
She had just returned to camp from her patrol to ThunderClan and, looking around, it seemed as if she had beaten a good many others. "Good work today everyone, get some rest and some food!" she instructs everyone else just before they break, flicking her tail in a slight goodbye as she trots over to the fresh kill pile and picks out a shrew for herself. The prey clutched in her jaws, she makes for one of the more secluded parts of camp for some much needed alone time. Except, in WindClan, she should know better. One is never truly alone after all. There is always someone watching, someone listening, and as a shadow passes over her face she feels her features slip into a slight frown. That is, until she looks up.

When she sees who is standing above her, her face lights up. Her usual trademark smile is in full effect. "Hey Scorch" she greets warmly, eyes squinting against the sun that illuminates the other molly and threatens to blind her "I didn't see ya come in, was everything good on your patrol today?" she cannot read the others face due to the light that casts it in shadows but hopefully everything had been okay.

// sorry starter posts my beloathed @SCORCHSTREAK

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win
༄༄ The calico’s fur still feels bristled in places, annoyance drawn through every line of her body. The tunnel to RiverClan’s territory is going as smoothly as it can—yet still there is a thorn forever stuck in her paw. That thorn just so happens to have a loathsome face and a mouth that seems to be used only to insult her. The way she sees it, Sootspot is lucky that Pinkpaw cannot keep her mouth shut; the tunnels would be a perfect place to murder a cat and never be caught. Calling her a coward—a bold, unbelievable move from a tom who came scurrying to Sunstar the moment he realized that standing by Sootstar was a lost cause.

Her entrance to camp is silent, shooing her apprentice off to do whatever it is Pinkpaw does in her spare time—likely pestering Featherpaw—and wandering deeper into the camp. It isn’t long before she spots Bluepool, and dappled paws carry her over to stand before her friend. Watching the frown slip from Bluepool’s face, and her expression shift into something bright and friendly, is enough to lift her mood somewhat—but not enough to clear it entirely. She sighs. "No, Bluepool. Everything was not good." Her tone comes out more dry than she intends; she is not truly upset with her friend, merely annoyed by her circumstances. She offers the other a flicker of her tail in an attempt to soften her words. "I’m just being dramatic," she corrects. "It was fine, the tunnel was fine. It’s your nephew who’s the issue." Calling Sootspot an issue is putting it lightly, she thinks.

She does not move to settle beside the other she-cat, but sits on her haunches before her, still casting a shadow down upon those golden eyes. "Why did you assign him to my patrol?" Here, her voice is carefully neutral. Curiosity, not anger, bleeds from each word. She is not upset, necessarily, with Bluepool’s patrol assignment—she merely wishes to know why the tabby had burdened her with the tom she detests so openly.

The red-hued molly's tone is not one Bluepool is expecting. The smile slips off her jaws and now she is looking at Scorchstreak with concern. Did something bad happen? Already she is scanning the other pelt but she sees no injury she- 'I'm just being dramatic' she rectifies and she can feel the tension leave her shoulders, can feel relief surge through her veins. 'It's your nephew who's the issue' Sootspot, she knows, can be a bit much, knows that he and Scorchstrak do not get along the best but..

"Because I trust you" she says easily, leveling Scorchstreak with a serious look "Look, I know he can be.. a lot. But he's still my blood, my kin I.." I can't loose anyone else she swallows, hard. "You're strong and you're more than capable, you're the most capable warrior in all of WindClan, actually. I just knew you could handle it, is all. But look, if you want, if I ever have to assign patrols again" which would be likely if Sunstar didn't assign a deputy anytime soon "I wont put you two on the same patrol together again. I love him but.. I also love you and I want you to be comfortable and safe." she'll do whatever she can to make that happen, has been doing that for a long time now. She had been selfish when she had assigned her nephew to her patrol though, and silently she curses herself for it.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win
  • Wow
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༄༄ The tone of her words must catch Bluepool off guard, because that radiant smile disappears for the barest of moments. Scorchstreak regrets her words even as she rectifies them, biting back the worried expression that fights to make itself known. But as she explains that she’s simply being a bit dramatic, the silvery tabby seems to relax a bit. Though she does fix Scorchstreak with a look, one that means they are no longer exchanging pleasantries. This is a serious conversation; the calico straightens herself, paws shifting beneath her as she listens to the other she-cat explain her reasoning.

The reason that Bluepool had burdened her with Sootspot’s presence is… because she trusts Scorchstreak. I know he can be a lot, she says, and to Scorchstreak it seems an understatement. But she can understand why Bluepool must cling to Sootspot; he is a remnant of her sister, and he is still family despite his snake-tongued disposition. And she must believe that Scorchstreak can handle herself well enough to keep him in line while also helping to keep him safe. She cannot help but to pause when the tabby-striped lead warrior next speaks—compliments and assurances of trust fall from her mouth in a manner that appears so easy, Scorchstreak is unsure how to respond to her. I love him but… I also love you, Bluepool says, and the depth of her words don’t register at first. "No, it’s… I’ll survive putting up with him," she says resolutely, golden eyes locking onto Bluepool’s.

I love you. "You… love me?" She blinks, momentarily stunned. Love is not something that she knows much of; she and Dappledsun’s sure had certainly not been in love, and Badgermoon had simply been convenient. She knows love for her kits, for her siblings—yet she has never felt love for another whom she does not share blood with. This is uncharted territory, mountain peaks rising around her. Her eyes are wide, her surprise apparent as she stares at the other molly. She cannot deny her admiration for Bluepool, the way that she’s inexplicably drawn to the other whenever she sees her. Is it her strength? Her beauty? No matter the reason, the calico knows that she…

She loves Bluepool, and not in the way that she loves her kin. When she first noticed their nests drifting closer and closer together, she had said nothing—she has sought out the nearness of the other molly. And when Bluepool suggested that they decorate their nests with flowers, she had been quick to pitch the idea of their flowers being in opposite colors. Red flowers for the silvery moor runner to sleep upon, and blue for the dappled tunneler. "I feel safe with you. I trust your judgment more than anyone else’s. And I… love you, too," she says, and she can only hope that Bluepool means it in the same manner.

She had not even realized the words had come out of her mouth until the moment had passed. Now, she sits in a stunned silence. 'Did I really just say that?' she thinks out loud?. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears heat when Scorchstreak does indeed confirm that yes she did say it so that the other molly could hear it. She shouldn't be so afraid right now, she was her after all. Brave, strong, lead warrior of WindClan and former member of the marsh group. She could tackle anything. Anything except this apparently. But what if Scorchstreak didn't feel the same way? What if she had just made things weird between them because she had finally admitted what she felt out loud?

She opts to pick at fur at her claws rather than meet the black and red she-cats gaze. Scorchstreak speaks and already she is preparing for rejection. 'I feel safe with you' the words warm her heart more than anything. If Scorchstreak was ever in danger she would go to StarClan and back to save her, she's more than certain of it for she remembers the way she had felt when she had learned Howllowcreek had been the one to dig his claws into her. He is lucky she had not been able to find him in the chaos of the battle. She would have stopped at nothing to make sure the debt was repayed tenfold.

'And I..' jhere it comes she thinks, bracing for impact 'I love you too' Bluepool blinks "You do?" she breathes, voice filled with wonder and warmth as she looks to Scorchstreak with eyes filling with tears, which she quickly and stubbornly wipes away with her foreleg "I.. Scorchstreak.. Will you be my mate?" she asks, golden eyes searching hers, hopeful and afraid at the same time.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win
༄༄ To her relief, there is no mocking joke made at her expense, only a slight misting in Bluepool’s eyes that the tabby is quick to swipe away. Her own chest swells with emotion, and the calico’s normally stoic face softens further. She shifts her weight from paw to paw, equal uncertainty and relief flashing in her eyes as she meets Bluepool’s gaze. The feeling turns to shock once more, though, when a question she would never expect leaves the other warrior’s mouth. Will you be my mate? Bluepool asks, and the calico’s scarred brows raise.

Taking a mate had never been something that Scorchstreak was particularly interested in—there is a reason she did not seek a mate in Badgermoon even after they had kits together. Before WindClan’s rebirth, she had never wished to take a mate who may only betray her and the clan in the end, and besides that, she hadn’t had the time to dedicate to another cat in her nest. But now, as she looks at Bluepool she sees not a warrior who will turn their back on her, who will cast her away for her faults. She sees only Bluepool, kind and lovely Bluepool who has managed to burrow her way into the calico’s heart.

To her, the answer could not be more clear. She loves Bluepool, and Bluepool loves her—can something greater blossom amongst the flowers of the moorland? It is worth it, she thinks, to dedicate themselves to one another. Meeting the other molly’s searching gaze, her own fills with conviction. "I do. I love you," she confirms, dipping her head to the other lead warrior. It seems so effortless, now that she’s said it, to say it again. The space between them is closed in one step, and Scorchstreak purrs as she presses her way into the tabby’s space. Scarlet fur brushes against blue, and a bright smile settles itself onto her muzzle. "I would love nothing more than to call myself your mate, Bluepool. For as long as you’ll have me." Or until the stars take us both.