camp happy little working song~ ♡ nursery cleaning and redecorating


continue to love ♡ 10/25/2023
Feb 20, 2023

Being the only active queen currently residing in the nursery since the meeting, Wrenflutter decided that the nursery could do with some cleaning and decorating while the kits she cared for were out and about playing. Purring a small tune to herself, the seal sepia carried some flowers she got outside of camp back in, setting them down. She settled near the bramble wall and began to carefully weave some of the colorful blooms into the bramble wall of the nursery, allowing the splatters of color to decorate the guarded den. Humming to herself, she looked at her work and seemed blissfully pleased. "Now, how should I redo the nests... Starclan knows we should have enough in case more kits appear." She murmured aloud as she tilted her head in thought, peering into the nursery entrance as she continued decorating with the sweet smell blooms.
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Being unable to help with patrols is driving the leader crazy! The scars and wounds littering her body are on the mend, but she's wiser than to disobey her son's orders. She must rest if she hopes to make a full, swift recovery, so with cobwebs and fresh poultices patchworking her body, she lounges near the nursery to spend some time with the queens and kits. She blinks contentedly towards Wrenflutter and trills, "Would you like any help?" She knows the queen has already had to expand her own nest to make room for Oak-kit and Acornkit, the two newest arrivals to the nursery. It's a lot of extra work for a queen so the leader is dedicated to helping in any way she can, especially if she's unable to be out and about in the forest.
She's different from before. No longer distant, but this time, hovering, a blue shadow crawling around in Howlingstar's own. It's not as if she'd be poking around camp if Howlingstar wasn't, but it gave her a direction, or whatever.

And Wolfwind is antsy. Antsy to do things, breathed full of new life and vigor! And all that junk. Ears already pricked forward from her eavesdropping, she picks her way forward, tailtip twitching. The once-over she gives Howlingstar isn't subtle. "Help? I'm help," she informs Wrenflutter, batting her eyes as if it'd improve her weaving resume. And on that note– she just remembered she can't fucking weave. "Actually–?" she sits back on her haunches suddenly, and then lazily slouches down. "-You've got this."

She onces-over Howlingstar once again, smile dipping briefly before returning again. She was probably going stir-crazy, all this sitting around. At this rate, weaving would probably be like a high-speed ShadowClanner chase for her. With squinted eyes, she looks askance, nervous grin on her maw. "You plural, I mean." she then glances to Wrenflutter, eyes widening a fraction before her nicked ear flickers. "Iiif you so desire, that is!" Goddamn, has she always been this awkward?

She shifts gears quickly, though, eager to latch onto something else, and what better than her favorite training dummy (besides RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, ThunderClan, Rogues, and Kittypets). "Sheesh, Sunnyday acts like this place'll fall over if he ain't in it for a day, but you're doin' just fine!"
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Bright spongy moss lay clamped between sterling jaws as Silver walks into the nursery, head low to avoid bumping it upon entry. A wordless greeting is given in the form of a curt nod toward the three molly's. Grey eyes skim over Howlingstar thoughtfully, careful not to peer too long lest she notice. He empathised with her restlessness. When Berryheart kept him confined to the med den after his slip and fall down stream he was equally unsettled. Regardless, she looked well on her way to a full recovery. "I've brought extra moss for the nests." Silver voices after placing the clump down. "I'm sure the kits will enjoy the changes you've made thus far..." Giving one last appraising sweep of the den he lowered his haunches to take a seat.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
For someone with no kits of her own, Crowflower spent a significant amount of time in the nursery. Wrenflutter and all her little nieces and nephews called the nursery home, which meant that it was her home too. The warrior's den was just a place to collect all her cool rocks and bones; the nursery was where her heart belonged. "It looks great so far, Wren," purrs Crowflower as she slinks into the den, brushing alongside her sister in a rare display of affection. Crow didn't do touching, but she could make an exception for her family. As usual, her inky black fur was littered with leaves and twigs from a morning spent roaming the territory's undergrowth in search of wildflower, which she held proudly in her jaws. "I brought some more decorations so the kits can enjoy new-leaf." There was something awkward about the way Crowflower stood, keeping Wrenflutter in between herself and the other three cats.

"These little white ones are spring beauty, and this one here is bloodroot..." Despite her mild discomfort, she enjoyed telling her sister about all of the forest's little treasures. The only person who knew more about plants than she was probably Berryheart because he actually knew what they were used for. Crow just liked them because they were pretty. "Oh! And I found a bunch of acorns for Oakkit and Acornkit to play with. I couldn't find any leaves because they haven't started growing yet but the acorns are more fun anyway." The acorns were mysteriously produced from within the tangle of her ungroomed pelt.

Her tail twitched nervously in the silence following her rambling, mossy green eyes flickering from Wren to Silver to Howling then lingering on Wolfwind. Crowflower hadn't seen much of the she-cat in recent weeks and when Wolf finally showed up, she was usually grumbling about something or another. Even so, Crow didn't find it off-putting. It was just...interesting. Intriguing? Wolfwind was funny in the way a crotchety elder was funny, only younger and prettier. "What did Sunnyday do that makes you dislike him so much?" she asks suddenly, unable to keep the burning question from slipping off her tongue in a hurried rush. Although Crowflower had lived in Thunderclan for a majority of her life, she was never one to keep up with the clan's complex relationships. She didn't know most people very well, and that was usually how she liked it--a nice, quiet life spent wandering the woods looking for adventure. As far as she could tell, Sunnyday was kind, if not a little grumpy and depressed. Kind of like Wolfwind.​
Her granddaughter approaches before Wrenflutter is able to answer, her wishy-washy words ending in a toothy grin. Howlingstar smiles at her in gentle amusement; though perhaps acting scatter-brained, it's good to see that light begin to shine in those golden eyes once more. Purring, she then glances towards Silverlightning as he delivers a bundle of moss for the nests. "That's kind of you!" She trills, catching his eye with an appreciative blink. It's good for young warriors like him to help out around the nursery every so often, to respect and appreciate the work the queens perform, and Silverlightning has always been a respectful clanmate.

When Crowflower arrives with gifts for the kits, Howlingstar's smile grows. It's one of those days where nothing feels wrong, and her clanmates are happy and working together on a beautiful newleaf day. Although she feels a bit of tension as Crowflower then asks Wolfwind what her problem with Sunnyday is. Howlingstar looks towards the warrior with a bit of discomfort. Ever since she'd known Sunnyday, the two had butted heads, not quite seen eye to eye. First, he'd been padding after the insane, murdering medicine cat, supporting her even as she slaughtered Emberstar and attempted to murder ShadowClan's medicine cat. Then it was bringing strangers to camp, and insisting he sleep in the nursery and raise kits the queens were perfectly capable of raising. And at the end of the day, Howlingstar could forgive those things at least a little; he was misguided, but not a bad cat. They just disagreed on things. That changed the day he looked her in the eye and drew his claw down his stomach, fully knowing what he was doing in his mockery of her near-death experience. That was the day she realized he was crueler than she'd ever believed him to be, and perhaps that was why he had been so smitten with Cinderfrost. Perhaps they were meant to be, after all. Still, now wasn't the time to get into it. She wouldn't talk poorly about a clanmate in the middle of camp, no matter how much she distrusted him. "You two may talk about that in private," She mews softly, averting her eyes as her pelt prickles uncomfortably. "It's not fitting conversation for here."
She perks at Silverlightning's appearance; returns the nod in greeting he gives her. Maybe its the sorta thing she should pick up. Makes ya look all... reserved and warrior-like. He wasn't so much older than her, neither. It must take effort to be as stiff as he was, she can only imagine. ...Spose he's being more helpful than she is, right now. He came prepared– moss in jaw. Wolfwind inwardly cringes at her own uselessness. she'd just have to try ten times as hard next time, next time... There was always a next time, wasn't there?

Everyone's just equipped with loads of stuff today, she supposes as Crowflower approaches. Were that that determined to make her look bad? Wolfwind only looked on as she prattled on about flowers, or something. Sounded more like a Berryheart topic, not so much like a her one. She only perks when the molly is suddenly talking to her, asking her what Sunnyday did. As if the list wasn't seasons long, at this point.

Wolfwind purses her lip. I don't hate him, is the first thing she's inclined to say– a fellow ThunderClanner, he still was, and she'd risk her life to save even the most annoying to them. But she thinks back to what she's heard– about him and Howlingstar. She isn't so sure saying that would be a true statement. She could go on, 'f course, but they were only gathered to watch a queen go about their business, weren't they?

Howlingstar's thinkin' the same thing, and Wolfwind can't help but fall into a frown, with the way the leader's pelt prickles. "I wasn't gunna!" Truthfully, she exclaims, gaping as if appalled Howlingstar would think such a thing of her (and she partly is!). Jutting her lip, she fixes Crowflower with a look, though. "But I mean, if ya want the list, we can head outside." She quirks a brow, but would say nothin' further on the subject. "Nice flowers, though."
Silence descended upon the nursery den. She went very still, frozen in place. All the warm cheer of new leaf seemed to have leeched from the air as soon as the question left Crowflower’s mouth. She felt a bit short of breath the moment she recognized the weight of her blunder. Although the young molly had no idea what had passed between Howlingstar and Sunnyday, it was immediately clear from the leader’s expression that the truth was much more complex than she had assumed. "No, it's alright," she said with a shake of her head. Her soft voice was calm, almost deceptively so. "If it's private, I don't need to know." She didn't want to know. Crowflower believed in two principles: that secrets were kept for a reason, and that ignorance was bliss. Bugs were a much more interesting subject than whatever wasp nest she had just stepped on. Even so, there was a burning spark of curiosity that itched relentlessly at her. Would it be nosy to change her mind and step outside as Wolfwind had offered? Surely they wouldn't be angry at her, right? Paralyzed by indecision, Crowflower agonized over the correct choice for several long, agonizing moments, and, by the time she had made a decision, she felt that the moment had passed. Instead, she decided to accept Wolfwind's change of subject. "Thank you," she said, glancing at the flowers at her paws. "I can show you how to weave them...if you want." It took a great feat of willpower to overcome her embarrassment, but she did manage to draw on her earlier feelings of good humor and successfully managed an amiable tone. Whoops.
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