private hands fall off the clock - sparkspirit

When she wasn't out trying her best to hunt, Ratpaw was watching the cats that meandered around their make-shift camp. It wasn't hard to tell which clan was which - almost no one was actually merging with the other clans if they could help it, each of the four having their own little spot they made camp - and with her distaste towards ThunderClan and already having gotten to know SkyClan as much as she would have liked, the white apprentice had taken to watching WindClan for the most part. She had heard they were bad but there wasn't anything that came to mind truly that they had done to RiverClan as a whole and so she was curious as to how, exactly, they were a "bad" clan. Frown tugged quickly on her maw however as she watched them, watching how some cats were silently treated differently than others, and if anything it confused her. What was so different about these cats that they were allowed to stay within the clan but be given the cold shoulder left and right?

Making her way carefully over to the WindClanners, Ratpaw found herself near a cat that looked as though he could be home in the mud simply due to how well he blend in with the mud. Her ears flattened for a moment before she cautiously looked towards the other, waiting to see if they would shoo her off before finally speaking up. "Hello," Caution still reside in her voice, but when she realized that she would not be shoo'd off she found herself relaxing slightly - as much as she could with a cat from another clan at least. "My name's Ratpaw, is it okay if I sit down here?" He'd be free to decline, but if not she would sit down and offer the other a small smile. There was no point in being rude to others in times like this if it was possible to avoid it, they could argue over territories and borders later.

  • @sparkspirit
  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki