hanging in the cable car | stuck


I wasn't looking for devotion
Mar 12, 2024
જ➶ Ugh, Mothfur is going to be so disappointed in her when he finds out. She knows this very well and she doesn't want him too. Of course he would be disappointed in his apprentice considering she is mortified and knows she will die from embrassment once someone realizes just what has happened. Honestly she has been tugging for a while now hoping the ground will just let go of her head but to no avail. No such luck. Honestly she can not believe it. All she wanted to do was catch a stupid mole. Impress Palefire with it and then impress everyone else. That was it. To show she had what it took to be a Thunderclanner and hunt in the forest with the rest of them. Now she has her head lodged in a hole and it's awful, just awful! She can hear her heartbeat in her ears, hear the rushing of her own blood. It's dark in here and the tension is only growing. Forcing her eyes shut tightly she jerks and yanks only managing to hurt herself. Straining tolo hard. What if no one finds her and sh- no, no, she can't think like that. Stopping her motions she listens even if it's muffled and then she hears it. Pawsteps. Thank Starclan!

"Hey! Hey you! Um, I know how this looks but I'm not stuck! Ur, umm..I just need some help with getting this hole to let go that's all! Please!" Her body trembles a little hoping that it's a warrior she is talking to and not a fellow apprentice. She will die of embrassment ten times over if so.
Palefire had been spending a lot of her time in the forest recently. She didn't want to be stuck in camp for long periods of time, where she could feel the eyes of her clanmates burning into her, judging her for... everything that she'd done. All she wanted now was to work hard to make it up to them all. Even if it never changed their opinions about her back to being positive, it would at least keep her paws busy. Besides, she had an excuse now that they had so many young mouths to feed. Hunting was something she was good at, it was a way for her to be useful.

She preferred to go out alone these days, when she was allowed. Her relationship with her friends had been strained since their outing on the night of their ceremony, and her former mentor wanted nothing to do with her. There weren't many others she felt comfortable enough spending time with now, so she went alone. Perhaps today that would prove to be a blessing for a certain young molly.

She hadn't even realized that she'd wandered close to Dustpaw until she heard the muffled cry for help. Confused, Palefire flicked an ear in the direction of the voice before hesitantly trodding over. What in the name of Starclan... It took her a few long moments to understand what exactly she was looking at, but the sight of the pale tabby's hind-end stuck in the air while the rest of her disappeared down a hole in the ground made her nearly choke on a stuttered laguh. "Dustpaw... wow..." she snorted amusedly, "looks like that hole has a real tight grasp on you."

Given that she knew what ridicule felt like all too well, as hilarious as she found the situation, she wouldn't make fun of the girl. "Alright, just don't panic. I'm gonna get ahold of you and try to pull you out, but I need you to try and push back while I do."With a soft smile and a shake of her head, Palefire leaned forward and gently grasped the fur on Dustpaw's back in her jaws. As delicately as she could, she planted her paws in the dirt and pulled backwards with her full body weight. Hopefully, this would give the apprentice the momentum she needed to wriggle free.
Despite his developed fears of the forests, Adderpaw couldn't help but always feel beckoned back into its dark embrace. Curiosity is what killed the cat, and although he didn't know the saying it was definitely proven true many times over. But every day, every moment that he felt the growing humidity clinging to his fur was a day that he had a clear mind. He found himself out for a walk when he heard the muffled cry from the ground below, confusion littering his expression as he walked up to examine the scene unfolding before him.

And after he put two and two together that Dustpaw had gotten herself stuck, he let out a muffled snicker at the sight as he walked up after Palefire. "How... did this even happen?" The apprentice was genuinely curious as he called down into the hole, another laugh bursting from his throat. Stepping back to let Palefire try her idea, he hummed for a moment in good spirits as he debated to mention that clawing at the dirt might loosen it enough that she could push herself out. Deciding that he was in feeling in a good enough mood today, he spoke up to the molly. "Why not try clawing at the dirt? It should loosen around her if you just avoid scratching her skin," he didn't offer to help her, however. No one was worth enough of his time like that.

  • ooc: n/a
  • . . ★ ADDERPAW of thunderclan, apprentice
    -- amab, he/him/his
    -- seven moons
    -- demisexual, demiromantic
    -- mentored by leafhusk
    . . ★ more information