thunderclan was always a patrol that chilledstar hated to go on. not because thunderclan was something to fear, or even be slightly nervous around, but because they were so damned annoying. always yelling across the thunderpath, yammering on and on about how great their forest was, and how glad they were that they didn't live within the swampy marshes thay shadowclan did. it got old, and fast. damned mousebrains were stingy and selfish, too. so pissed was howlingstar to learn of their endeavors across the territory– territory that pitchstar said they were no longer allowed to cross. too bad pitchstar perished because so did chilledstar's fuck to give when it cane to that. if they wanted a squirrel, then they should have been able to have one. ah, but now was not the time for such things. they wanted to mark the border and leave. no need to socialize with the cowards more than what was absolutely necessary.

"let's make this quick."

//@DOGFUR, @ROOSTERSTRUT, @spectermask, and @Frostbite @MINKPAW, @GRANITEPAW, @EERIEPAW, @mitepaw, and @Poppypaw

Frostbite didn't really care much for Thunderclan...Or anyone, really. He just wanted to keep to his corner of the forest and live his life. The only thing Thunderclan had that he wanted was dry ground. He could do without the cats themselves. He followed along Chilledstar quietly and briefly wondered if he'd meet that one particular Thunderclanner that pinned him down after he escaped being squished beneath a speeding monster.

"Remember, Smogmaw said to make sure we make our border extra smelly. Thunderclan loves the way we smell, you know." He said to his wonderful apprentice, Poppypaw.

"Try not to antagonize them too much, though." He added, getting to work on rubbing his face on the nearby trees.
Dogfur trotted along, ears pricked as he focused on Chilledstar's lead. He was delighted to get to patrol this time—they hadn't forgotten him this time. He paused to scratch relentlessly at a patch of fur on his neck, tongue sticking out and eyes bulging as he worked that itch until his skin rubbed raw.

He hurried to keep up with the rest of the patrol, catching Frostbite's words toward his apprentice. Dogfur's eyes brightened. That was right—Dogfur had an apprentice now. He looked around for Granitepaw and scooted closer to his half apprentice. "Remember," He snickered. "Smogmaw said to make sure we make our border extra smelly. ThunderClan loves the way we smell, you know." He repeated. "Try not to antagonize them too much, though." He rubbed his paw pads against the grass, nearly unable to contain his laughter as he tried to keep composure.


The last time he'd been on this side of ShadowClan's territory, Eeriepaw had stepped even further than he stands now. Past the border, hungry under leaf-bare's regime, a mission placed before him - find food in ThunderClan's territory and bring it home.

He'd been lucky then, a skirmish that brought upon his first catch - the only catch of that patrol, a mouse. Spectermask, less lucky - marred with infected wounds, having to deal with Eeriepaw's constant chant, constant plea not to die. Eeriepaw hasn't ever spoken so much, as to when he'd feared for his mentor's life.

He doesn't really want to be around these parts for that reason. A back paw scratches at the other at the reminder of how badly his own legs stung on the way back.

But, this patrol isn't assigned to him with the same goals, however. No, this is just a regular border patrol, a dull comparison to his last trek out here. The spindly apprentice walks beside his mentor - silent, unlike some who take part alongside them. Ears twitch at Chilledstar's words. Let's make this quick.

Eeriepaw finds relief in their words, glad that someone else doesn't want to be here.

no day could be a good one when encountering a shadowclan patrol. she had no problem with the marsh dwelling cats, that was until they decided to make their hunger thunderclan's issue. if they wanted to hunt among the oaks, they should have made their home in them. but no, they had made their nest and now refused to lie in it. nightbird had no sympathy for their situation, nor how they dealt with it like the swamp creatures they were. everyone was hungry in leaf-bare, hell thunderclan was still scraping by. she was glad howlingstar held more honor than to prompt her warriors to cross borders to hunt, the smoke would probably die if she had to eat a lizard.

nightbird marked their side of the thunderpath with a lifted chin and a sharp gaze. it was a large patrol, and though the majority looked apprentice aged it still made her ears flick back as she shared a glance with the rest of the cats on her side. surely they wouldn't try anything under sun, their brains could not have succumbed to that much rot. she listened to their remarks that were about as unsavory as their smell they joked about the forest clan loving. she just rolled her eyes and continued to refresh the border, only slightly hoping a monster would veer off the path and take their unsightly neighbors with it.
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A huff of irritation would blow from Flamewhisker's nose as she spotted the vermin across the Thunderpath. It seemed their leader was the ringleader of this patrol, and they seemed just as irritated to be here too. She had never met Chilledstar, so she wasn't sure what to think of the new leader. It had been a pleasant shock when they had announced Pitchstar's demise at the gathering. The forest would be a better place now without that crazy frogbrain around...she could only hope that his successor had a lick of self control.

She could hear Dogfur's comment from the other side of the Thunderpath, and she would roll her eyes. "Smogmaw said to make sure we make our border extra smelly" Extra Smelly. Oh great. It's not like we don't know where the border is, unlike you guys. she would think to herself, before marking a nearby tree. If they wanted extra smelly borders, they could have extra smelly borders.
Granitepaw thinks Chilledstar must have lost what little mind they'd had left after serving under Pitchstar. He'd lost his beloved mentor in a tragedy, and the reassignment to Dogfur had felt like some weird karmic punishment. What was this guy supposed to teach him, anyway? The gray apprentice smolders silently as he pads alongside his mentor. Granitepaw has to force himself not to roll his eyes as Dogfur scratches at their neck like a fleabitten... well, dog.

To his relief, it seems Dogfur has mostly forgotten Granitepaw had been reassigned to him. The mottled tom leaves him to his devices for the most part. But when Frostbite tells Poppypaw to leave a heavy scent, Dogfur seems to remember Granitepaw's existence, to his chagrin. The tortoiseshell sidles up beside him and begins to repeat, verbatim, what Frostbite had told Poppypaw.

Granitepaw makes a visible expression of absolute disgust. "I don't need to be told that," he growls. "I'm almost a warrior." Does Dogfur think him a kit of four moons?

He spots the foliage parting on the other side of the Thunderpath, a black she-cat and one of the lead warriors emerging. They say nothing, only shoot them dirty expressions. Granitepaw wrinkles his nose and makes a point to rub his cheek vigorously across a frond of leafage. "Quit staring at us," he mutters to no one in particular. Granitepaw is being relatively tame in comparison to previous border patrols.


an apprentice is the first to address them, muttering after making a show of marking the other side. granitepaw didn't know just how much she wished she could stop looking at them. wished she never saw their faces again, but that was proving to be difficult. "you're right," she agreed halfheartedly with a flick of her tail, "wouldn't want my eyes might fall from my head." there was no ire in her tone despite it's antagonizing nature, just a general disinterest. her gaze would abandon the grey apprentice after the statement, returning to the thick trunk of a tree ahead. they were almost finished here, just a few more areas to mark. nightbird had never been happier to return to camp.
[ ☾✩ ]