Nov 12, 2023

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    MOJITO; named by his twolegs for his pale white pelt as a kitten —————— potential names.
    despite his small, fragile size, the tufted cloud of white fur displays a level of personality that is almost shocking. from discovery, if not birth, snowkit is shaped by a defiant will to live. stubborn and headstrong enough to challenge any grown warrior and too proud to admit that he's certainly going to lose, never before has skyclan seen such an itty bitty boulder, and they likely never will again.

    — AMAB; cis male, he/him, masc terms ╱ sexuality unknown
    — current kittypet ╱ potentially a future skyclan apprentice?
    — three moons old ╱ will age up on the first of every month
    — created 10.17.23 ╱ repurposed litter application, shift wip
    — penned by @revelations; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST

    banner images credit to tuesday riddell, found here.​
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    Though he began life as a puffed up marshmallow, thorn-point tail and a tiny pink nose, it became readily apparent that he would not remain such for long. His colors linger longer than the size of him does. From pebble to stone and eventually to boulder, and still growing even at his current three months, it is clear that he will dwarf many around him. At least he looks handsome as his colors begin to bloom. His points darken to a soft brown and eventually to a sharp cinnamon, leaving the innards of him to a soft, creamy color. Patches of white seem almost invisible at first, but eventually cut through his markings in a white neck, tail tip, and toes. His underbelly seems dusted with it in places, as if he's eternally belly-deep in snow. Even then, one thing about him never changes: his kitten-blue eyes seem stuck that way forever. A slight addition in vibrancy spills in with time, but he always maintains the same wide-eyed blue stare.
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    In sharp contrast to any gentle name he receives, Mojito will always maintain the citrus tang of his first name. The, "Thanks, I love it," as he throws it over his shoulder kind of child grows into the, "Excuse me, they said no pickles," adult; Snowkit's spine seems to have grown in in a time before disaster. Though he will rarely ever raise his voice, it's not out of a fear of doing so– if anything, he knows that he simply doesn't need to expend the effort. Why bother pushing when you can just hold your ground until the other one relents? Such is the best and worst of Mojito.

    It seems the entirety of him is formed by these contradictions. Things that are good and bad, but never truly neutral. Much like the cat himself. No matter the problem, no matter how terribly any might try to keep him from being involved, he must always have an opinion, a thought, a stance. He cares, deeply so. Maybe too deeply, even love comes from deep in the chest and is filtered through so many layers until it spills out stunted and stubborn.

    mojito will have to be taught to “lie” so to say. as a newcomer he is bluntly honest, even when it is impolite– if he does not like the food, he will tell you. if you’re annoying and he wants you to go away, he will ask. this blunt honesty carries out into anything and everything else, but being told to be polite and respectful will eventually curb it in those aspects.
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    A quietly trusting cat who sees no issue with trusting each and every one of his clanmates, Mojito is rather easy to befriend. Though he can be slightly bossy and headstrong, that often ends up being utilized to the benefit of those close to him. A steadfast backer and an eventual strong apprentice or warrior who will gladly take on a friend's extra work in times of need.
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #ccbfa8

    NPC xx NPC no played littermates | no planned mentor
    TENDS TO AVOID: who?

    PLOT IDEAS subject to change with ic development or my own shifting ideas
    — As an apprentice, I would love for him to have an almost unconventional relationship with his mentor. I would hope to find someone that will both indulge and curb his stubbornness by arguing with him and challenging him, but then shutting him down readily when it gets too far. It will quickly build his respect for them and teach him that however stubborn he is, he still needs to follow the directions of those older and more experienced than he is.
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    my sister says i've a restless soul ╱ restless soul, restless soul ╱ easy to catch, but i'm hard to hold ╱ like a song on the wind that you caught one day ╱ i get under your skin, then i slip away ╱ i'm a map of the world and the ones before ╱ one foot in sea and one on shore ╱ every step, every hope flung high ╱ i'm a map of them all with my irish eyes
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
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