happy to see you / pearlkit


I'm so happy to see you
Oct 9, 2024
  • Previous name(s)? Pearlkit; from Oddgleam; a favored name and indicative of the splotches of white on his body that stands out against darker fur.
    ─ kit of SkyClan
    ─ cismale, he/him; unknown sexuality, unknown mono/poly
    ─ created 10.12.24 at 0 moons / ages every 12th
    ↳ penned by @Noia

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    A long haired black smoke with low white. Displays some Maine Coon traits, like tufted ears and long fur. Will not display breed size. / reference
    A long-furred black smoke with small patches of white and bright green eyes; his name 'Pearlkit' comes from the particular splotch of white on his face that highlights the brightness of his eyes against the darkness of his pelt. As a fuzzy kitten, the true nature of his appearance is limited to the almost bird-downy softness of his fur and the glimmer of his eyes, full of possibilities. The little tufts on his ears that allude to his parentage; and yet his size assumes that this is one of the few traits of the Maine Coon breed he maintains.
    ↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ○○○○○○○○○○
    Confidence ○○○○○○○○○○
    Charisma ●○○○○○○○○○
    Creativity ○○○○○○○○○○
    Empathy ○○○○○○○○○○
    Humor ○○○○○○○○○○
    enfj, ❝ the protagonist ❞ ⋆ neutral good
    (+)charismatic*, empathetic*, adaptable, outgoing, considerate*
    (/)people-oriented*, excitable, creative*,enthusiastic, conscientious*
    (-) self-sacrificing*, people-pleaser, criticism-sensitive, passive, strong-willed*

    ↳ mannerisms
    It's not easy to look at a young kitten and decide the kind of person they will be when they grow up. But is it possible to see core tenants of their personality and the kind of person they could become if nurtured the right way. As the first born* sibling of his litter, it's clear that Pearlkit takes this as a point of pride as well as a role that he feels responsible for. Someone who protects his family and looks out for them, who will stand up and speak up for his siblings and his clanmates without shying away from the consideration that he could be right or wrong. He's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and he feels it's his job to look out for others - even if that means he doesn't always look out for himself either.

    He doesn't always take the breaks he needs at first, in his apprenticeship. He pushes himself hard, eager to learn, eager to bolster his skillset and his abilities, eager to please. It's both his own personal wishes and the understanding that he is a capable person, as well as feeling like life is only going to give him what he tries to get out of it - which means he has to work hard for it.

    It's clear that Pearlkit is very personable and charismatic. His smile lights up his entire face, his eyes; when he smiles, he means it, and it shines. He's very facially expressive, where his expression will often match what he's feeling, even if it's negative. Even as a kitten it's clear he doesn't rush into things and takes his time to observe first. The sort of kid that would be labelled as 'shy', except he's really not - he watches first, tries to understand it, then participates with much more confidence than before. In that way he may be considered an old soul - but it's more that he doesn't have the same knee-jerk reactive personality of many kittens. Sometimes it means he misses out on games or things that move on too quickly without him. It also means that often times, he gets along with people who are older than him and struggles at times to make friends with those of his own age.

    From an early age, he'll have respect for others written into his moral code. By taking the time to listen, to enjoy the time with others, he'll come to understand the amount of work that goes into keeping a Clan running, that age does sometimes equate to wisdom - and will have to figure out that sometimes that isn't the case too. Simply, he's respectful of authority; maybe too much sometimes. He'll feel very deeply too, which makes him sensitive to criticism and injustice around him. He may also clash with others when it comes to a sense of justice, or interacting with someone who's an outsider; believing it's better to put one's best foot forward instead of closing doors right away.

    ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    ODDGLEAM x CROWIGHT x OWLHEART | first born | gen. 4 | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Sibling to cuckookit, tbnkit, brightkit, ravenkit
    Mate to no one | Parent to no one | Lots of aunts and uncles
    — Admires
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes

    ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ○○○○○○○○○○
    stamina ○○○○○○○○○○
    agility ○○○○○○○○○○
    hunting ○○○○○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    grace ○○○○○○○○○
    single; unknownsexuality, unknown mono/poly / crushing on no one
    blah blah how easy do they trust or something
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will not start fights | will end fights | can flee | will show mercy
    excels at TBD
    poor at skill TBD
    inspired by HERO from Omori
    smells like the nursery
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
    — speech is #b6ccfe
  • ( The first born son of Oddgleam, Crowsight, and Owlheart )
    He's a worm.

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