pafp happiness is the truth | making gifts for the kits

Sitting at her paws is a strange array of leaves, twigs, and other materials. To an outsider, it would have looked like quite the unusual collection, but she and Honeysplash had set about gathering the items up with an idea in mind. "Do you think this will be enough?" Howlfire asked, amber eyes glancing to Honeysplash as the other warrior approached. It seemed like there was enough here, but she could not be certain if some of the kits would just run off with the materials rather than sit and help make items to play with. "I just hope the kits don't steal too many of the twigs."

With an amused shake of the head, she bent down to gather as much as she could in her mouth, before leaving the rest for Honeysplash, before moving towards the entrance of the nursery. Neither she nor Honeysplash had announced their intentions yet, but already Howlfire could spot some curious little eyes watching from within. Howlfire set her supplies down first, struggling to get a wayward leaf out of her mouth, and then moved aside to let Honeysplash do the same. "Would anyone like to come and help us?" Howlfire asked, looking around at the kits. She made sure to make her voice sound more pleading, in the hope it might lure out some of the more curious of the bunch to see what they were doing.

// open for kits & queens
please wait for @Honeysplash

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The idea had been silly, a passing comment, but the more they had thought about it the more they wished to do it. Toys were important! They helped kits express themselves and encouraged hunting! Well that was what they were trying to tell themselves at least despite it all. The warrior had approached their dark furred friend with more leaves, some scraps they had found from the border and the weird celebration the twolegs had earlier in the week.

Howlfire asked if they thought it was enough and they gave a small look before setting down their scraps at their paws, “I do not know to be honest, there’s so many of them! Hopefully we can make enough and if not- well then learning to share is better at an early age?” They answered back sheepishly and gave a little chuckle.

She had a point though- they too hoped the kits wouldn’t take all the twigs. They had been hard to find or well the size they needed to find had been hard to find. Regardless! Honeysplash picked up the scraps they had and followed after the brown she-cat as they approached the nursery. They wave their tail behind them in excitement and smiled broadly, she loved kits. They were just too cute and said such silly things! Howlfire tried to lure them out and they purred with her, “We can’t do it alone!

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  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Fantastream's kits, being daylighters, had no shortage of toys at their twoleg home. Hon' and Dear had made sure there was a plethora of jingly balls, of toy mice and feathers attached to string. They would wiggle them around on the ground and Fantastream would watch with loving amusement as they would reach out with tiny kitten paws to bat at them, would watch the elation on her twoleg's faces as they shared in the adoration of her children. Sometimes, when she thinks of the kits back at SkyClan's camp she does admittedly feel sad that they do not have such things but then she remembers the time she had brought toy mice from her home for them to play with and the reception she had received about it and it makes her feel even more guilty. The warriors of SkyClan did not want for such things as toy mice, not when they had the real things right in front of them.

She is sitting just inside of the nursery when she first notices Howlfire and Honeysplash. Golden eyes alight on the twigs between their paws and she only has to wonder for a moment what they are doing. They were making toys, for the kits. Golden eyes alight as she makes her way over "I can help, if ya'll will have me o'course" she says as she reaches out to grab a small bundle. "Jus' show me how to do it and I'll have plenty of 'em done before you can even say mouse"

At the cry for help, Candorkit, of course, is lured in at once. Tail sticking straight up in the air, he totters over ( of course, he would never describe his own walk as "toddling," because he has been practicing his very heroic warrior walk for nearly a moon now! ) " I will! " he bravely declares, chin tilted in just the perfect way. " What are you— Oooooh, " immediately, he is taken in by the immense collection of props. Twigs, leaves, and pebbles to the simple minded. Weapons, adornments, and much more to him!

" These don't look like the leaves on our trees? What're these? " he asks in awe, paw hovering over a green, three - pointed leaf. It must be unbelievably rare... And if it wasn't, in a game, it would be! " Can I have it? Pleaaaase? " he begs. He definitely wanted some sticks for his games too. With all of these... he would be set for life! Only hypothetically of course, because for certain games, it wa smuch more heroic and daring to find a stick of his own, but for others, these would be brilliant! " And these? And these? And this? " he chirps, adding onto his wish list the longer he stared for.

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.