hard candy christmas | gazing




A long and dark figure sits on the outskirts of camp. Looking over the crystalline river, soft puffs of breaths leaving her form. Her eyes are worn from tears, silent crying that has happened since she left her former home. Tears she hides from her mste and her son. Tears she does not deserve to shed because every decision she made. She chose to do them, she chose to leave. Home is where family is they say but then why didn't she feel that way? Her maw twists and she catches herself from the tears, gazing down at a broken reflection of herself on some thin ice. "What did I do? Where did I go wrong...?" Was it when her sister saved her from that Sharptooth? Was it when she came to the colony? Or was it when she had been herald as some medicinal cat who knew nothing but how to fight and claw to live? Her body shivers in the cold, the chilled day like daggers against her skin. Her pelt is thin, not thick. Yet she still remains as she is, fighting against the elements.

Roughly she shifts her paws and presses them against her stomach, her heart fluttering with a vague sense of fear. Does she deserve these kits? Her mate? Any of this? Riverclan taking them in is more than she expected and yet she finds herself purposefully isolating. Drifting off the sides. Her methods sorely different than theirs. Closing her gaze she gently places her paw back upon the ground, hunting can help to clear her head perhaps. Mainly on land, fish are out of her reach.
Apricotflower carries with her a sense of wariness towards the queen, but that's mostly because of her former Clan. It was very nice of Cicadastar to let Bonejaw, and her mate, and her son into RiverClan at a time like this. Not quite what she'd expect from someone who had killed Rain, who had done nothing wrong - but at the same time, she'd come to expect something like this from Cicadastar in the time he'd taken leading RiverClan so far. He wasn't all bad - at the very least, he could be compassionate to those in need, and dependable enough that they could rely on him (hopefully, at least, for the rest of this season). Bonejaw hadn't done anything to hurt the river-dwellers so far, either ... just mostly moped and kept to herself.

Speaking of Bonejaw, Apricotflower recognises, vaguely, the owner of that striped pelt hunched over the riverbed. She's out on a walk to clear her head - probably not the best idea for a cat who's sick and needs to spend time resting to recover, but she's just so restless. Maybe Bonejaw could use some company, too. She stops a few paces to the side (it's probably gross to cough all over a queen) and clears her throat.

"You-" Apricotflower sniffles, and makes a frustrated noise at the congestion in her head- "ugh. Trying to fish? You need to go a bit further downstream, a lot of warriors cross here so the fish don't stick around long."

  • apricotflower, warrior of riverclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. big scar on her left shoulder, little scars on her paws.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


More fishing practice- more, more, and he still couldn't get it right. His success in swimming had been fuel for the fire in his heart that had begun to die out, but there was no progress in sight for river-harvest. Every day his Dad looked at him the same- with that big grin he'd always known, and those always-lively words of reassurance. And again and again they headed out, hoping it would be different. Vehemently Fernpaw knew that one day it would be, but for now they were in a cyclical routine, and that would be- alright. For now.

On the path sat together two cats, one of them with a line of snow-hue running down her back- that, that Shadowclanner that had joined, right? Her name, her name- he'd not been to many gatherings. He didn't know her- not by alias, but he did know her story. It seemed like she'd been through a lot, and he could not deny he was... a little bit scare of her. Her eyes were the colour of lava, and she often separated herself- but maybe she was just sad?

"My dad can teach you how to, to fish. If you need." Fernpaw's tiny smile lit up his features, bulging eyes of pond-water kind despite their abyssal size. "He's a super amazing teacher."

/ @MUDPELT obligatory mentor tag B)
( penned by pin )
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Iciclepaw cannot find it in herself to be friendly to Bonejaw. Apricotflower is a kind she-cat, and Fernpaw, of course, doesn't know any better, but the tortoiseshell regards the former ShadowClanner warily, with cool silver-blue eyes. She listens to her Clanmates offer fishing advice, and Fernpaw even says their father will teach her. She says nothing for a heartbeat, except to fix Bonejaw with an intense look and say, words clipped, "You'll never be a RiverClanner if you can't swim and fish. You're lucky it's too cold to do either much right now... but in newleaf, you should get used to getting your paws wet."

- ,,

Pale limbs pause in their tracks and the woman lifts her head up to gaze at Apricot. The molly still doesn't trust anyone that came from the Pine colony so she tenses up slightly. Just the barest of movements. She is trying. She knows that they are not all bad but what happened between her own home and theirs can not so easily be forgiven. Pulling her ears forward the woman slowly sits down and she takes the information in stride. "Ah..I've yet to try fishing. It's not my strong suit but I'm willing to learn as much as possible. Thanks for letting me know." Downstream? She glances in that direction for a short fraction of time before she then turns back to the woman that has given her the information. "Um, I'm Bonejaw by the way.... What's your name?"

There are many faces here that she does not know and she finds it a little daunting. Though she is sure that most of these cats know her already by name. She wishes it were the same for herself. It'll make her feel better to know some of them. Then a child comes forth and she looks towards him, a small smile appearing at his offer and she nods casually. "Well, I'd definitely appreciate the help. Wolverinefang might need it more than me though." Humor laces her words but soon falls away as another apprentice comes up. This one doesn't seem too happy and her words sting her ears. The dark woman blinks her heated eyes before she looks away. "Well, I do plan on adapting. I didn't come to Riverclan in the hopes of staying for nothing."