I could use… more experience.” well aware she needed training more than experience. But she didn’t want to admit such a weakness.

// mama alice has icly been around for a long time as a fyi
she will definitely not win the spar, so feel free to embarrass her lol
"Me?" Sheep had just been walking by, getting ready to set off on a hunt until she was called out to. Inwardly Sheep starts to panic but puts on a brave face, a grin twisting her lips upwards from a frown. "Me...?" she repeats herself though she already knows the answer, yes, you. Sheep wasn't a good fighter, better at hunting and politics, and the last three times she had been in a fight she had sustained some pretty gnarly scars.

But its just a friendly spar, right? Sheep wouldn't get hurt, and she'd keep her own claws sheathed in hopes the other would too. Begrudgingly does she dip her head in a nod, anxiety churning in her stomach. Things will be fine, you need to learn anyways. Deep breaths, in and out, Sheep crouches in to her battle stance. "Okay! You go first!" she forces her voice to be chipper as she sends a closed-eye smile to Alice. Oranges mother, she recognizes. And with age comes experience, oh, she was about to lose. But I got this, i'll do my best to win! She'll reassure herself. Okay... Now shes ready.
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Fireflypaw's ears perk up at the sound of yet another spar, tail twitching anxiously behind him. What was with these cats and wanting to constantly fight each other? To tune their skills? Or to kill each other, he had no idea. Firefly turns his head towards the two mollies, standing up to walk over with eyes shut tight. A reminder, he'd think- not to draw blood or anything. His shoulders slouched lazily, Fireflypaw seats himself down to watch the two femmes brawl out their spar.

"Just don't hurt yourselves, please."
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"They won't, Alice can't fight and Sheepcurl won't do anything. But I'll step in if it gets too rough." Orangeblossom meows, blunt as ever as she settles down next to Fireflypaw. The deputy tucks her paws underneath her, careful of her bad leg, and blinks brown eyes up at the two mollies. It's an interesting matchup, her mother and SkyClan's gentlest lead warrior; Sheepcurl certainly has the advantage and the battle knowledge, but Alice likely wouldn't find herself too outmatched. She's pleased to see the tortie point stepping up though, taking the initiative to better her own skills, and she trills a quiet noise of contentment. "Let me know if you want my opinion at the end. Begin when you're ready."
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Silversmoke didn't see this spar being one worth watching. Between a Daylight Warrior and former Daylight Warrior whom he'd never seen fight, there wasn't a clear favourite in the match-up through his eyes. He narrowed them optics studiously all the same, curling his tail around his forepaws as he settled down to watch. His narrow frown spoke of his disapproval when words did not find him. They were more likely to hurt themselves than each other, and he needed to prepare himself to offer criticism where it was warranted. Silver didn't want to discourage kittypets and co from learning how to battle, it was best they learned how to defend themselves, but it didn't stop him from feeling pained whenever he had to see the slap fights the untrained called a 'spar'. A pointed gaze was briefly cast over the crowd before the tabby fluffed up his chest and fixated on what was in front of him.

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Alice felt embarrassment in her paws before she even started. The comments from Fireflypaw and Orange didn’t help. Her daughter, forever blunt, made her wonder if they thought their mom was weak. She would show them. Huffing at her inner thoughts the she-cat focused on her opponent. Sheepcurl. They were one of the lead warriors around here. Probably a tough first sparring partner but this was a part of learning.

She wishes she didn’t have to make the first move. Alice does her best to take on a battle-ready stance. It’s uneven and left her vulnerable as she’s too focused on her body and not her paws. “Hmmp” she makes a noise and nods her head. Showing that she was ready and about to make the first move.

Moons of jumping and balancing on fences made her agile. She was swift but unskilled. Aiming to dash forward, she aims to bat Sheep in the face. No claws, of course. Alice knew one thing about training and it meant keeping her claws to herself.
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Alive doesn’t exactly look confident, but Sheep knows more than well to not underestimate her opponent. The pit in her stomach only grows as cats begin to gather on the sidelines and her paws feel like they’re shaking. She knows its just the nerves that make them feel like they are, but damn! She ducks further down in to her defensive position, tail flicking behind her. Would Alice go towards her stomach first? Or perhaps her neck, where various scars reside? Yeah… Probably your most vulnerable spot. Pretty obvious.. She shakes her head.

And then does Alice dart fowards and its like a dance between them, one step forwards and one step back, interlocked in an odd tango. Paws brush her face as she backs away and she stifles a laugh- No fair! That tickles! Alice finally bats the side of her face, the others speed finally catching up to Sheep. But shes prepared, because with Alice being in such close vicinity, she attempts to surge upwards to topple Alice off balance with the sudden weight. If this succeeds, Sheep would try to hook her paw between the others legs to send her to the ground. Luckily, despite Sheep’s lack of confidence in fighting, she had been put in quite a few life or death situations where she had learned.