HARD LESSON // confrontation + training

// @sandpaw @LICHENPAW

Sunnyday had not expected things to have become so frayed between his apprentices and himself following his decision about Sunningrocks. It needed to be resolved one way or another, otherwise he feared it would rot and fester into something far worse down the line. Ultimately he needed them to understand that they weren't ready for such battles, and that going into war blindly following a leader wasn't always the best idea. He needed to nip it in the bud and get them past the rough patch, one way or another. Otherwise he feared that it would affect their chances of actually becoming warriors one day.

After collecting his apprentices from the camp, he then guided them to the infamous Sunningrocks that the two clans had bled over in a vicious fight. He knew that the hunting patrol that morning had already wrapped up and left, and the dawn border patrol had been completed already, so all was due to be quiet there. Perfect for the sake of privacy. The long legged tom eyed the rocks with an air of distain before he shifted his focus back to that of Lichenpaw and Sandpaw. "Right, it's time we addressed what has been happening between us. So tell me what has been on your minds, I want the truth." He'd let them air out their grievances first, it just seemed easier to formulate a response to what was being said rather than spring into explanations that could have possibly missed the mark.
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Lichenpaw's steps are dragging as he follows after Sunnyday, head held low. What's he trying to accomplish, bringing them here? To Sunningrocks? He clearly doesn't want to be here -- if the hunting patrol hadn't tipped Lichenpaw off, the disdainful gaze his mentor gives the rocks certainly would have. He flicks an ear idly at Sunnyday's words. Addressing what's happening, sure. Away from all their clanmates, probably so they don't have to see him and Lichenpaw getting into another argument. Or, he thinks, so that Howlingstar doesn't hear what he thinks of her leadership decisions. It's almost funny. He never took Sunnyday for a coward.

Again, he wonders, what's Sunnyday's goal here? "I -- I mean, I think I've, um, made it pretty clear what my -- my issue is here," he grumbles. "But -- whatever, you want a, um, want a reminder?"

They look Sunnyday in the eyes, grin deliberately placid on their face. "Sunnyday, you -- you can't just ignore Sunningrocks. ThunderClan fought and won, and, and now we don't have to worry about prey. That's -- I don't get why you're so, so opposed to that! It's a good thing!" He finds his voice raising, pauses for a moment. "And you -- you should've let us fight. Um. Both of us," He looks over to Sandpaw, feels a pang of sympathy at how discouraged she's been lately. "This is exactly what we've been training for." And you took it from us, he doesn't say, feeling it too childish. How will they every become warriors if he won't let them fight?

Lichenpaw averts his eyes. "But -- I mean, I've, I've already said plenty. Sandpaw...?" He glances at her. He doesn't know how harsh her own denial had been. He tends to run his mouth, but he doesn't want to talk over the other apprentice who's been slighted by their shared mentor.


  • // IC opinions !! lichen's been kind of a bitch lately​
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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sat with lichenpaw, she takes her time to glance over the former battlefield. she could almost imagine how teeth and claws would flash in the light. sunnyday wants to know what's on their minds, but sandpaw couldn't bring her golden gaze to meet the warrior's. lichenpaw takes off, airing grievances that she found herself agreeing with. it wasn't fair, to them or to their clanmates. sure they had won, but many had come back injured, howlingstar had lost a life. could three extra sets of paws have changed that?

the mottled apprentice utters her name, to which she draws her head up, glancing at him before fixing sunnyday with a hard stare. "we look weak. apprentice's younger than us were there, honoring their clan," her words were clear despite the tightness growing in her throat. "there's no reason we shouldn't be able to help by now. i just don't understand why you think so little of us," her words trailed off as large white paws shuffled against the ground. she had sounded far less brave than she desired, but it hurt to put those words into the air. she had been thinking it, trying to wrap her mind around the reasoning. but now that her jaws moved to speak it was more painful than she would have imagined.
[ 𖤓 ]


The older tom listened with an unmoving expression with nothing more than a slow blink to show that he was heeding their words. Mulling it over in his own time. Though he had no intention of leaving them hanging for long. "You're right in regards to the fact that I cannot ignore Sunningrocks. It's part of ThunderClan now, whether I like it or not. The last time I stood on these rocks it was when Howlingstar led the assault on the dogs. I helped to drive them over into the raging waters, and it was here that I failed to save Silverlightning when he fell into the water. He may have survived but it could have been different." Whether that difference had been an ending involving death, or one where he might have reached the tom in time before he was swept downriver to SkyClan, it no longer mattered.

Slowly he turned away from his apprentices so he could climb onto the rocks until he stood higher above them, and only then did he turn to look back at them both. "Readiness to face a challenge is something that will always be beyond our control. Though if you two think you were ready for such a conflict then come take these rocks from me. I stand here as a RiverClanner, so come take my home from me, ThunderClanners. Do not mistake this as training, this is a fucking fight!" His lips drew back into a vicious snarl as he hissed at Lichenpaw and Sandpaw, all the while slipping into a fighting posture. There would be no holding back this time, not when he fully intended to give them the real experience that they so craved.


Lichenpaw is prepared, this time, for the snarl that parts Sunnyday's jaw, flashing sharp teeth. It's exactly what he's been waiting for. Of course their mentor didn't call them there to talk, no, he never believed that for a second. This is a lesson, a punishment. Do not mistake this for training, Sunnyday says. Even though he saw it coming, his breath still catches in his throat at the words. This is a fucking fight. Claws unsheath. No holding back.

Think, think. Sunnyday isn't making the first move, that's good, it gives him time to -- to strategize, yes, that's what he's supposed to do. Not just run in blindly like he always does. It's not a fair fight, but nothing ever is. Sunnyday is bigger and stronger, but -- there's two of them. He's not alone.

Heart already beating fast in his chest, Lichenpaw grasps for some way that the two could get the upper hand. He finds himself wishing for Basilpaw; his brother would know what to do, they've always been the smarter one. They need to think like him, pinpoint a weak spot. After a moment of consideration, he turns to Sandpaw, an inkling of a plan forming. "Go -- " his voice is soft, carefully so, too quiet for Sunnyday to hear. "Go around, attack him from, um, from behind. I can -- uh. Keep him occupied."

With that, Lichenpaw starts scaling the rock, scrambling up towards his mentor with a grim smile and a growl rumbling in his throat. As soon as he's close enough, he draws up a paw, not bothering to sheathe his claws, and aims to bring it down on Sunnyday's nose. It'd disorient him, hopefully, send him stumbling. Open him up for a surprise attack, hopefully. His own balance is precarious, a little over-eager to attack and not focusing on the best position for himself. He does not glance back to Sandpaw, eyes remaining fixed on his mentor.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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a brief moment of shock flashed across her face as sunnyday raised his voice, lips curling into a snarl. golden gaze was blown wide as he dropped his posture into something more aggressive. her bobbed tail twitched nervously behind her, blinking over to look at lichenpaw to see how he was reacting. see if the feeling that this was insane was mutual.

this was crazy, it was crazy and stupid. she didn't want to fight her mentor, only to help protect her clan. but something in the older toms expression told her that no words would be able to get them out of this. they weren't leaving until a point was made.

sandpaw was met with nothing as her fellow apprentice thought. gaze darts back to sunnyday before soft words of direction meet her ears. she nodded, waiting until lichenpaw launched a distraction to move. large paws are quick to scramble against the rocks, claws unsheathing so she did not slip on their smoothness. she makes wide bounds around the two before getting to a position on the back half of her mentor. sandpaw wasted no more time before sending an attack of her own. rearing to her hind legs, the apprentice would aim a blow with sheathed paws to sunnyday's hip. she was reluctant to draw blood, to hurt her own clanmate. instead she just would hope her hit would have enough force to knock his balance, distract a little bit from lichenpaw who was not only taking on claws, but teeth as well.
[ 𖤓 ]

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A head-on attack from Lichenpaw; admirable but stupid, Sunnyday concludes as he assesses carefully what his apprentices are planning. He might not have overheard what was shared between the pair but he knew they were plotting on how to deal with him, so he was already making the prediction that Sandpaw would be his main concern. That meant putting Lichenpaw down fast so he could deal with the real threat.

The tom decides to bully his way forward by surging down the rocks towards Lichenpaw where he attempts to headbutt the apprentice right in the face at full force with the intention of interrupting the attack and to send him tumbling back down the rocks. All the while he felt the claws strike his neck instead from the closer range, and it let him know that Lichenpaw was taking things seriously. However, the act of moving forward to attack left him momentarily open to assault from the rear, and before he could turn to react he feels his hind paws slip on the rocks as a blow reigns down on his hip. It hurt, but it only served to rile him up into a frenzy (despite the admiration he felt towards her swift action).

Sunnyday snapped himself back around like a hissing serpent at speed, and with open jaws he attempted to seize Sandpaw by one of her forelegs, and if successful he would attempt to swing her towards Lichenpaw like a ragdoll with the intention of beating one apprentice with another.

sandpaw's chest was fluttering as rapidly as her heart when blunt paws made contact with the warriors hip. he falters, paws slipping from the hit. however, she isn't readying herself for another attack. her gaze is locked to lichenpaw after sunnyday's attempt to send the mottled apprentice right back down the rocks.

her focus was unfortunately dangerously misplaced. she didn't see sunnyday spin around at a speed so great, she wouldn't have been able to dodge away if she tried. jaws close around her leg, needle-sharp teeth breaking her skin. she had never been bitten by someone who wished harm upon her. it was much different than the small playful kitten bites, or a soft mouthed attack in a spar. sandpaw couldn't move, frozen mostly from the shock that he had actually bit her.

wide golden eyes just stared down at the bright tom, throat too tight to call it all off. yell or beg to stop, that this was ridiculous. surely howlingstar would never approve of this barbaric activity, but maybe that was the reason they were here. whatever, she didn't want to be caught between this weird feud between the two. she could get a new mentor, surely her leader would not support her remaining under sunnyday's direction.

lifting the white paw that remained free, she would move it so she could try and push him off. however, after she had lifted it her balance was taken from her as sunnyday jerked her around. her side met the rocks painfully, her face screwing up as she winced. that pain quickly gave way to something much greater, more brutal. pain exploded in her shoulder as she was flung around, unknowingly towards her fellow apprentice. a startled yelp passed her lips at the searing that only got worse as she tried to pull away. "let go of me!" she cried, eyes growing heavy with tears. the sandy furred apprentice didn't move though, she couldn't. fire ran up to her jaw and down her foreleg to where teeth clamped around it. besides her chest that shallowly heaved, sandpaw was still, subdued by the pain in her shoulder. she panted with an open mouth, trying to catch breath that was so desperately avoiding her. "i... i need to see berryheart..." her voice was panicked, choppy. watery gaze darted around. they were going to help her, they had to. "i won't tell, please," she begged pitifully, tears wetting the tufts of her cheeks.
[ 𖤓 ]



Sunnyday's response is quick but expected. Lichenpaw is the distraction, he's the one putting himself in the line of attack, of course he expected retaliation. The fear that closes around his heart as his mentor surges towards him is not unfamiliar. Lichenpaw lets out a choked cry as pain flares in his nose, drawing a paw up to cover it as the attack sends him reeling.

He falls, just as Sunnyday intended, back down the rocks. Lands on his feet, thankfully. And then: a yelp from above. Sandpaw, no, his strategy was supposed to keep her away from the golden tom's jaws. "Let go of me!" she cries, voice tear-choked and fear-coated. Lichenpaw's hackles raise further, mind racing, as he tries to figure out some way to convince Sunnyday to stop. But it's no use -- words don't help in a real fight. A ruthless enemy has no reason to listen to pleading.

He blinks up towards the rock, and --

Lichenpaw barely has time to register the blur of pale fur before Sandpaw crashes into him.

He stumbles hard, pain blooming all throughout his body as it bears the full weight of another cat. His eyes screw shut in pain, biting his tongue in a hard flinch. Hunched over as his breaths come shaky, claws digging into earth. Blood spat from his mouth onto the sandy ground below. It hurts, more than he's ever hurt before, but he does not bear the same childish shock as Sandpaw. It's everything he'd been fearing: welcome run dry, an enemy he could never hope to defend himself against. Always too weak, no matter what he did. The cruelty he's been waiting for with bated breath. A voice whispering in his ear: you were right, you were right to be scared, the safety was a lie.

A voice beside him, pleading, sobbing, terrified.


Lichenpaw's eyes snap open. There is a glazed-over panic in his gaze as he looks to Sandpaw, unmoving, her forelimb twisted horribly. He barely registers her pleading through the rush of blood in his ears. Sunnyday did this to her. Not to them, jaded and accepting the fight, the pain, with resignation. Sandpaw, hesitant and fearful, discouraged rather than angry. An innocent party caught in the crosshairs -- of Sunnyday and Howlingstar, of Sunnyday and Lichenpaw. He'd egged him on, encouraged this. She never had. "Sunnyday..." Lichenpaw starts, voice hollow. Their ever present smile is gone from their face.

Lichenpaw takes a few dazed steps towards Sandpaw. "Sunnyday, what the fuck did you do to her?" His voice tips into a snarl, face contorting with rage as bright blue eyes snap up to his mentor. "You -- She didn't --" His words are frantic. "It's, it's me you're angry with, right? Not --" his voice breaks a bit. No, steady. "She didn't -- she didn't do anything to deserve that, you -- you monster."

Lichenpaw sees red.

A real fight, meaning Sunnyday is not their mentor anymore, but their enemy. Vision warped, all survival instincts pointed at this newfound threat. Sandpaw is crying on the ground, punishment for the horrible crime of wanting to help her clan. He does not fear the same fate; he'd have earned it with his prodding, at least. He's not going to back down. Someone has to keep fighting.

"I won't tell," says Sandpaw, and something in Lichenpaw recoils. Sunnyday can't just get away with this.

The tortie point apprentice flings himself up the rocks, ignoring the burning pain that sears through his body. Pure adrenaline, movements lightning-quick, snarl ripping itself from his throat. He hurls himself at Sunnyday with claws outstretched, no plan, nothing but the anger fear guilt that surges through his veins. A wild tackle, with claws at the ready to slash at anything within reach no matter the outcome.


  • // whoops this got long :sweaty:​
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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They weren't ready for a real fight. This... this proved that.

He hadn't meant to hurt them, either of them, to this degree. He had just wanted to scare them into understanding what battles were like, that it wasn't all glory and epic tales of war. It was violent, horrific, and filled with so much fear and misery. It was no place for individuals so young, no matter how much they desired to be there by the sides of their clanmates. He had wanted to protect them from it! But... who was there to protect them from him?

Legs weren't meant to bend that way, and it was after he had released the young she-cat's limb that he came to realise that he had taken it way too far. The haze of the fight faded back into the recesses of his mind and was promptly replaced with nothing but concern and fear. There was that grim slither of thought that urged him to keep going, to remind her that no enemy would ever stop no matter how much one begged. Fortunately those dark thoughts didn't take form, not again.

"S-Sandpaw! I didn't mean-! Oh shit, we're stopping now, w-we're gonna get you to Berryheart and-!" Before he could even finish speaking Lichenpaw's words cut through like a knife. The warrior visibly flinched in response and he took a step back with a look of abject horror on his face. He longed to tell Lichenpaw how he truly felt, that he wasn't angry at him! But... but it was too late. Any excuse or explanation he longed to give died upon his tongue and his mouth began to feel uncomfortably dry.

No! He didn't have time for this! They needed to get to Berryheart straight away, surely he'd be able to fix the damage that he had dealt. The tom shifted his focus towards Sandpaw as she became his primary concern, but that was a mistake. The snarl is the last warning he gets, and even that comes too late before claws find the tender flesh of his face. A long cut burns the right side of his face, from cheek to brow. It's enough to cause him to rear his head up to avoid further strikes to his face, but he takes the brunt of the blows to his shoulder and chest, and he does so without resistance.

The pain is hot and wild, his blood is soon staining the rocks beneath his paws, but he holds his position. "Lichenpaw... we need to get her to Berryheart. Get her on my back." There's a strain to his tone but he attempts to keep his voice as level as he can. A part of him is expecting resistance to the order but he knows that Sandpaw wouldn't manage the trek home without help, and he held his doubts that Lichenpaw possessed the strength to keep her upright and off her now wounded leg. Slowly he brought his blue gaze back round in order to stare down at them, nothing but regret in his eyes. "Once we're back... I'll tell Howlingstar everything."
  • Crying
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Blood coats Lichenpaw's claws as he slashes, tears, slicing clean through flesh. With every strike, his movements slow, the angry haze begins to dissipate from his vision. No, this isn't... this isn't right. Sunnyday isn't fighting back. Why isn't he fighting back? He was supposed to -- to defend himself, keep attacking them. He can't just hurt Sandpaw and then take it back. Where's the growling warrior that was here a moment ago?

Where is Lichenpaw supposed to put his anger, when Sunnyday keeps looking at him with regret in his eyes?

Lichenpaw backs away, eyes wide. His paws struggle not to slip on the bloodied rocks. He glances down, sees Sandpaw still lying in the sandy clearing. She needs... she needs help, Sunnyday is right and Lichenpaw hates it. Guilt rises up again -- this, too they've failed at, attacking their mentor when even Sunnyday was willing to call off the fight to get help. They are selfish still, prioritizing their own anger over Sandpaw's wellbeing.

There is no victory to be felt in the sight of Sunnyday's bloodied pelt. Lichenpaw's mind is a whirlwind, a cacophony of emotions threatening to explode. But first: Sandpaw. Lichenpaw descends from Sunningrocks wordlessly, moves to help maneuver Sandpaw. They do not question whether Sunnyday can carry her with all the scratches they inflicted. It's better than any plan they could come up with. And he said he'd tell Howlingstar everything, that's -- that's good. Right? Ignore the part about Lichenpaw clawing him up in a fit of rage like an overgrown kit throwing a tantrum.

Choke back his emotions. Leave the anger to fester. There are more important things to deal with, right now.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png

sunnyday's voice cuts through the hazy panic of her mind. nearly fumbling under the weight of his words, he promises to get her to berryheart. sandpaw can only muster a small nod before lichenpaw interjects, voice so cold as he uttered their mentor's name it could almost send a shiver down her spine. rage filled, still high on adrenaline the other apprentice continues with scorching words.

in a flash he is closing the distance to the older cat. stuck in her position she can only watch the onslaught of claws meeting flesh and fur, all unreturned by the yellow furred tom. she can't will her eyes to shut, block it out. by the time lichenpaw is finished, there is blood soaking fur, staining the rocks red once more. despite the new injuries, the warrior shoots orders with a clear mind, but hers is fogging over once again as the distractions to her pain dwindle. lichenpaw descends the rocks once more, this time of his own volition. sandpaw blinks with an increasing slowness as he does. her side moves less rapidly as the beating in her ribcage is reduced to a shallow lull. turning her head, a dizziness captures her, it only lasts for a few seconds however. quickly replaced by a heavy bought of darkness, it's veil too strong to fight. golden gaze flutters shut once more, refusing to open again. the only movement would be the shallow rise and fall of her chest as she fails to fight against the pain.
✦ 𖤓 ✦

  • Crying
Reactions: LICHENPAW ❁

There's little in the way of relief when the assault upon him halts, the pain still burns just as brightly as his obvious failures. It takes a moment before he finds the strength to move his paws and he finds himself slipping on his own blood. It nearly sent him tumbling, but he managed to catch himself before he could come to further harm. At least in a physical sense. In terms of what it did to him mentally it was quite a different case. The last time he had seen so much of himself splattered across the ground it had been on the day of Red Fox's death. The day he took revenge against a rogue and earned the sun-shaped scar marring his side.

With a greater sense of care, he made his way over to Sandpaw before crouching down and working the she-cat onto his back with Lichenpaw's assistance. He didn't like how lax her form had become, was she still conscious? It was a worrying moment and he knew that he had to hurry. No further instruction came from him as he felt that it wasn't necessary, not when they both knew that they needed to reach Berryheart as quickly as possible. And with that he raced away towards camp.



It takes a moment for Lichenpaw to follow after his mentor. Instead he simple watches as Sunnyday takes off with Sandpaw settled upon his back, a trail of blood scattering in his wake. The same blood clings to their own paws, quickly drying into thin fur. He doesn't like the feeling of it at all.

There's a tightness in Lichenpaw's chest, his former anger and panic swirling into a sort of dread. He doesn't want to return to camp. He doesn't want to hear more of Sunnyday's strained words, worrying over the apprentice that he himself hurt. He doesn't want his Clanmates to see the blood on his claws, the scratches marring his mentor's pelt. He doesn't want to go back to training, back to ThunderClan, and act like it's all fine. Like he doesn't feel sick after attacking a cat who did nothing to stop him. Like he feels safe with any of these cats.

Well, except for Basilpaw. His brother is still in ThunderClan. He'd surely search for him, surely follow, if Lichenpaw didn't return. But they know that the both of them made their choice moons ago, and deserters are not looked upon kindly. It's not like leaving would be any better.

Slowly, Lichenpaw moves aching, bloodstained limbs to follow after Sunnyday.


  • // out !!​
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png