pafp HARD ROCK HOTEL『 🌈 』Bug Camp


& dayglow
Jun 20, 2023
It could get a bit samey in the nursery sometimes. But they had a nursery and a father that fed them and licked their heads. Who doesn't have that bugs, and it's not fair and stuff. Rainbowkit watches a buggy... ( they can't remember which one right now ) but its worm-ish and sorta - fuzzy sorta - not with lots of little legs and Rainbowkit doesn't think it has eyes neither. Imagine having no eyes! The buggy is crawling into the nursery, and Rainbowkit thinks about catching it like prey, but bugs weren't prey, so that was silly. Was the bug looking for its own prey? Was it looking to take a nap? Rainbowkit bats the Mr. bug with a paw very nicely, and Mr. bug pauses before moving on. Rainbowkit juts out their lip. " S' got nowhere, " Rainbowkit declares. Nowhere to go. Rainbowkit would fix this easily.

" No-eye wants... uh... a... nursery! Camp! " They say more decisively then, hoping others nearby would see No-eye's plight and help give him a good home. " Ok. Ok. " No-eye is making TONS of demands now. they can't keep up! Rainbowkit tears off some of the moss that made up some of the nursery's nest so they could separate them into more bug - sized portions. Then they'd look up to see another buggy making their way inside. They were getting so popular already! " More! Help! " Rainbowkit demands like the great new entrepreneur he is.

  • OOC: pls wait for @EMBERKIT. :3
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 5 weeks old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

☼—— The golden kitten is rolled onto his back to catch some of the sunlight that fights its way through the nursery entrance—he loves the sun! Loves it lots! His papa is named after it, and so is his sibling, Sunshinekit, and it's the same color as him! Sorta. It's like his friend, and it warms his belly; Emberkit has never known the bite of leaf-bare, not yet, a true summer child. He is almost asleep (almost!) when he hears something and rolls over, blinking sleepy crust out of his eyes, to stare around the nursery for the sound's source. It's Rainbowkit! His brother! Yay! Emberkit is very excited about this, in his own comfortable sort of way (he is very excited about everything, to be honest).

He gets onto wobbly little paws and heads over, his huge cream tail dragging behind him and his small round ears twitching in excited joy. Anything that Rainbowkit wants to do is fun! He peers over his sibling's tiny shoulders, because what are they doing??? Then he whisper-yells, 'cause some other kits might be sleeping, sentences still choppy with learning, "Rain! Making a camp for the buh-bugs? I wanna!" In a fit of kitten-excitement, he doesn't wait for an answer. Emberkit seizes a pebble nearby with one white-splashed paw and plunks it down amidst the clumps of moss, careful not to squish any of their camp's new residents. He declares proudly, "It's a .... a H-H-Highrock!" He's quite pleased with himself, that he remembered the name of the big rock one of the older kits pointed out to him.

  • ooc: sorry this is so late omg
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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It had been a long time since the nursery had been so full. Flamewhisker had been out of the camp when Sunfreckle had his kits, but of course when she heard about it, she had rushed to meet them. She loved every kit in the camp, but Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose were like family to her, so she held their kits a little closer in her heart. As she padded to the nursery to visit them, she could hear a couple of them talking about something named No-eye. Her pelt bristled in alarm, was someone in the nursery?? There was nobody named No-eye here! Her pace quickened, and she stepped into the entrance to the nursery, her gaze scanning the den like a hawk. When this No-eye wasn't found, she looked down confusedly at the pair of kittens.

Between the siblings was a caterpillar, that they had put moss and a rock around. "Is this No-eye?" she would ask, her voice growing softer as she put the pieces together. A mischievous smile started to form on her maw as she recalled their father's fear of bugs. "You've got quite the little set up. I'm sure it feels right at home now."

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