HAPPY GOLDEN DAYS OF YORE | tree lighting human au

The holidays were... well, not something Nikolai typically engaged in. He was dragged by his ear to the occasional party or two if only to stand on the sidelines and nurse a glass of whiskey, but Nik never saw this time of year as magical as most others seemed to. Nikolai hadn't properly celebrated Christmas since he was a kid, and after a long stretch of years of essentially boycotting the holiday cheer, he was back at it again — decorating, parties, shopping, the whole nine yards. Being a father to two young children would do that to a person. The holidays were nauseating—he could only listen to "All I Want For Christmas is You" so many times—but he was willing to soldier through it all Ramsey ( @RAMKIT ) and Luca ( @LAMBKIT )'s sake. Nik was a grinch, but not so much so that he would willingly ruin his kids' experience.

The family had decided to go on an outing to a local tree-lighting ceremony. Keeping two antsy children at bay while waiting around wasn't an easy task, with Nikolai having to repeat to the twins several times, "It's gonna go on in a minute so just be patient." The tall man whips out his phone a few times to check on some work-related things, trying his best to read messages while small hands grasped at his jacket sleeves and pants. How did their nanny deal with their energy all day, anyway?

Then, an announcement is made to the crowd that the ceremony will commence imminently. Sheesh, took 'em long enough. "Hurry, get up." Nikolai says, bending down to pick up Ramsey and place her upon his broad shoulders. Reyna ( @Orangestar ) would be able to hoist Luca up on her hip, surely.

"3... 2... 1!"

In an instant, hundreds of bright lights dazzled the crowd. A rainbow of colors illuminated the towering fir, prompting gasps and cheers from the spectators. Nikolai held onto Ramsey's legs, eyebrows slightly raising at the impressive sight. It was pretty looking, he supposed.

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    — slatesnarl / 45 moons / he/him
    — skyclan warrior & former lead warrior
    — mate to orangestar / father to lambkit & ramkit
    — lh solid black maine coon w/ rusting, amber eyes. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
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