Hanezeve Caradhina (Dustkit)

Mar 30, 2024
  • 38ekP6T.png
    Named after Dustpaw a late friend of her father
    — Windclan Kit
    — She-cat, She/Her; Undecided (too young)
    — created 03/08/2024 at 2 moons / ages every 1st
    ↳ penned by @Kedamono
  • A short furred black smoke she-cat with high white and cloudy green eyes / reference
    The young kitten is covered in swathes of pure white fur only broken up by the cloudy spots of the dark patterning it has taken over. Her paws, ear tips and her tail are the only parts of her fur not covered by white but instead by black. Dustkit is born of the smaller side and will always remain more on the shorter end of her clanmates even when she grows older, it's not aided by the fact she often ducks her head when she walks her head held close to the ground where she can get a easier feel for what's around her with her whiskers. She relies heavily on that sense along with her nose and of course her ears which are always pricked and swiveling for every small sound she hears around her. There's a good reason for this; a method to the madness and it's the fact Dustkit is born completely blind. Something apparent when her eyes finally do open. Her eyes are covered with a milky sheen over them, the pigments of green covered by them.
    ↳ carrying longhair and non-silver​
  • True Neutral
    Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●●○○
    Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●●○○○

    + Independent + Steadfast - Impatient - Unyielding. Dustkit is many many things, weak being an adjective that can never describe her. She's not a fragile kit nor is she one who avoids things she struggles with more then her peers, she rushes forward at them everything's something to conquer and she won't let anything hold her back. It's a common thing for her to fall over, get bruised or get lost when she's young and still exploring and pushing her limits, she wants to make sure she can handle it all that she can take on the world when she's older. This independence of hers is engrained in her core, sometimes to a fault it's hard for her to admit when she's struggling and she doesn't like to be seen scared or weak but like any other kitten she has her moments and will always run to her dad for comfort and safety. It's embarrassing for her and she will only let herself be weak to her family and family alone. She will never stand for any kind of teasing thrown her way and will be expected to act aggressively, she doesn't mind throwing the first strike even if she knows she will be beaten. She's sensitive in that regard, she won't stand for any of her peers looking down at her. The same goes for if any of her families honor is insulted.

    When she's not trying to fight with her foul mouthed peers she's trying to boss them around she may even take advantage of kits who are less strong willed and drag them along for her games which often may lead them into trouble. She's not malicious but she also isn't always considerate of others and their limits, she can be selfish at times.

    She gets frustrated easily and can be labeled as a hothead, she throws tantrums when she can't figure something out or gets stuck especially if something she's trying to do involves sight. As much as the kit wants to claim her lack of vision doesn't bother her it'll always be a somewhat sore spot something that she will struggle to admit as a kit and will become close to impossible when she's an adult. Like any child she can sometimes lash out at those she loves her frustration gets the better of her but it never changes her feelings towards them. She feels a sense of guilt whenever her anger gets the better of her. She holds a deep love for her family, a connected that can never be severed she's raised by a loving father and will do her best to be close to her siblings; it's only natural.

    ↳ mannerisms Holds her head low so she can more easily sense things with her whiskers.
  • Michael x NPC (Adopted by Periwinklebreeze) sibling of Bilberrykit and Vulturekit | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to n/a | Parent to n/a | Grandchildren of Moonshadow and Hyacinthbreath / Niece of Snowshadow, Cloudkit, Nightingalecry, Wisteriapaw, Downypaw (undiscovered), Finchpaw (undiscovered), Cousin of Deathkit, Frightkit, Witherkit, Distantly related to Pollenfur, Emberfang, Lilacstem, Mallowlark, Echolight, Morningfrost, Sparkspirit, Yewberry, Larkfeather, Pinkpaw, Heathpaw, Brightshine, Heavy snow, and Ebonylight
    — Admires Periwinklebreeze
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
    agility ●●●○○○○○○○
    hunting ○○○○○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●○○○○○○○○

    Single; unspecified sexuality, Too young and entirely uninterested
    Trusts whoever her father trusts for the most part, on her own it may take her a little bit to warm up to strangers if she knows nothing about them
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — Will start fights | Will flee | Will show mercy
    excels at Staying determined, Biting, Pretend
    poor at Mossball, Keeping her temper in check, and staying clean
    sounds like Brittney Karbowski as Nanachi from Made in Abyss
    smells like Milk and faintly like dirt and flowers
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #CC82FA
  • if you want >:)
  • Backstory / Plans
    ( ☆ ) Born to Michael a friend of Periwinklebreeze whom lived outside the bounds of the clans - born from an unexpected pregnancy and was given to Perwinklebreeze to raise.

    // Future plans
    Born for the Tunnels: Dustkit will never be able to become a proper moorunner the territory is to vast and open and while her senses are keen they can't fully cover all her bases. However it'll be deemed she'd make an appropriate Tunneler and in training she will flourish, the ground covers her from any would be flying predators and the tight confines of the subterranean territory allows her to easily feel and sense her way around. She's unimpacted by the dark and may even feel the ground better then her peers, hearing it's groans and every falling rock or dirt clod, feeling the rumble in her paws or down her whiskers. She will certainly need a patient mentor but she will become a fine warrior when she's all grown up and maybe even one of the most reliable tunnelers in the clan.

    Blood is not thicker then water: While aware her father is not biologically her own it's of litter matter to her - he is the one who raised her who supports and loves her and that's all a dad has to be. No dad could be better and even when it's revealed to them who their biological father is her loyalty will not wane, it's likely she will view Michael as more of a 'uncle' then anything else and it can be assumed she'd be apprehensive all together towards him but over time would come to accept he was part of her family. She's going to be very close to her dad relying on him heavily even as she grows older, likely one of her sole confidents when it comes to her sensitives.

    Connections across borders: Periwinkle does not hold the same predispositions as some of his clanmates towards outsiders and other clans, it'd be assumed Dustkit would pick up on this and follow the same mindset. Nor was she born in the era of war, being one of the first litters who'd only known Sunstar as Winclans leader. She will be amiable with the other clans and have a deep interest in them, I would like for her to develop friendships across clan borders and maybe in the future something more.

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ( ★ ) baby mine - birthing - The Beast is born!