happy hunting [skyclan hunting patrol]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


There were cats out there who'd tell you the balance of the five clans was important, that in order for one to survive, they all had to survive.

Well, Quill called bullshit on that.

The dark chimera tabby didn't care one bit if the other clans made it or not. That was life; an ugly, savage thing that did whatever the hell it wanted. And he knew it would take, and take, and take. Already his clan was feeling the pressure– the lack of warmth, the sting of hunger– and he wouldn't feel bad for taking what he needed for them. The only sympathy any of them would see from him would be toward the kits, but not even they would come before what was most precious to him.

So after learning about Thunderclans most recent trespass, he hadn't hesitated in rallying together a patrol, intending to take back what was stolen and then some. And if it helped to ease the guilt from his clanmates backs, they always had the knowledge that Skyclan didn't start this war of thievery and trespassing. But Quill was sure as hell going to take advantage of it while he could.

"Dammit, no luck." he growled softly, tail giving an irritable lash as he failed to so much as find a scent trail to follow.

He'd been searching for a while now, and while his patrol had gotten away with going unnoticed so far he knew they didn't have much more time. So, instead of wasting his last five minutes searching for a scent trail he wouldn't even have time to hunt, he scaled the nearest tree to keep an eye out for Thunderclanners, giving his clanmates a better chance to hunt without fear of being jumped from the underbrush.

OOC- Okay, Quill rolled a 16 on the encounter (so they go undetected in a private thread), and then for finding prey he rolled a 2, then a 5 (so even with advantage, he failed to pick up a scent). Don't forget to roll with advantage on your prey rolls!!)


skyclan - male - 31 months (Feb 17th) - Twitchbolts mate - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
bloomfur didn't care much for the other clans. so, agreeing to quillstrike's secret prey theft operation wasn't difficult. murmurs from her clanmates reminded her that thunderclan's been terrorizing them since she arrived. stepping over the scent markers had been unceremonious, but she still trots through the oak forest.

this was… boring! actually! she had crouched low, like a bloodhound, shuffling around the frozen floor. instead of prey to fill the pile, all she got were cold pawpads and a runny nose. the warrior stands, fluffing her fur out to ward off an oncoming chilly breeze.

she pouts, "this blows! there's nothing here!"

rolled a 8 :-(

The black smoke tom pads over the invisible border line, his nose twitching for any recent scents. The former rogue didn't have to be asked twice to seek for prey in more unfamiliar areas— they must do what they must to stay well fed. Even if that means crossing over the border. It might bring other SkyClanners discomfort— breaking the code— but his belly rumbles with hunger. If they continue to follow the code imposed by SkyClan's ancestors, they are going to starve to death. Would StarClan forgive their living relatives for this crime, even if it's for their survival? Thankfully, he doesn't need to be concerned about facing their wrath.

No ThunderClanners lurk nearby, Copia thinks as they get further into enemy territory, we should move quickly, before any decide to show. He knows this is a risk— lurking into enemy territory. He had to take this risk countless of times back in the twolegplace— prey was hard to come by, and sometimes stealing was your only option to have fuel in your belly.

His eyes scan the forest before them, and Copia smells the air. Can any prey be found through this frost? He wonders as his ears twitch at his clanmates voice frustration— no luck for Quillstrike or Bloomfur. He shakes his head and focuses on the terrain before him, and then the tom freezes.

His mismatched eyes watch a squirrel— a big, juicy squirrel— climb down the bark of a tree, and it scurries into an open patch of clearing. Almost immediately, the black smoke crouches low to the frost touched grass. He can feel adrenaline running through his veins— for this singular moment, he can relive his past. Copia stalks forward, ensuring his tail doesn't brush against the earth, and pounces.

He makes a shift bite to its neck— it's dead before it even realized it's own fate. His tail swishes as he picks up his prize, giving no thanks, or thoughts, to StarClan. He wonders if any of them will look at him with disapproval, or will they realize that'd be hypocritical? He trots back over to the group of SkyClanners, whom haven't been as lucky. "I think you just need to look a little harder, heh!" Copia suggests, his voice muffled by his kill.

  • rolled a 19 & a 12 for prey size!
  • 91060119_Q9c66fSJb0jA4Sc.png

    credit to Raphaelion (via da) for the artwork!
  • Copia
    37 moons
    experience: graduated
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the mini <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & white
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)

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